Topic: cant get game to run at all  (Read 1635 times)

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Offline fourteen

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cant get game to run at all
« on: April 24, 2006, 12:12:10 am »
 I cant get the game to run on any of my compters (4) or any version of the game also, all have xp on them, with updated drivers etc all give same error code when it gets to the point of actually entering into the mission. tryed fresh install also, and differnt patches of the game, it used to run fine, noit sure when it stopped running right. ant ideas?

Unhandled Exception! in Version 1.01 Build 534
SFC3.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module d3d8.dll at 001B:6DA4BA2D

EAX=00000000  EBX=00000393  ECX=04DBB7D4  EDX=0149BFE0  ESI=00000400
EDI=01498700  EBP=000003FA  ESP=0012FBDC  EIP=6DA4BA2D  FLG=00210216
CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000

001B:6DA4BA2D (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) d3d8.dll

Offline fourteen

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Re: cant get game to run at all
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 02:41:22 am »
 Well got it to run after i found  a post on the web about same probem, just needed to run it in win 2000 compaity mode. You got to love comters.