Topic: SFC 3 - Some modding questions  (Read 2277 times)

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Offline Overmind

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SFC 3 - Some modding questions
« on: March 24, 2006, 09:34:56 am »
I'm builiding a new mod for SFC 3.
I'm not gonna ask stupid questions like 'how do you add weapons" because I know it's not possible (withpught recompile of source-code to a new .exe).
What I could not figure out...and perhaps you can help me with:
1. How do I change the health of the officers on the ships.
2. Where is the texture of the polaron torpedo (because it's not polaron-torpedo.bmp from Assets/Textures sub-folder)
3. How do I change the intro background image.
4. Where is the texture of the romulan disruptor.
5. How can I extract / edit / rebuild the sprites from sprites.q3 file.

Thank you.

6. I've noticed that Shield Inversion Beam and Ion Cannon Core colors are the same texture.
can those be somehow separated ?
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Re: SFC 3 - Some modding questions
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 11:39:42 am »
1. How do I change the health of the officers on the ships.
In your Loadout.txt file... edit each officer there.
2. Where is the texture of the polaron torpedo (because it's not polaron-torpedo.bmp from Assets/Textures sub-folder)
I've done it before... I'll have to check and get back to you on this one...
3. How do I change the intro background image.
Can't do... it's in the Sprites file... more on this in a line or 2
4. Where is the texture of the romulan disruptor.
It's in there... same answer as number 2
5. How can I extract / edit / rebuild the sprites from sprites.q3 file.
No Touchy Touchy... copyright issues lawsuits and more... treat it like the sfc3.exe... no touchy touchy! lol
6. I've noticed that Shield Inversion Beam and Ion Cannon Core colors are the same texture.
can those be somehow separated ?
I don't believe there the same, but please refer to answer #2 above...

I'll get you some answers once my main system has been deamed virus free......

Offline Overmind

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Re: SFC 3 - Some modding questions
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2006, 11:53:39 am »
The officers HP is the first setting (like 12:10:11) ?

About the Ion/SIB:
Well, when I modified the Ion Cannon Texture, the Shield Inversion Beam turned red inside...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 06:46:18 pm by Overmind »
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