I have a slightly out of date walkthrough in the Dyna server admins forum.
Basically all you need is the serverkit:
ftp://www.dynaverse.net/sfc2_op/server_kits/SFCOPServer2552_B36.zipand MySQL:
http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.htmland the MyODBC connector:
http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/3.51.htmlread about MySQL use and configuration:
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/and a lot of patience.

Get the serverkit working on the flatfile first (update the directory server addresses in it) make sure all the right ports are open etc.
run a serverplatform -install at the command prompt in the location you will run it from. But don't launch the kit from the command line (the scripts security check will fail) either run it by double clicking the exe or using the processsentinel included. (instructions around here somewhere - or I can outline it for you)
Once you have got that far create a database for it in MySQL with the script included in the kit: \Dyna2Xtras\Dyna2OP2552.sql
A "\. C:\path-to-serverkit\Dyna2Xtras\Dyna2OP2552.sql" at the mysql command line client will do it.
Create a system DSN for the database with the ODBC applet in the control panel administrative tools using the MySQL ODBC connector driver. Set it to allow big results and not to cache queries... Test it.
Edit the database.gf to use MySQL and connect to the DSN you created instead of using the flatfile:
UseSQL = 1 // (0) 0 = use flat file, 1 = use SQL
DSN = "YOUR-DSN-NAME-HERE;" // DSN of database to connect to (can be local, shared, over the internet, whatever!)
DumpLog = 0 // 0 = none, 1 = separate files, 2 = one file, 4 = both ways
And off you go!
Join the Dynaverse Server admins membergroup for more info. (that thread in there is outdated though)