
Topic: Thought for the day...  (Read 2003 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Thought for the day...
« on: April 21, 2006, 11:35:46 pm »

- OK big ships have been an issue for a bit, but..
On ,uhmm , really haven't come up with a aname for it yet..the server where all the 5 minor powers are fighting
over the territory of theh Klinks and Feds ...
I intend to have it as a 5 way war, not in theory this woul mean I'd have to find 5 people willing to run races and kinda plan things out
Reality says I might get 2 people willing to do it.

What would people think of a rule that says- ya can fly what you want (DNH/possibly CVA/ no BB's) you can have as many of them on at one time as you have players
-in absolutely no circumstances can you have 2 ships of BCH size (or bigger) wing together
-once you've been killed in PVP (or against AI if you're dumb enoguh to admit it) in your capital ship you can't fly another.
 (ie once your name has been posted on the kill board you can enjoy the fine selection of CB's)

Comments?Theories? Locations of DH so I can starts annoying him about providing free tech support for another of my ideas?

Just trying to think of an amusing way a multi race war can be set up without having to jump through hoops to find 5 people willing to lead.
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2006, 07:43:42 am »

What would people think of a rule that says- ya can fly what you want (DNH/possibly CVA/ no BB's) you can have as many of them on at one time as you have players
-in absolutely no circumstances can you have 2 ships of BCH size (or bigger) wing together
-once you've been killed in PVP (or against AI if you're dumb enoguh to admit it) in your capital ship you can't fly another.
 (ie once your name has been posted on the kill board you can enjoy the fine selection of CB's)

Comments?Theories? Locations of DH so I can starts annoying him about providing free tech support for another of my ideas?

Just trying to think of an amusing way a multi race war can be set up without having to jump through hoops to find 5 people willing to lead.

Doesn't sound too bad so far. But, it will mean the side with the most nutters has the most DNs or BBs.  ;)

Lord Krueg
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2006, 10:15:52 am »
Yes.. but in theory (very very much "in theory")

Without the Feds or Klinks the numbers should spread around a little more
especially if KBF and KHH fly for different races (uhmm did I mention KHH said nasty things about you KBFers? Really, dunno if I'd take that..)
And without any cap ships able to wing together it will never be more than a DN vs a DN
so (again in theory) both sides should have relatively balanced PVP fights.
I'll probably (to much criticism) remove any "super" DN's that can be identified
but tha kinda depends on the time frame (ie I consider the Fed DNL to be unbalanced, but the DNH is Ok)
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Offline Dfly

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2006, 01:57:49 pm »
I like the idea.  It also puts the fact that 3 peops can wing together with BC or smaller and go Dread hunting.  Those guys in Dreads can and most likely will have 2 small wing ships with them but it would be fun to try to take down the Dread anyway.  For that part to work I hope you stipulate something like anyone with the Dread can only be winged by Light Cruiser or smaller(or NCC or smaller) or some such.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2006, 05:14:10 pm »
Comments?Theories? Locations of DH so I can starts annoying him about providing free tech support for another of my ideas?

I'm aorund, just too busy with RL to read thbe forums every day.   PM me if you need anything done.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2006, 07:26:46 pm »
A few reasons why a 5 way is a bad idea.

-Numbers. The F+K would be able to overwhelm any of the other minor races if they cant fly as a team and back one another up in pvp.
-Players flying minor races for a server are stuck in that one race... for the whole server. Boring. Its ok if its a week server, but for such a cool idea, I'd say go for a 2-3 wks.
-Splitting the playerbase up in so many different factions hasnt ever been popular. Its hard enough getting two players to organize opposite sides.

Course... if you can figure out how to overcome those... the idea is solid. I like it.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2006, 08:39:25 am »
I like the idea.  It also puts the fact that 3 peops can wing together with BC or smaller and go Dread hunting.  Those guys in Dreads can and most likely will have 2 small wing ships with them but it would be fun to try to take down the Dread anyway.  For that part to work I hope you stipulate something like anyone with the Dread can only be winged by Light Cruiser or smaller(or NCC or smaller) or some such.

Actually the Battle Cruiser would be restricted in their wings same as the dread, and rightly so since some battlecruisers are equal or superior to some dreads.  You can still get a CCH group together however and that would be more than enough  enough to make an interesting fight, a BCH group would be overkill.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2006, 08:46:53 am »
A few reasons why a 5 way is a bad idea.

-Numbers. The F+K would be able to overwhelm any of the other minor races if they cant fly as a team and back one another up in pvp.

I don't think Hexx plans to include the feds and klinks so not an issue if that is the case

-Players flying minor races for a server are stuck in that one race... for the whole server. Boring. Its ok if its a week server, but for such a cool idea, I'd say go for a 2-3 wks.

most player typically stick mostly with one race anyhow so its not that big of a factor for most.  Perhaps if certain key VCs are acquired that race would be allowed to use some Klingon or fed ships from captured stardocks and shipyards.  These ships could be placed in the shipyard for each race but restricted in use until the proper VCs were taken.  Of course I like the mothball idea you had on this so even if the ships are available they might be a tad out of date, but still useful in many situations, and of course the fed and klink pilots would be more comfortable with them.

-Splitting the playerbase up in so many different factions hasnt ever been popular. Its hard enough getting two players to organize opposite sides.

A legitimate concern here.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2006, 09:54:17 am »
I like the idea.  It also puts the fact that 3 peops can wing together with BC or smaller and go Dread hunting.  Those guys in Dreads can and most likely will have 2 small wing ships with them but it would be fun to try to take down the Dread anyway.  For that part to work I hope you stipulate something like anyone with the Dread can only be winged by Light Cruiser or smaller(or NCC or smaller) or some such.

Actually the Battle Cruiser would be restricted in their wings same as the dread, and rightly so since some battlecruisers are equal or superior to some dreads.  You can still get a CCH group together however and that would be more than enough  enough to make an interesting fight, a BCH group would be overkill.

True, but at least you got the idea.  I had not looked close enough at what can fly together.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Thought for the day...
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2006, 10:03:16 am »
Feds & Klinks wouldn't be available as player races at the start, I'd like to work their ships in either
as mods to the other races shiplists or as an "unlocked" race if certain VP's are achieved, but as usual I've about 16 different ideas on how
to do this and I'm convinced each is cooler than all ther others so..

-BCH and DN's would not be able to fly together, I'm actually thinking of limiting the number of CCH 's that could wing with them as well
(ie you could have 1 DN/BCH , 1 CCH, 1 CW or smaller) I think it'd work better, dunno if it'd be to hard to enforce.

CVA's would (likely) be non flyable, likely would put CVD's in with full fighter squads and count them as DN's/BCH's
(the final upgrade CVAs-=especially plasma are just way to OTT imo)

As for the sides- .. I'm not sure.
I very much like the idea of each race trying to look after their own interests, really I'm not happy with the way it's worked on so many server's
where races like the Gorn/Roms/Whatever are simply used to gain access to their ships with no effort to actually do anything for the race in question. I'd like to keep it set up so that if you want to fly Gorn ships cuz you like the PF's with all hte plasma, you have to protect Gorn space.

The only thing racial leaders tend to do anyway is assign ships and develop some sort of strategy.
With the already mentioned ability to fly one of whatver you want (until you lose it anyway) he ship problem is removed.
Which leaves map VP's-
As mentioned (I think) each of the minor races home territory will be so heavily fortified with such high DV that it will be almost impossible to make any headway whatsoever into it. Fed and Klink space though will have a larger mix of High DV/High VP targets, as well as low DV/low VP targets.
It should (I hope) be possible for a player to sign on and see where he may be needed without the need for some hugely convulted planning.

As for racial leaders- I'm honestly not that concerned/interested. I've seen (especially recently) a few servers seem to stall over launch dates
because "Wait, no one is willing to lead race xxx" If people want to fly a race, and no one wants to do any planing, well hopefull thy'll still have fun flying a few PVP matches anyway.
I also think (hope) by setting it up this way that some of the ramaining groups will split themselves up, there are a few players who despite never really signing up to lead, end up doing that anyway.
If the KBF flies together for a rce, no worries-they have enough people alwas willing to step up
KHH is the same
FSD works well enough as a group
One of those useless Kzin (I think) usually ends up spouting some sort of gibberish about rough plans.
Really the only races that don't have any kind of set leadership I can think of are the Feds,Hydrans and Gorn.

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