Topic: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem  (Read 2106 times)

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Offline Garbage Time

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OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« on: April 21, 2006, 10:43:21 am »
The game crashes whenever I try to choose one of the races for the General Campaign.  Do I HAVE to use the EvilDave missions?

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Re: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2006, 11:29:41 am »
The game crashes whenever I try to choose one of the races for the General Campaign.  Do I HAVE to use the EvilDave missions?

If you are trying to select a cartel, it probably will not work as all the BPVs are set to 999. (Bad idea in my opinion) Are you selecting an empire or a cartel?

Generally Hardcore is intended for direct tcp/ip or gamespy games only. It's pretty much guaranteed to crash a singleplayer campaign or dynaverse server because of what was done to the shiplist. If you want to play a campaign or run a dynaverse server then I'd reccomend using OP+4 as is. There are extremely strict shiplist restrictions on what will work on a singleplayer or dynaverse campaign, Hardcore violates the most basic of these restrictions.

Offline Garbage Time

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Re: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2006, 11:56:57 am »
I was selecting an empire (Klingon--although it happened whatever empire or cartel I selected).

It's a pity...I've tried playing the campaign with the vanilla OP+4.0, and I find I get too great a variation in shiptypes--the Hardcore mod seemed just the thing for me in SP.  Pity it doesn't work :(.

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Re: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2006, 12:04:08 pm »
You could pare down OP+4 to suit your purposes... (use excel).

Just ensure that there is at least one ship of each class type for all races, and more importantly ensure that for every game year the campaign will run there is a ship available for character creation that meets the specifications in If a ship cannot be found in the list that meets the starting ship restrictions in for either human or AI character creation, bad things are sure to happen.

Also, whatever custom shiplist/fighterlist you use, ensure the identical list is present in both \Assets\Specs and in \MetaAssets.

Have you given SFB-OP a try?

Offline Garbage Time

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Re: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2006, 12:06:56 pm »
Nah, I'm not going to do that--too lazy, and I'd be sure to screw it up :).

Decided to make a second installation of OP, with the OP4.0+ Hardcore--this way I can practice against the AI for playing people online in a little bit after I get back into the swing of things.

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Re: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2006, 12:09:32 pm »
Nah, I'm not going to do that--too lazy, and I'd be sure to screw it up :).

Decided to make a second installation of OP, with the OP4.0+ Hardcore--this way I can practice against the AI for playing people online in a little bit after I get back into the swing of things.

It is best to make copies of the main folder and cycle the active copy of OP about the original install folder.
as outlined here:,163365074.0.html

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Re: OP+4.0 Hardcore in singleplayer--having a problem
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2006, 02:33:26 pm »
Hardcore probably wont work in OP whther you choose priates or not since priate appear in most mission scripts.  Hardcore is a PvP mod and best described as a greatly enhanced version of SFC2 (philosophically) using SFC OP as the base program.   Since the Single player scripts in OP are "pirate centric" I would think trying to play SFC OP using Hardcore is going to net a whole mess of errors or problems.

However Older versions of Hardcore did have the pirates at their BPV's.  I think I might have one on my old system but I am not sure it will work promises on that.

I now use the "brute force method" of switching mods.  I recreate my SFC folder for as many mods as I want and then just rename the folder (which takes about 10 seconds) to the proper game folder when I want to play a specific mod.

I have a pristine version of SFC OP set at as my base mod.  Anytime i want to add a mod I load the mod to that then export it out under a new name for future use, renaming a dup;licate "base" mod or any other mod to the "Starfleet Command Orion Pirates" folder name.

This method is the best method for running mods I have found with one uses gobs of disk space.

Not a problem for me since I now have a 250 gb harddrive but thpose with 40 or 80 gig may see the difference.