I hear ya. I'm happy they haven't shelved Trek permanently, but...this...ummm...
1: Kirk and Spock meeting in the Academy. Practically throws the developed character relationships from TOS out the window. Their first deep space mission? So...we're gonna have to watch them as cadets/ensigns get their Captain coffee? Or watch the viewscreen?
2: The sets. Resolution has improved. Production design has changed. They want people to sit through 60's plywood looking sets and low detailed ships for probably at least 90 minutes.
3: Chronicles of Riddick was supposed to be a trilogy...yeah...I think Star Wars owns the space sci-fi trilogy patent. It's the only recent one that's worked. And even it faltered in the prequel trilogy.
Which one is the "new" Obi-Wan? The cannonically Older Alec Guiness Obi-Wan, or the younger Prequel Ewan McGregor Obi-Wan?
I hate to be a naysayer, but I have the same problem with this as with Enterprise. Star Trek is partly about exploring the unknown...I already know how the destinies of Kirk and Spock play out, and their fates. It's time to wind the clock forward again, I guess that's why I'm looking forward to STO so much. 20 years into the future, the AGT era. Once again into the unknown.
These movie(s) are probably gonna suck IMHO.