OK who's this wisearse Han_Solo gallivanting around the map as a Prime pirate in a Rom R-OMH-KK? A warp doubling Rom DN!!!

I just might have to put some kind caveat into the tranfers code to prevent this kind of chicanery. Limiting the wormhole network as discussed will help too... but I have another related project on the go at the moment.
When I noticed this today Han_Solo had 666 missions in...

Economic reports indicate that he will likely win the server for the Coalition singlehandedly! (Prime is #1 at 6210 economic points)
Have to give him credit for thinking of it, I hadn't.
So who is the mastermind?
It looks like something Chuut would do. I'd suspect Krueg but he has 1431 mission in on his account...
Aha, looks like its:
romulansithlord <--- evil genius