Topic: The Forge II - Info and feedback  (Read 60112 times)

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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #180 on: June 27, 2006, 10:14:10 am »
Nope, DNS is fine, looks like the database may have been borked somehow. I haven't backed it up for a while, hopefully I can fix it without a rollback...

and I don't know that it's related but, i logged of the Forge tonite shortly before midnite to transfer and then purchase a new ship  via the webyards etc.  -- went to ISC and bought a BBVz

Exactly how did you do this? You transferred to the ISC and bought a BBVz (cheezorama ;)). Did you transfer back to your original race before the bid came in? (a no-no that I haven't covered in the webmap code yet I think... must check that).

EDIT: looks like your ship came in OK... Something else is awry as I see this error on server shutdown:

09:55:54 Error!: SQL:ADO Exception Code (-2147467259) Unspecified error Source(Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers) Desc(Query-based update failed because the row to update could not be found.)

Hmmmm... I wonder what row? I might have to do some SQL logging to find out.  :(

I think I'll back up the db as it is, then do a standard cleaning and see if that clears the issue.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2006, 10:28:42 am by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #181 on: June 27, 2006, 12:18:44 pm »
Cleaning didn't do it. (though she was pretty dirty...)

I tried completely resetting the database and it still is not listed, so its not a database issue. (Don't worry I have the current database set aside to restore once I get this sorted)

I tried restarting the directory servers. That didn't do it.

I'm stumped. :huh:  I'll look into what might have changed on the network around midnight last night...

Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #182 on: June 27, 2006, 12:35:38 pm »
Hey Bonk -

ThanX for you expertise and your diligence <S> big salute to you -

Just to chime in and answer a question you may already NOT need the answer too, don't know....

I didn't transfer back to klink - i waited patiently after ship purchase (when it says please wait for the shipyard to reload) then went to the webmap index via the lnk...

Hope this helps - though it sounds like maybe not....

Again - many thanX - always fun to figure out a SQL problem ( i used to admin some db's - SQL server 2000, though it's been a long while)

Fingers are crossed that it all comes out ok



Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #183 on: June 27, 2006, 03:05:59 pm »
The Forge is back up and listed on the serverlist again.  :)

I have no idea why it was not listed since ~midnight last night, after troubleshooting, I have restored everything to the way it was yesterday and now it is listed.  :huh:  Ah well, it got a db clean in the process of troubleshooting the problem anyway.

Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #184 on: June 27, 2006, 03:25:33 pm »

ThanX Bonk - I know it's always nicer to not just have the problem fixed, but to know what went wrong.  Chalk it up to the Dyna Gremlins I guess  ;)


+1 Karma for you! (would've given more but gotta wait 12 hours it seems)

Offline Dfly

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #185 on: June 27, 2006, 08:12:18 pm »
I should have posted this earlier but RL kinda got in the way.  In a Convoy Raid Sunday night one of the FED freighters was an X ship.  The ship was the F-FXX, with 2-360 PhaserX.  I am not sure this ship is out of date for the timeline on last Sunday night, but I would bet it was.  This has been my first experience with an X ship showing up on this server this round.

Offline KHH_Mrogue

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #186 on: June 27, 2006, 09:10:01 pm »
I am having a few X-ships show up (0-LX) and I can't get a name of a mission since all it says at the end is Patrol...  no mission name.  Sorry Bonk!?!

Offline KBF Soth

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #187 on: July 04, 2006, 05:41:05 pm »
Congrats to the Coalition.Your affinity for dropping bases on every hex you take for use as a block has made me resign from this server.Enjoy
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #188 on: July 04, 2006, 10:25:02 pm »
Bases will be considerably more expensive for the next run. (50 days left in this run) Still too close to stock pricing on this run.  :-[

Might also put in a Stargate/Wormhole network on the webmap for the next run, where you can transport to any location on the map for a price in PP.  ;)  Actually, I might start testing that out before this run is over.

Shouldn't be too long till we get started on SGO6 where pricing will be what folks are used to for a "serious" server. So don't go too far!

Offline KBF-Standarte

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #189 on: July 05, 2006, 09:41:59 am »

Might also put in a Stargate/Wormhole network on the webmap for the next run, where you can transport to any location on the map for a price in PP.  ;)  Actually, I might start testing that out before this run is over.

Wormhole!  Great!  Any advance indication of how this will function?  Nice innovation...

Offline Farfarer

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #190 on: July 05, 2006, 05:58:56 pm »
Wait until you see the mandatory Evil Bonk "Wormhole Guardian" mission.

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #191 on: July 05, 2006, 11:30:11 pm »
Congrats to the Coalition.Your affinity for dropping bases on every hex you take for use as a block has made me resign from this server.Enjoy

as i was responsible for doing that as a way to slow down your rate of return to gorn planets.....i c no reason for you to get upset,as it is a legitimate you can get more of the slower missions.
              a problem that is solved by winging up with another player very easily....sorry to see you leave,it was actually fun to see if you were able to take back the planets.......if the alliance is not getting enough players on,why gripe at a tactic that forces you to reconsider a particular target or get a wing.  some pvp action would be nice in between hex flipping   
            hope you come back Soth  players like you are far and few between  :)

Offline KBF Soth

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #192 on: July 06, 2006, 05:41:08 pm »
I'm not upset at anyone here is my reason:
Since better than 9 times out of 10 the base in the base assult mission is a top Starbase with fighters.For the price,the option of a Starbase is @say 4K,hell of a deal I say.I wouldn't crab if you actually had bought starbases or if the mission put a battlestation in, which is really what was puchased instead of stabase, I would have no gripes.Also most of the time I've been on it's me against 4 or 5 coalition pilots,I have to abandon the area and go elswhere till I could come back and deal with 1 or 2 BB instead of 3 or 4.So there ya go .....not grumpy,I will return just not to forge .......for this run anyway.Have fun and good hunting.
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Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #193 on: July 06, 2006, 10:29:24 pm »
I'm not upset at anyone here is my reason:
Since better than 9 times out of 10 the base in the base assult mission is a top Starbase with fighters.For the price,the option of a Starbase is @say 4K,hell of a deal I say.I wouldn't crab if you actually had bought starbases or if the mission put a battlestation in, which is really what was puchased instead of stabase,

<S> KBF-Soth,

It's interesting that you mention this, as this was my experience as well.  I can't say 9 outta 10 times, cuz i gave up on base assaults after fewer than that :D  but I did notice this.  Of course, yesterday I flew with KHH Mrogue and LordKrueg in a Base Assault and it actually was a base station.... I had just finished ranting a little about the anomoly you describe and had to eat a slice of humble pie....  second base assault of the nite did actually have a full on SB with fighters.... still took it out, but you definitely need AT LEAST one additional wing

Since your oh so recent retirement from the Forge, it's lost a bit of it's charm as now it's pretty much a rout....

Big <S> to both you and Kazz for singlehandedly flying over 90% of Alliance missions as the most worthy LIzards adversaries!!!!  (Figures you're both KBF ;)


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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #194 on: July 07, 2006, 06:17:12 am »
Bonk ....  Would it be possible to do a team chat in the game like race chat .... /Join Alliance ... /Join Coalition

Being able to switch races like you can, then we would still be able to chat all together. Especially for people w/o TS or VT. 

Just wondering and thought I'd ask ...  :huh:
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

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Offline TraumaTech

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #195 on: July 07, 2006, 08:56:03 am »

I wouldn't crab if you actually had bought starbases

 i bought the best bases that have been available in the shipyard....although i have only been on for past few weeks,i have yet to see a starbase in the shipyard to buy.i have even checked the webmap(lyran shipyard) and still don't see a starbase to buy,which i would have if it was available  :(    i understand your frustration at being slowed down, and as mentioned above with you and kaz flying 90% of alliance missions i sympathize with so little support from your alliance brethern.i hope you do come back(u and kaz as well as the few pilots that were on there).
        maybe those other so called alliance Pilots(NOT!!!!) will invest a little time and support the honourable warriors that did show up to play.i SALUTE you all SIRS,for your dedication to the game   :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #196 on: July 07, 2006, 10:22:43 am »
Sorry to see ya go, Soth. I felt the same way a few weeks ago about the number of alliance bases, but after finding the right ship, and wing (me and wing) took out 6 bases in less than an hour. I was actually hoping to run the alliance into bankruptcy because of all the bases they we're buying, but the alliance stopped the practice soon after.

No doubt they didn't want to give us ideas.
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #197 on: July 07, 2006, 04:16:52 pm »
Some time ago, due to complaints, I did dramatically reduce base construction probablities. They should be relatively rare in the yards now. No one has been able to get the serverkit to build starbases for a number of builds now (only battle stations and base stations), that is on the list of fixes after stability under load is addressed. The only base assault mission on The Forge is the stock one (Met_7BaseAssault.scr), and on admiral difficulty setting it seems to be generating a starbase all the time from what people are saying. Next run I'll rpobably replace it with a series of Dave's base assault missions which are more specific to the base type.

A wormholes page will be up for testing soon...

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #198 on: July 07, 2006, 09:07:26 pm »
Wormhole!  Great!  Any advance indication of how this will function?  Nice innovation...

Like so: The Forge Wormhole Network (also linked from the webmap index now)

This is a test flight of the concept, please report any issues, comments.

You must be logged off the server for it to work. (I have yet to add a check in the wormhole script to make sure you aren't logged in - I need look up some stuff in the kit source first though). And like the webyards, the forums account email used must match the email for the gamepy account associated with the character.

It will ask for a destination hex, which when submitted will proceed to a confirmation page with additional details where you can confirm or cancel entering the wormhole.

It will cost 100 PP per hex and will work from/to any hex on the map. I may restrict it to only work from/to friendly planets and bases in the future, based on feedback.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, there's a 1% chance the wormhole will collapse in transit and you will be transported to a random location on the map!  :o  Which based on feedback, I may modify to being a 10% chance of being off by just one or two hexes from the desired destination instead...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 09:39:25 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge (2nd run) - Info and feedback
« Reply #199 on: July 07, 2006, 09:15:18 pm »
Bonk ....  Would it be possible to do a team chat in the game like race chat .... /Join Alliance ... /Join Coalition

Being able to switch races like you can, then we would still be able to chat all together. Especially for people w/o TS or VT. 

Just wondering and thought I'd ask ...  :huh:

Not currently possible as far as I know. I have tried before and failed. Something to add to the list of things to look for in the kit source.