Hey bonk, i was looking at the webmap in IE just now (campus machine), and noticed that the hex descriptions show up correctly as oppossed to at home on firefox, why is that?
Mozilla (Firefox) will only display a single line image "title" attribute and replace newlines with a little black box, IE will display a multi line image title attribute. And I think Firefox will not display an image "alt" attibute text as a popup at all... been a while since I looked at that, but its been something that has been bothering me for ages now.
I could use javascript to make it work properly and prettily in both browsers but I absolutely refuse to use javascript. You can blame Lepton.

A few years back in early versions of the webmap, stuff would not work for Lepton and a few others as they had javascript disabled. So I stripped all javascript from the webmap pages and swore off of it forever. (why I think AJAX is a load of crap as well, though it would really come in handy for that other project I'm working on... its perfect actually...). I just will not use javascript as the user can disable it and then things will not work. If something is going to work reliably in a web application it must be done serverside completely and only output dumb html. (though SMF is pretty dependent on javascript...

) Or one can write a client application of their own... think ACSIII

http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/objects.html#edef-IMGhttp://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/global.html#titlehttp://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/objects.html#alternate-textMozilla (firefox) treats alternate text as exactly that, to be displayed only when the image cannot. Thus I have used the title attribute.
The webmap uses a title attribute on the image at the front of the z-index of the style attribute of the layered transparent gifs as a compromise for these considerations.
You will notice that the webmap loads slower in IE, this is because the content is sent to the browser compressed, IE does not handle this nearly as gracefully as Mozilla.
I searched the web quite a bit when working on that and settled on this compromise. Perhaps I'll eventually come up with a better solution. I still like Firefox better for the graceful handling of compressed content, the ability to render 24 bit pngs with transparency (something I removed from the webmap so IE could handle it) and overall standards compliance.
There is an interesting related discussion here:
http://extensionroom.mozdev.org/more-info/popupaltI used the title attibute because it displays in both browsers, but mozilla cannot handle mutliline titles...
The last post on this thread describes exactly what you are observing:
http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum83/7889.htmThis one really drives me nuts, and I refuse to resort to javascript/dhtml.