RSE D'Pvash Class D-Type Heavy Cruiser (Starbird)
Owner : Romulan Star Empire
Class : Heavy Combat Vessel
Availability : Limited deployment
In Service : 2379
Out of Service : n/a
In 2366 the Tal Shiar received reliable intelligence that the Federation had developed a heavy
escort capable of incredible speeds and heavy on armament and armor. This created quite a stir
in the organization, as a warship in the hands of the Federation represented both a threat to
the empire and a possible shift in Federation policy. At the time, the Romulan secret service
was involved in creating a secret fleet for it's own use, and after the Senate decided to aid
the Federation in the development of the escort, a decision was made by the Tal Shiar leadership
to develop a similar vessel to counter this new threat. The design was christened the D'Pvash,
and would eventually represent three different vessels for use by the secretive political
This vessel was the second of three variants of the D'Pvash series of ships. This ship was
designated the D-Type Starbird, and continues in service today, abiet in secret.
This vessel can match the Galaxy in menuverability, exceeds it in armor and sheilding, but is inferior in firepower and speed. This ship is also equipped with the most advanced damping cloak
that the empire posesses, as well as ablative plating added to all pure warships in the Romulan
Author : ModelsPlease
Concept: Raven Night
Model and textures: LC Amaral
Model and texture tweaks: Raven Night
Hp's/Dp's : ModelsPlease
Scalling : ModelsPlease
SFC 1 and SFC 2 EAW/OP Conversions : ModelsPlease
Length : 478m
Decks : 19
Crew : 315
Weight: 3.47 MMT's
Max Warp: 9.65
1 x Dual Torpedo tube/heavy disruptor, quickload, fore
1 x Heavy disruptor, quickload, fore
4 x Heavy quick charge disruptors (wings)
4 x Light short range cannons (dorsal and ventral, one each)