If your question concerns on-line play, using the military network to connect, I can understand your reluctance to post. SFC has a history of issues when being played from behind a router, we could post enough generic instructions that you, and your computer people on station, should be able to adapt that to let you online (if that's approved by command).
If your questions concern SFC / Hardware interaction, and you're playing on a system of your own (personal laptop), then post away, there are no problems with posting about purely personal questions even though you're on a military installation.
If your asking about a SFC / Hardware issue and are playing on a military computer, we could try to help as much as possible, as you aren't able to post system specs which could be key. The gang here will probably cite their fixes used for various hardware combinations though, and you could pick the one that's most appropriate.
If the questions are just about the campaigns themselves, ask away...
