Topic: So am I the first to think of this? WD and Hig combo TMP 1701 for SFC2  (Read 2133 times)

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First of all, yes, I'm still working on DTW's damage textures.  But in collecting ships, I downloaded Hig's retexture of p81's 1701 and WillardDecker's relighting of p81's 1701.  And I started thinking.

I liked Hig's retexture a *lot*, and I liked the relighting a *lot*, and they're the same ship... and.. and.. well, see for yourself.

I think they look beautiful together, don't you?  I had to tweak a few things.. the impulse engines I had to redo from WD's retexture to Hig's.. and I redid the garden a little bit to make the trees look a little more like trees, but basically there you go.

If Hig and Willard don't mind (and I'll not do this without their permissions), I wouldn't mind releasing this puppy for everyone, and will do a SFC 3 version of 'er too (to be released after DTW's).  How does that sound?  


  • Guest
Well, I think it's a great idea!



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sweet!!!... hey, where did you get those funky "liquid" shield textures??????  


  • Guest
Looks good, Alec.
