Topic: Minotaur Class - NX-2220 Federation DNF (RELEASED SFC2/OP)  (Read 4954 times)

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Re: Minotaur Class - NX-2220 Federation DNF (RELEASED SFC2/OP)
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2006, 11:56:24 pm »
Yeah they all speak true. I've released ships and received no feed back at all from it, but when I see it downloaded even 1 time. At least I know someone is enjoying it, and that is the bottom line as to why we do this. We love it.  ;D

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Re: Minotaur Class - NX-2220 Federation DNF (RELEASED SFC2/OP)
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2006, 05:03:59 pm »
heheh i love all this feedback :D ideas for imporvements are a great thing IMO, thanks for all of it :)

Mapping tutorial would be GREAT cause it wouldnt just help me itd help everyone, thanks marky :)

oops i said max *shrugs* i meant milkshape :lol: i cant find a low version of max... just 7 <_<

Thanks again :)
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

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Re: Minotaur Class - NX-2220 Federation DNF (RELEASED SFC2/OP)
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2006, 01:16:52 am »
Was surprised the site was still there after all these years.

This is where I learned the basics from it covers them more for a FPS game but imagine the shape as a Starship and not a humaniod and you will have it.

Click Here!
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