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Topic: What's a Girl's Best Friend?  (Read 9393 times)

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2006, 11:19:13 am »
Test server will go up in 3-4 weeks depending on if SS3 is ready or not.

<slaps chess clock>

OK!   We're timing you!

(Looking forward to it!)

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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: SG VI: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2006, 02:19:17 pm »
Interesting deal with the ISC there...

So you're saying that the N-ISC's going to share a shiplist with the Gorn while the "regular" ISC's going to be a "standalone" race that won't be playable from day 1?

Enquiring Veltrassi want to know...

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Offline GDA-Agave

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2006, 02:23:18 pm »

Technically, the ISC will share the Gorn slot in the shiplist for the Allaince while the Coalition will use the ISC race. The Gorn arn't much populated anywhos, so there shouldnt be an issue especially with web based shipyards. Shipyard clutter wont matter.

Oh, sure, pick on us because we don't field lots of pilots.   And, AND, we certainly don't have any of those "anywhos".   The grinch came through here eons ago and cleaned out all the "whos".    And.........shipyard clutter DOES matter.   I wouldn't want to have to deal with it anymore than any other pilot.

I'll be lurching.   8)
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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2006, 03:09:35 pm »
Here is another snippet of storyline on the ISC:

************Notice to all sentient species of the Alpha Quadrant************

Stardate: 2275.001 (or something)

"A peaceful, harmonious and well ordered universe is the right of all sentient species. Civilizations collapse when this right is violated in even the most trivial of fashion and therefore it must be protected at ALL costs. Peace, order and good government shall be the foundation for which all shall prosper. Protection of peace through use of force, occupation of the neutral zone, and equal pacification is guaranteed.

Surrender to the will and law of the Interstellar Concordium. Lay down your weapons and dismantle your military and supporting infrastructure. Embrace peaceful coexistence with fellow races. Failure to do so will result in immediate and forceful pacification.

Our military police boats are now standing by to take over spacial control of your borders and capitols and to insure your protection from all aggressors be them foreign or domestic. We thank you for your compliance".

- ISC Mandate transmitted to all Alpha Quadrant Races.

Yeah, this sounds about right.  :drinkinsong:

    The ISC invasion of Romulan space then took place in Year 176. A week later the invasion of Gorn space was planned
(Amarillo Design Bureau - CAPTAIN'S MODULE C2), but never happened. Instead, that part of the ISC Navy defected and instead allied with the Gorn. This splinter group of ISC consists nearly entirely of the member races Pronhoulites and Korlivilar. The Pronhoulites, a reptilian race, are distantly related to both the Gorn and the Hilidarians (the latter are a subject Klingon slave race). The Korlivilar, a feline race, have a lot in common in general appearance with the Lyrans and Mirak. It’s possible that the racial similarities had some key role in their exclusive decision to join with the Alliance. A few of the other ISC member races, Veltressai, Q'Naabian, and Rovillians also joined them. They call themselves the NISC or New Interstellar Concordium.

The NISC that allied with the Gorn took with them nearly half of the entire ISC Navy, support ships and personnel minus their bases and yards. This doesn’t seem much of an issue, as the NISC are busily modifying and refitting Gorn bases and space docks to accommodate their resupply and repairs. Preparations are already under way for naval constructions yards being placed alongside Gorn yards for NISC ship construction.

The true motivation for the ISC and NISC separation are unknown. High level clandestine meetings took place between the Pronhoulites and Gorn and also between the Korlivilar and Lyrans/Mirak shortly prior to the N/ISC breakup, but all the NISC fleet remains confined to Gorn space at present.

The NISC agenda is militarily distinct from that of the ISC largely due to the Pronhoulites making up most of the NISC fleet. Being overly militant and aggressive they no doubt share many qualities with the Gorn and as such have quite opposite views from the ISC’s mandate. And as such, the NISC have declared all Gorn space a protectorate and have vowed to defend it and their Alliance allies.

In response, the ISC have reconsidered their invasion of Romulan space a mistake and have made reparations to the Romulans in the way of raw resources. The ISC then signed a treaty with the Coalition bringing with it the possibility not only of civil war between the N/ISC, but escalating a conflict of the alpha quadrant races into what could become a full blown general war.

Technically, the ISC will share the Gorn slot in the shiplist for the Allaince while the Coalition will use the ISC race. The Gorn arn't much populated anywhos, so there shouldnt be an issue especially with web based shipyards. Shipyard clutter wont matter. Also I'm not sure at what date the ISC or their splinter faction will be playable.

The I-S-C did what!!  :huh:  What the *#*#* is this?  ISC races fraternizing with Gorns?  They are actually using their bases?  :smackhead:

You want to know what the Meskeen think about that!!  :rant:

Those N-ISC weenies can take their traitorous agenda and file it in the nearest gaseous nebula.  :P :P

Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG VI: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2006, 11:12:26 pm »
Now that's the idea, Karnak!

Julin, dunno 'when' the NISC will be playable in the Gorn list. And to that end, I'm not sure at what point the ISC will be playable as a race on the coalition. If you look at J'inn's old idea of a galactic one server general war, the Mirak and lyrans start off with the klinks followed by the hydrans a few years later, then you have the feds and roms and gorn followed lastly by the ISC. All this would happen spread out over a number of years. In this fashion, certain races wouldnt be playable for days. How much fun is that? It's canon, but would it be fun?

I'm not sure what the answer is gonna be nor exactly what year the server will start in.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2006, 11:20:29 pm »

Technically, the ISC will share the Gorn slot in the shiplist for the Allaince while the Coalition will use the ISC race. The Gorn arn't much populated anywhos, so there shouldnt be an issue especially with web based shipyards. Shipyard clutter wont matter.

Oh, sure, pick on us because we don't field lots of pilots.   And, AND, we certainly don't have any of those "anywhos".   The grinch came through here eons ago and cleaned out all the "whos".    And.........shipyard clutter DOES matter.   I wouldn't want to have to deal with it anymore than any other pilot.

I'll be lurching.   8)

I'm thinking of F/H/M/R vs K/L/G/I. So you'd be playing coalition. But it may be necessary to also swap the hydrans and lyrans due to player numbers. We will see on that one. I'd like to have the Hydrans on the coalition anyway to help counterbalance the magic photons. As for shipyard clutter, if you cant find the ship you want, logoff, alttab out to the desktop, login to the web based shipyards, purchase the ship you want (they are all listed) and then log back on and you should have your ship next cycle. So imo, shipyard clutter wont matter. But I'll still be trimming the gorn list as much as possible to make it as smooth an operator as can be since the NISC will share it.

As far as your player numbers, didnt mean to rattle your scales, but why dont you surprise me?

Offline GDA-Agave

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2006, 09:04:15 am »
I'm thinking of F/H/M/R vs K/L/G/I. So you'd be playing coalition.

Wait a minute.   If the Gorn and ISC are gonna be on the same side, why go through the trouble of mixing in the ISC ships in the Gorn shiplist?  Are you talking about 2 different things here?  Or is the NICS just a conceptual idea right now?

As for shipyard clutter, if you cant find the ship you want, logoff, alttab out to the desktop, login to the web based shipyards, purchase the ship you want (they are all listed) and then log back on and you should have your ship next cycle. So imo, shipyard clutter wont matter. But I'll still be trimming the gorn list as much as possible to make it as smooth an operator as can be since the NISC will share it.

Yes, I understand the whole web-based shipyards.   I was just making a point so that you would take an extra look or two at the combined shiplist so that it would not just look like a big mess.   Thank you.

As far as your player numbers, didnt mean to rattle your scales, but why dont you surprise me?

Hey, the Gorns are just going through another momentary lull of pilots.   We will persevere.   We always have.   WE ARE THE BRUCE!!

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2006, 04:49:42 pm »

The roms and gorns are on opposite sides. Whether the gorn play as coalition or the roms depends... But the one on the alliance will get a shared list with the ISC.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2006, 10:34:31 am »
I have a 4-foot boner thinking about this server.   Training sessions start next week!!   ;D

Um, do we have an Alliance RM? (NOT Volunterring . . . )
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2006, 10:51:24 am »
Depends on the sides.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #50 on: June 23, 2006, 11:28:53 am »
How would the Hydrans feel about flying alongside the Lyrans as allies for one server. Granted, the ESG/Hellbore interaction wouldnt take place, but there are only a few Hydran players this go around. I think It'd be a good change. And it may go a long way to fix the player numbers. Soreyes has stated to me he intends to fly coalition as a klink droner anyway and he's a huge nutter and chuut is gonna be busy half the server. So there are just a few left equal to that of the hydrans, it's a fair trade.

So the final sides would be F/H/L/G Vs. K/R/I/M. If this is the setup and the hydrans flyu alongside the Feds, I cant justify the ISC civial war where they will share the Gorn race and be playable as alliance as well as coalition cuz I dont want PPD/Hellbores and Photons on the same side. Too much vs just PPD. Alternatively... In addition to the Hydrans being playable as alliance, I might have the Mirak/Klinks have conquered enough of the Hydran colonies to warrant Hydrans ships sharing the mirak race in a subservient conquered role... That way the Coalition wouuld have the same PPD/Hellbore combination they had last server. Then the ISC civil war would be able to happen and they'd show up in the Gorn race at late era date



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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2006, 12:08:47 pm »
You can't have K and M on the same side. Fed droners suck at flipping and they don't come out til later.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #52 on: June 23, 2006, 02:28:49 pm »
Ok, Im really trying to get the hydrans to play on the allaince this server. But the lyran player numbers are a big problem. If I cant solve that, then we may have a F/L/M/G or R Vs K/I/H/R or G. It still will be different even if we end up with the same sides as SG5 cuz we are using a unique map setup and the roms or gorns, whicher is on the alliance team will be sharing some isc.

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #53 on: June 23, 2006, 11:00:55 pm »
in which way are the Lyran numbers a big problem?  Are we too many? too few?  we have less than 6, most likely only 3 or 4 that would put any total time in.  I myself play a great many races and usually try to fly for the weaker or smaller side.  Just as an example, last server, the Pirate one, we had our Lyran pilots spread out over 4 races of the starting 8.  If you think we need to stick as Lyrans only to balance it, let us know.  If you feel we are too many, we can diversify if needed.  Let us know.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Dilithium Crystals are a Girl's Best Friend
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2006, 12:10:53 am »
Well, if there's a really bad numbers imbalance I'll stop the server so we can figure it out. But if Lyrans are anything like they were on SG5, they will have a bigger impact than you think.

I'm working on the map with Scipio so I'll let you all know soon what the story is on the sides.

