I've posted this on four forums and they all ask me what you just asked me..

Which is flattering beyond words but here is the real problem folks..
I know abselutely NOTHING about making ships work in Bridge Commander!
I mean sure.. Of course I've tried to re-do the Angelfire low poly but that failed miserably over and oooover again..
Keep in mind everybody that I am just a Startrek roleplayer who taught himself how to make ships in 3d max..
I make them pretty on the outside but hellafied sloppy on the inside! which is why the poly count is always horrific!!!
Then theres incoperating the damn thing into the BC program which is yet another thing I'm abselutely blithering sssstupid to..
I mean I have no idea how to even begin.. some of you kind folks have givin me a push by pointing me at certain software that helps do this but when I open the stuff I sit there with a slack jawed look on my face like cousin Cleatus wonderin how dat stoff wurks!!
I mean ok. ok.. I'm a decent 3d max7 artist now.. KEWL!! I'm glad some of you think I rock!
But really tho, holms.. I am new to this BC mod stuff..
A friend from my Startrek forums saw my work and said.. HEY DON! Why don't you make your ships in Bridge Commander..
I sat there with that paused look on my face, Blinking away like I just got asked an algebra question..
He told me to post on these BC mod forums and show everyone my work so that maybe one of you would step up and do it..
I had no idea I'd be expected to figure it all out..

I'm just reallllllly hopin you'll put me outta my misery and do the angelfire for me.. I've seen your work too, Marky and daaaamn..
You kick arse and leave a foot print!! Maybe you could kick a lil arse for the Angelfire?

The bridge is awsome...
If you can model so well.. why do you need somebody else to make it for BC? Why not just do it yourself?