Topic: RSE Pvor class Starbird ready for conversion...details inside  (Read 1139 times)

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Offline Raven Night

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Ok, here is the is a capital ship, about equal to a Galaxy class in firepower and shielding, not as fast, much more menuverable though. It has armor that is about equal to a Neghvar...weak for a Romulan ship, but this ship is much faster than most Romulan ships in it's was built for speed.

Here are the pics and the info, I'll send links to the ship to Starforce and Modelsplease with the Readme inside.

Note: there are three texture sets for this ship, plus the original TGA's by Scotchy. I made a green set for a TNG version, Bluish for a Dominion war version, and finally a darker green version for the post-TNG era. The dark version is the default set, with the new Romulan symbol. The others have the old symbol on the wings and head.


RSE Pvor class Starbird



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Raven Night

Owner : Romulan Star Empire
Class : Heavy Cruiser (Capital ship)
Availability : Limited deployment
In Service : 2364
Out of Service : n/a (two refits)

Concept: Raven Night
Model and textures: Scotchy
Model and texture tweaks: Raven Night
Hp's : ****ADD NAME HERE****
SFC 1 and SFC 2 EAW/OP Conversions : ****ADD NAME HERE****

In 2359 The Tal Shiar received reliable intelligence that the Klingon Empire was
developing a new capital ship. This information, coupled with the intel that
indicated the Federation was deep in development on multiple anti-Borg designs,
prompted the senate to reauthorize the Starbird class of cruisers for design
and deployment.

A prototype was ready for testing in 2365, but was found to be lacking in the
manner of speed. Focused redesign was initiated, and a new speedy cruiser was
ready for deployment by 2370.
This vessel was designed to hold it's ground against the new capital ships the
Klingon Empire intended to deploy, while matching the Federation starships speed
and menuverability. Though it did not meet expectations, the Senate was satisfied
with the tests and deployed the ship in small numbers.

This ship is unique for a Romulan ship in a few distinct ways. First, it has very
little storage space, limiting it's operational range. Second, it has lighter
weaponry than most ships in it's class. What it lacks in both of these areas it
makes up for in a big way, especially for a capital class Romulan vessel...speed
and menuverability. This ship can easilly keep pace with all but the fastest
Federation capital vessels. Shielding is strong, as with most RSE ships, but
armor is limited.

Two separate refits, one in 2374 for the Dominion war (hull and armor upgrades)
and another to extend the mission capabilities of the vessel in 2379 (system and
hull upgrades to enhance range and cloak abilities) will keep this vessel
operating far into the 25th century.

Length : 998m
Decks : 18
Crew : 646
Weight: 3.14 MMT's
Max Warp: 9.85

1 x Dual Plasma Torpedo tube/heavy disruptor, fore (nose)
2 x Heavy disruptors, fore (ventral pods)
1 x Heavy disruptor, aft
1 x Medium disruptor, aft
4 x Medium disruptors, quickload, fore (lateral wing edge)
2 x Light short range disruptors (dorsal)
2 x Light short range disruptors (ventral)

« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 10:49:18 am by Raven Night »
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Offline ModelsPlease

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Re: RSE Pvor class Starbird ready for conversion...details inside
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2006, 11:54:21 am »
I'll still need ..................

2) A History for the Pvash.
4) And your permission to release the Maveq.

That's all I'm waiting on  ;)


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.