
Topic: Osiris-Class LC  (Read 9492 times)

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Offline AlchemistiD

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Osiris-Class LC
« on: April 08, 2006, 12:39:10 am »
Hello everyone.

A while ago, Kreeargh built an Osiris Model.  He used Reddragon's Dawnstar textures to put some clothes on her, and turned her over to me.  Since then I've been tinkering with the textures, a little thing here, a little thing there, hoping that the little things would eventually add up.  I think she's pretty much as ready for release as I can get her at my level of skill (I am "t3h suxx0r" at drawing Aztec).  I've made the Deflectors and bussard swirls from scratch, the warp foils are from something I screwed with, when I was messing around with the stock FDD textures (they began life as a sprite from a map in Sonic the Hedgehog 2).

The registry USS Neversail NCC-0000 is a fake/prototype registry I'm using to figure out where all the hull markings will go.  I'm going to make several alternate registries for each of the Osiris-Class ships (though I think I might keep the Neversail registry for mine ^_^)  I've still a couple things left to do.  As well as finishing the Ship info.

Here is what I've got so far for the Osiris info.

The Osiris-Class Light Cruiser was launched in 2385 to replace the venerable Miranda Class, and the Sabre-class.  Even moreso as Deep-Space probe ships designed to fill out Starfleet's presence in the Gamma Quadrant.  These craft are built to handle just about any situation.  Despite their relatively small size, Osiris-Class postings are sought after because of the pure exploration these ships were designed for.

Initially versitile craft, a number of design defects existed with the original five ships.  These defects were eliminated with the second group.  The first group underwent significant refits to bring them to the newer ship's specs.  These ships noteworthy capabilities include the following as of 2395.

Starship separation:  Initially, the saucer sections of these craft were designed to serve as life-boats in case of a catastrophe in the stardrive section.  As of the second group and the 2395 refit however, both the primary and stardrive sections were made fully functional.  The improved stardrive even deploys forward and aft phaser banks mounted on her engine support pylons, one refit designer's nod to the Defiant-Class.  The massive impulse engine in aft of the saucer was converted to a shuttlebay as well after the fitting of two seperate engines on the saucer, by a rather amused Starfleet Corps. of Engineers (the empty space the Impulse engine once occupied carried a tiny electrical charge).
Multiphasic Adaptive, Temporal, and Psychic (barrier) shielding:  In response to the frequency of starships travelling through time, the scientists at Starfleet R&D have researched ways of shielding ships from events, energies, or anomalies that may cause or facilitate time travel.  The Barrier shielding was pioneered by the USS Enterprise-E when the ship had no choice but to hide within the Galactic Barrier from the gaseous entities known as the Calamarain.  The neural gel-packs channel the psychic energy of the Barrier into the shields.
Secondary-Craft:  The Osiris-Class lacks a captain's yacht, but each carries one prototype Los-Angeles Class Runabout, as well as type 14 shuttlecraft, and a Delta Flyer/Stability Class Shuttle.  (Had to MarkyD, you 'da man)

USS Osiris NCC-82595- Completed in 2385, the pathfinder of her class. 
USS Lexicon NCC-82606- Completed in 2385.  Assigned to joint exploration in the Klingon Frontier alongside IKS D'ktan in 2390.
USS Exeter NCC-83214- Completed in 2387, fourth Starship to bear the name.  Crew was killed by Zodan nanocites and she was captured in 2398.  Scuttled by the USS Stargazer.
USS Woglinde NCC-83220- Completed in 2387.  Participating in transwarp experiments in 2399.
USS Revere NCC-84350- Completed in 2389, fifth Starship to bear the name.  Assigned to the Orion arm frontier in 2390.  Assigned to Gamma Quadrant as of 2395.  Encountered the remains of the collapsed Interstellar Concordium in 2396, initiated diplomatic contact between the Interstellar Commonwealth and the Federation.
First of the first group of Osiris-Class ships to undergo refits to bring them up to the second groups specifications in 2395. 

USS Stargazer NCC-86428- Completed in 2394, third Starship to bear the name.  Assigned to Gamma Quadrant.
USS Miyazaki NCC-87041- Completed in 2395.  Commanded by Ambassador Seran.  Assigned as a support cruiser to Deep Space 20, rimward in the Orion arm.  Assisting in the study of a sentient star, and providing humanitarian aid in the sector.
USS Daedalus NCC-87117- Completed in 2396, third Starship to bear the name.  Assigned to investigate an artificial "ringworld" in Gamma Quadrant.  Stationed there alongside the Luna-Class USS Deimos and the Akira-Class USS Jupiter.
USS Horizon NCC-87325- Completed in 2397, third starship to bear the name.  Assigned to Hydran Frontier with the Galaxy-Class USS Atlantis, the USS Galaxy, and the Sovereign-Class USS Balmung.


Here are some shots of her in dock, thought it was an appropriate place to take them while I'm stil working on her.
So...what do you think?  Is there any way she could fill the Miranda's shoes for the Post TNG/STO era?

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2006, 06:06:23 am »
You got a few spots on the edge of the saucer where the textures look sorta funny but aside from that minor detail it looks like an interesting ship.

Offline markyd

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2006, 07:41:13 am »
it looks cool... certainly different  ;)

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 09:33:09 am »
very interesting ship, i like it :)

the pylons are a tad loooooow poly though it seems :P and i cant see the nacelles from the front :( :P
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 01:24:48 pm »
Very nice work I look forward to it's release, keep us posted.


ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 03:50:45 pm »
Almost done with the textures.  I'm just gonna release her with the Osiris registry for now, I'll get to the others later (once I figure out how to fit USS Stargazer where the name is supposed to go without making the saucer bmp gigantic.)
After wondering just how to do the registry, I just decided to steal an Idea from the Defiant.  How does it look?

Anywho, I now must find some way to HP her.  I tried to use D'Deridex's HP placer, but she's got no ship file.  Which kind of sucks...since the LCARS HP interface looks really cool.

Anyone know an app or other method?  Or have any advice?

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 12:12:55 am »
Almost done with the textures.  I'm just gonna release her with the Osiris registry for now, I'll get to the others later (once I figure out how to fit USS Stargazer where the name is supposed to go without making the saucer bmp gigantic.)
After wondering just how to do the registry, I just decided to steal an Idea from the Defiant.  How does it look?

Anywho, I now must find some way to HP her.  I tried to use D'Deridex's HP placer, but she's got no ship file.  Which kind of sucks...since the LCARS HP interface looks really cool.

Anyone know an app or other method?  Or have any advice?

When it's done send it to me along with weapon specs/ and I'll HP it for ya

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 01:21:40 am »
Something I started working on when I was bored.  Wanted to make textures that were closer to my original sketches.

Witness my mad MSPaint skillz...

The model's still coming using Reddragon's textures, out of respect for your eyes.  But I felt that the Dawnstar textures made the ship look too big for a LC (All the windows, ect.).  I also thought the deflector would look a hell of alot better framed by a darker grey hull.

Trying to make some Aztec is gonna be interesting.  I kind of have to make some, otherwise the ship'll look like a stuffed toy.  I will not have a "cuddly" ship dammit!  But making the Aztec for all the textures is probably gonna be the hardest part, especially for the dorsal/ventral saucer.  Lights really are the easiest part, funny that...

Offline markyd

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2006, 03:39:13 am »
rofl  :D MSPAINT  ;D

Good Job so far.....  ;)

I love MSPaint... never tried to texture a ship with it though... gonna gve it a go..

You might want to download the GIMP.. its a free paint package with layers and stuff..

If im insulting your intelligence slap a fish over my head.. if not.. heres the link  ;)


Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2006, 01:09:10 pm »
I did do it in layers.  Just the excruciatingly difficult way in MSpaint.


Yeah...thanks for the link.  Seriously...

Yet more of my skills (or lack thereof) in MSpaint.  A spriter I am you ask?  Spriters should never try to sprite a saucer hull.  The reason (-s- plural) below.

Offline Starforce2

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2006, 10:01:24 pm »
I think despite the problems of mismatched shape, I'd prefer the dawnstar textures.

Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2006, 12:23:21 pm »
I think despite the problems of mismatched shape, I'd prefer the dawnstar textures.

*sniff, sniff* But thanks for the honesty.

The Reddragon textured HP'ed version has been uploaded to Dynaverse's SFC:OP download section.

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2006, 04:41:05 pm »
I'll go check it out. ;)

Offline Smiley

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2006, 02:50:31 pm »
I think despite the problems of mismatched shape, I'd prefer the dawnstar textures.

Awww, you know I actually prefer the mspaint textures - they just need some more detailing added in and then they would be better than the Dawnstar ones. My only niggle is that the mspaint ones don't match the shape of the saucer section 100% - probably because the saucer is a weird shape!

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2006, 02:20:13 pm »
I think despite the problems of mismatched shape, I'd prefer the dawnstar textures.

Awww, you know I actually prefer the mspaint textures - they just need some more detailing added in and then they would be better than the Dawnstar ones. My only niggle is that the mspaint ones don't match the shape of the saucer section 100% - probably because the saucer is a weird shape!

Yeah the saucer shape could use some smoothing.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2006, 03:22:42 pm »
I think despite the problems of mismatched shape, I'd prefer the dawnstar textures.

Awww, you know I actually prefer the mspaint textures - they just need some more detailing added in and then they would be better than the Dawnstar ones. My only niggle is that the mspaint ones don't match the shape of the saucer section 100% - probably because the saucer is a weird shape!

Yeah the saucer shape could use some smoothing.

Well the saucer looks quite square whereas it looks like the textures where drawn for a circular or more elliptical saucer, IMO. Add more detailing to the mspaint textures - another layer with some 3d panelling ought to do it! ;)

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Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2006, 10:53:51 pm »
I think despite the problems of mismatched shape, I'd prefer the dawnstar textures.

Awww, you know I actually prefer the mspaint textures - they just need some more detailing added in and then they would be better than the Dawnstar ones. My only niggle is that the mspaint ones don't match the shape of the saucer section 100% - probably because the saucer is a weird shape!

Yeah the saucer shape could use some smoothing.

Well the saucer looks quite square whereas it looks like the textures where drawn for a circular or more elliptical saucer, IMO. Add more detailing to the mspaint textures - another layer with some 3d panelling ought to do it! ;)

I've finally got my hands on Gimpshop, but due to some recent computer issues, all of the "skeleton" textures for the Osiris II are stuck on another hard drive that I can't access at the moment. 

I'm simply working with the ones I currently have.  The good news is I've been screwing aro-...erm "learning" how the filters work, so the textures hopefully will start to look much better now that I've got some better software.

Ne Cede Malis...

Offline AlchemistiD

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Re: Osiris-Class LC
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2006, 11:54:39 pm »
Oh noes!!!  It's me...again.

I've been toying with the supernova/bumpmapping filters in gimpshop and the warp manifold/bussard collector textures.  Any thoughts?

