The Kzin are not scared by Lyrans laser swords, as we have the true Jedi Master Kitties among our ranks
Like Obi-Lyrkiller Kenobi

and our Jedi can use the darkside as well

On the tech side your silly "Trojan Horse" won't work as we will capture it and modify it as you look helplessly on

Then when the massive trrop transport enters your capital it will sprout the newest generation of Kitty-bot warriors, based on the tech we gained upon defeating the Borg, grafting Lyran prisioners from our last conflict to machines to do our bidding
at first they will appear friendly:

then they will spring to attack:

And while you are focused on this our special "Death Squad Commandos will begin their secret mission, to steal all your 'Nip

With this "nip we will transform ourselves and our Gorn allies into invincible marines and assault your cities

also we will employ the dreaded Federation section 69 elite strikeforce

as well as our own all female Cats In Pink (aka Chuut's Yeomen) special forces

and have them deliver a vicious attack devised by the notorious KAT J'inn. The Cats In Pink agents will cut through your defenses and present your females with your wedding contracts as interpreted by W.A.N.K.E.R.

Then we will leave you to your own women as they demand their lot in life as commanded by W.A.N.K.E.R.
Outlet malls and shopping centers will spring up catering to their whims

and any male Lyran who attempts to oppose them will be quickly subdued

They will literally skin you alive, so much that you will volunteer for capture by the Federation

and forced to admit defeat

But don't worry they will tret you humanely, giving you a nice prision outfit and slippers

and though you might go a bit stir-crazy

The Feds will give you recreation periods with the other male Lyran prisioners so that you can relieve your stress

I'm sure you will come to enjoy your new existence, except likkerpig who will feel right at home as if he never left his "dungeon" albeit with some new Lyran Gimps.