Ahh you did indeed catch my purpose, to drum up a littel fun activity for these quiet boards.

Nothing like a goodnature jibe or three at your buddies.
It always a pleasure to fly with or against you Mutt, we had a blast on AOTK II, largely thanks to you and the FSD who put in alot of time, played great team strategy, contributed to the good humor, and just plain kicked butt in PvP. It was the closest thing to the old KAT/KOTH days of glory that I had experienced in a long time. Back then you'd see 5-8 and (as many as 15 at times) Kzin on most of the night and voice coms would be like a frat party more than a war zone. Even between servers we'd all spend hours at a time on MSN messenger just chatting about silly stuff and passing jibes and funny pics back and forth (most directed at Maverick and Fluf of course)
I'm very glad you see my little jokes for what they are, I'd hate it if anyone actually got offended.
I also enjoy flying with you guys a great deal, and flying against you as well, hope I get the chance to do both many times in the future.
BTW this is my first really good shot at the Lyrans, in the past I've passed them over a bit in favor of the Klingon Villiage People, The Hydran Teletubbies, The crossdressing Gorn (Yes I was the origional creator of the tutu fad), etc. The fact that the Lyrans have now been targeted is a tribute to you guys. In the past there weren't enough Lyrans to poke fun at in comparison with the other races, you guys have changed that, and now its the Kzinti that have pretty much died out as a race with a few of us hanging on.
P.S. If you want to put my semi-serious bragging to rest, the best way to do it is to rack some some nice records of your own flying Kzinti. Breaking any records I set as a Lyran is to be expected (well except for the 982,000+ prestige one

, yes I did that as a Lyran!

), but if you start making your way into the Kzinti records as a Lyran pilot, then you can start talking some real "smack" to me

I've seen quite a few Kzin pilots do well in Lyran ships, unfortunately I can't say the reverse, that speaks volumes

(Mog is the exception that proves the rule)