Lyrans have PFs. Kzin have drones. (cheese argument officially over.)
Vive la difference!
Having had Chuut destroy my Mirak MDC+ in a Lyran PFT more than once... I forget which server....
Think you meant..
Lyrans have PFs.Kzin have drones.Kzin have better PFs. Lyrans have better pilots.
Anyway as I see it for balance
Kzin have better hex flipping ability (despite the fact I'm sure Chuut will jump in with how Lyrans run 1:10 missions against AI, we admit nothing)
Lyran ships (imho) have slightly better PVP qualities
That being said
-The Kzin DN is superior to the Lyran DN (except the STL, which will obviously be restricted even for DN's)
-Pretty much any of the Kzin carriers are superior to their Lyran counterparts (but carriers will have some restrictions so..)
-The Lyran BCPP is unquestionably (I think) superior to anything the Kzin can field , the gap widens with the Hellcat upgrade
-The Lyran CWL is superior (again imho) to the MCC- but marginally, an extra point of power and 2 more ph1's
it's not much of an advantage though, and if the Kzin can catch hte CWL it's gonna hurt
-The Lyran DWl is (again marginally) superior to the Kzin DWL, but this could be the other way- 4 racks on a tiny hull will hurt
- The Kzin DD/DF's are easily superior to anything the Lyrans can field
-Kzin Fighters are better until 80ish when parity is achieved
-Kzin PF's are better
Really the only thing I see as being a big difference is the BCPP, and really it's arguably a better ship than any other race can field in teh era.
Treating them as capital ships (even though they're not..) should solve any issues with their use.