Topic: A Question of the Past  (Read 4026 times)

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Offline Mazeppa

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2006, 06:40:05 am »
I had some great screencaps from RSDL.  I'll try and scrounge them up this weekend, unless I go to hospital.  I broke my wrist Monday, and they are talking surgery.  :( 
If I'm out of commission, I'll look them up when I get better. 

There was this one huge ship with 20 phaser three's, a gazillion medium speed MIRV's, and 27 transporters.  I flew it for a week, and managed to capure somebody and blow up a couple of people with all those MIRV's.  But the beauty of that ship was in base-busting missions.  The Shadow bases were really tough, unless you had my ship. 
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Offline Bartok

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2006, 08:12:34 am »
I had some great screencaps from RSDL.  I'll try and scrounge them up this weekend, unless I go to hospital.  I broke my wrist Monday, and they are talking surgery.  :( 
If I'm out of commission, I'll look them up when I get better. 

There was this one huge ship with 20 phaser three's, a gazillion medium speed MIRV's, and 27 transporters.  I flew it for a week, and managed to capure somebody and blow up a couple of people with all those MIRV's.  But the beauty of that ship was in base-busting missions.  The Shadow bases were really tough, unless you had my ship. 

Greetings Maz!!!  Great to hear from you though REALLY sorry to hear about your wrist OUCH!  I hope all goes well with that.  When I saw your post I had to reply:)  The ship of which you speak is the A-PBS "Planetary Bombardment Ship" and it is pretty cool.  First time I looked at the loadout I wonder why only phaser 3's?  As you note, excellent for base-busting.  When u say you capped somebody you mean another player?  Didn't know you could cap another players ship.  The model they used for it is kinda cool - the Black Omega/Psi-Corp "flagship"? from B5. 

Still fiddling with the shiplist.  Will be at it for a while i think.  I've got a number of "free" race slots to play with.  I believe in RDSL it looks like the only playable races were the Alliance/Coalition - I'll have to check, but been thinking about adding a whole new race/power for folks to contend with.  I don't want it to be just a complete odd hodge-podge of any/every possible scifi ship.  Think i might have the Tholians as a playable race.  Possibly the "Earth Alliance" from B5 if i can find enough models to fill it out.

Dunno - lot's of possibilities, hoping for a cross between a cheeze-fest/fun server and a steady state one (want to keep it up for a while) so a "campaign" evolves "naturally" ....

I'm definitely open to suggestions and love feedback.  If there's anything "out there" that you'd like to see in a server I'd love to hear.  Bearing in mind that the era I'm going to set things in is 2300's and beyond..


Offline Grim

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2006, 08:29:34 am »

got to go woth FT on this one IDSL was a blast and a half.

Yeah i have to agree also IDSL was a blast  ;D

Concerning RDSL some of those ships were seriously uber, though i do remember in a 3v1 we managed to destroy a human player flying one of those ships, i'll have to try and find the screenshots i took, it took many fighters to take the sucker down. i think Bearslayer was one of the other pilots involved in the battle, though it was a while ago and my memory of the event is a bit hazy.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2006, 08:56:15 am by Grim »

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2006, 08:56:37 am »
For my players the new stuff and the unknown stuff is really cool.  I get to be able to hide that new stuff better than you can in Dynaverse world.  Still I think that new stuff ideal is what might have made the RDSL/IDSL game fun for some.  Not having played in either did the IDSL also have the Vorlon/Shadow stuff ?

You do have to be carefull about F'ing up the game with outrageous stuff.  I have damaged a few campaigns in my over enthusiasm for that  :(

I noticed in digging around the Dynaverse downloads there is a campaign called Bartoks revenge or something like that.  Any new ships in there ?


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Offline Bartok

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2006, 10:27:08 am »
It's true - you do have to be careful ;D

I find ShipEdit(and the fat pdf "manual") to be excellent.  While there are some values in the shiplist that are a bit unknown, there's also good info on acceptable ranges etc. 

There is an installer in the downloads section for "Bartoks_Basement" courtesy of Bonk  :thumbsup:

He packaged my shiplist and mods into that handy installer with NSIS.  There are some cheesy ships in there and some nice mod work in general thanX to Atolm, DonKarnage and several others...  (the Fedz have the BattleStar Galactica and viper fighters - ISC have the Cylon Basestar) .  Some beautiful Vulcan models also in both Fed and Rom, can't remember all the others.  Mirak and Lyran weren't playable (I took a shortcut...)

I did have some Shadow vessels in the mod, though I didn't have .brk models.  I configured/armed them differently than on RDSL and I like the latter better.  One "bug" that occurred in one of the shadow ships i remember was a PPD "continual fire" bug.  Seemed to occur because I had 4 on one hardpoint...

We live and learn ;D