No I think the existing models are fine from what I have seen all the stuff is out there, it is just that the stuff I want is spread across like 5 different mods/shiplists.
It is just a matter of inserting it all into the pirate slots, which I find are rarely used by my players
I also need to decide on the master list, it is a toss up between OP 4.0 and this other list I cannot recall the name SG5 ?? That eliminated the x ships. I also have heard about this better fighter list that I would like to use. Has like the A20 Aardvark and stuff. I am unsure about Pseudo fighters and if they have their own list or are part of the fighters list?
I don't think it is rocket science for you guys, but I may end up spending crazy amounts of time trying to do it and I am thinking it might be money well spent as then I could work more on Points of Interest in the game and story line.
My money is good, I have already donated to and am on this form to stay

Bartok also mentioned that if a ship has 4 PPD's on a hardpoint it can cause some sorta PPD problem, I am thinking that by having a specialist do it, those kinda issues may be caught before they end up in my active campaign.
Figures I would get the guy everyone says is crazy to respond to my post,....

That is just a joke Dizzy,.. your Dyna Campaigns have great reviews and I admire your work