Topic: Bids for custom shiplist.txt  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline Skaren

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Bids for custom shiplist.txt
« on: April 19, 2006, 09:13:40 am »
I am going to try to become a master of modifying the shiplist and adding new races but I worry I may not have the time needed to do what I wish.  I am not even sure how time intensive the task is.  I plan on running a game way down the road for my group of players and the thought crossed my mind to sub out the shiplist job.  The project would be for 6 months down the road or more.

So I wonder what the cost $ would be to have one of you experts assemble what I want.

Currently I like the Tholians I saw and the Andromoden, the RDSL stuff with Vorlon/Shadow and maybe other stuff I have yet to even discover.  The creatures are key for my games, saw Space dragons, Juggernaught etc.  Orion slots could be used for this stuff?

So what kinda time/money to have someone else do it ?  Hey I am not rich but if someone could do it for like 50-75 bucks it would probably be worth it to me.  Again maybe this is like 20 hours of work and you guys are laughing at the ideal.  Then again maybe someone can cut and paste the races right in quickly and are unemployed and need cash. 

I figure it cannot hurt to ask.

Let me know.


PS remember we do not use Dynaverse, it is only TCPIP multiplayer battles so all we need is a shiplist.txt. 

StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Bids for custom shiplist.txt
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2006, 12:31:17 pm »

So, you want custom models for this or what?  ;D

Offline Skaren

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Re: Bids for custom shiplist.txt
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2006, 12:50:32 pm »
No I think the existing models are fine from what I have seen all the stuff is out there, it is just that the stuff I want is spread across like 5 different mods/shiplists.

It is just a matter of inserting it all into the pirate slots, which I find are rarely used by my players

I also need to decide on the master list, it is a toss up between OP 4.0 and this other list I cannot recall the name SG5 ??  That eliminated the x ships.  I also have heard about this better fighter list that I would like to use.  Has like the A20 Aardvark and stuff.  I am unsure about Pseudo fighters and if they have their own list or are part of the fighters list?

I don't think it is rocket science for you guys, but I may end up spending crazy amounts of time trying to do it and I am thinking it might be money well spent as then I could work more on Points of Interest in the game and story line.

My money is good, I have already donated to and am on this form to stay :)

Bartok also mentioned that if a ship has 4 PPD's on a hardpoint it can cause some sorta PPD problem, I am thinking that by having a specialist do it, those kinda issues may be caught before they end up in my active campaign.

Figures I would get the guy everyone says is crazy to respond to my post,....   :-\

That is just a joke Dizzy,.. your Dyna Campaigns have great reviews and I admire your work   ;D


StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Bids for custom shiplist.txt
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2006, 01:25:44 pm »
Tell you what. I'll do it for free... but you make a donation in my name to dyna net. Because its free... dont expect it to get done overnight... 6 mo. sounds good, lol.