Topic: A Question of the Past  (Read 3974 times)

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Offline Skaren

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A Question of the Past
« on: April 03, 2006, 07:51:52 pm »
Here is the prior convo,..  Aug 2005

"One of the servers I found to be a blast was the one with the shadows/ babylon 5 theme. The story was great as were the puzzles and ship skins. I know some thought the shadows as cheese but, overall I thought it was superb. The idea of a pirate server is also a fabulous idea to challenge even the best warriors, one i would definately play should it become a reality."

Anyone have any links to this shadows/B5 campaign info.  A server with a theme and puzzles,..   Sounds interesting.  Thats what we are used to.  If none exists, then maybe anyone elaborate on that one if they played in it.


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Offline Maverick

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 09:30:47 pm »
Hmm that sounds vaguely familar was that one of SnB's? Can't seem to recall to be honest.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 10:55:07 pm »
It was the Return of Dr. Strangeglove.

Basically it was a 3 sided war of sorts.  The basicall alliance vs coalition 2 front war and a third entity composed on the Doctor and his minions.  These minions were given super technology ships with certain strengths and weaknesses.  Most had armor instead of shielding but could turn on a dime had incredible power curbs, x-tech weapons,  and almost non existent cloaking costs.  There were a few special ships that basically equated to vorlon cruisers and such, mounting huge maulers and other nastiness.

The 2 normal sides were given a scavenger hunt taking information sent by the admin and having to solve a puzzle and fulfil its requirements before moving to the next clue, once a side finished all the clues they were given acess to a limited number of super tech ships.

The main problems I recall were some question to the guidelines regulating the actions of Strangelove forces, the difficulty in defeating the strangelove ships, the difficulty in one side that hadn't gotten the super ships having to fend off the side that did have them, and the vague solutions to the final clues which didn't have only one possible answer, but rather required picking the correct answer that the admin had intended.

I think the best thing to come out of that server was the introduction of the "slot" concept which was an area of the map reserved exclusively for smaller hulls.  Of course I'm biased towards this because it was an idea I had been pushing for for quite a while, although Skull can up with it without seeing my posts on the subject (at least according to him  ;))  Skull and I both still claim to be origionators of the idea, but he was definately the first admin to use the concept.

Offline Maverick

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 01:29:39 am »
Oh, yes, right, that one.... lol

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 07:35:22 am »
Well thanks I was curious how a role playing aspect "clues and such" got incorporated into a Dynaverse campaign.  Sounded like a lot of fun to me, especially the ideal of Vorlon or other unknown ships you have to fight.  That sense of not knowing is sorta fun when in battle, rather than I know my opponent has x,y, and z.

Inovative ideals, although I don't know much yet about Dynaverses,.. I suggest that those ideals be further played with by a daring ref in the future.


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Offline Bonk

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2006, 10:00:12 am »
Here is the latest version of SkullnBones' RDSL campaign mod (Pestalence's installer):

I just uploaded it recently for Bartok, he was thinking about possibly re-running it again for fun.

The "Shadow" was present but I do not recall anything of a B5 theme... though I do vaguely recall seeing that somewhere...

Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2006, 10:07:53 am »
Not so much of a b5 theme, just alot of b5 Ships. The Shadow battlecrabs, Excalibur cruiser, Whitestars, and as allready mentioned the Vorlon organic ships . These were all on the Mad Doctors side. Once the clues were figured out the other sides started to acquire some of these ships as well.
Somewhere north of the Azores.
KBF always

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2006, 10:40:10 am »
So bonk if I install the RDSL mod you posted there, does that include the B5 ships in the ship list?  Or is that another install that needs to be done.

I am curious on the graphics of those ships and such.


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Offline Bonk

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2006, 10:40:28 am »
Not so much of a b5 theme, just alot of b5 Ships. The Shadow battlecrabs, Excalibur cruiser, Whitestars, and as allready mentioned the Vorlon organic ships . These were all on the Mad Doctors side. Once the clues were figured out the other sides started to acquire some of these ships as well.

Oh, interesting, I never realised they were B5 ships. I was not familiar enough with them.

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2006, 10:41:53 am »
So bonk if I install the RDSL mod you posted there, does that include the B5 ships in the ship list?  Or is that another install that needs to be done.

I am curious on the graphics of those ships and such.


The ships and models should both be included in the mod. I think they were in the Lyran slot?

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2006, 10:47:47 am »
Most excellent, you know I have a penchant for the new races and sh*t my players have not had experience with.

I tell ya play testing all this stuff for the crew is a blast  :)

Bonk I still haven't gotten the check off snail mail yet but I have the address and will try to do so tonight.

Happy hunting to you all.


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Offline Bartok

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2006, 11:16:37 am »
Here is the latest version of SkullnBones' RDSL campaign mod (Pestalence's installer):

I just uploaded it recently for Bartok, he was thinking about possibly re-running it again for fun.

The "Shadow" was present but I do not recall anything of a B5 theme... though I do vaguely recall seeing that somewhere...

Greetings All - and thanX Bonk, I did install it and am running a test server now (flatfile).  I've done a lot of editing so far it's been fun.  Have flown all of the Dr's ships in skirmish and am reworking for the dyna.  A lot of ships flagged as "special" and restricted etc. etc. 

I've been thinking about another X-Era'ish funfest server for a while now as you know  ;D

I just flew a Shadow Mauler Scout about a half hour ago and it was a fantastic slice of camembert :D  2 phaser G2's, 2 HD's, 4 phA and a 20something point mauler.  46 power, no shields/troops, cloaking cost 1 point.....   speed 31, ecm 6, overloaded cloaked <well maybe speed 28 for all that> ;D

Work continues.....

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2006, 09:05:02 am »
Ya but that cheese is great for a ref (human) run campaign.  You  can as players expand out and conquer hexs, use these interesting ships as Points of Interest.  They can also add to a theme ideal for a campaign.

This is a Point of Interest to the last campaign I ran.

2215  The Alternate Universe Enterprise is adrift, a derelict here,  CAR+Rau (no signs of life).  Near the black hole is a massive Borg Cube seemingly powered down, dormant or possibly dead.  The black hole is surrounded by a huge Borg Dyson Torus complex.  The black hole seems to somehow power the Dyson Torus which does show signs of minimal power output.     Throughout the hex are the remains of a massive fleet that has been destroyed.  Only the Enterprise is left in tact with 55% damage.  This hex is so time distorted by the black hole that it can stack a nine ship fleet on each side (Voiding stack rules).   Further science/study over time (turns) may reveal more info, (survey ships 2x learns).

That is why as a ref I like finding this stuff out there to work with.  You can really build a crazy fun campaign, rich in exploration and player enjoyment.  Plus as ref you also get to run some fun stuff in fights against the players.  Nothing better than flying cheese and watching groups of coordinated players find a way of fighting/beating you.

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Offline Red Eye

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2006, 12:37:43 pm »
only thing is with the unshielded  ships or should i say the ones with no shields you can transport your boarding partys thru their shields. That should add some spice ;D

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2006, 12:59:40 pm »
RDSL was sort of a letdown. IDSL was a blast, even though Skull wouldn't let the Feds and Bruces officially ally with the Hydrans and Kitties. It's still the best server I've ever played on, with the outcome not decided till the final hours.

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Offline deadmansix

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2006, 01:38:13 am »
got to go woth FT on this one IDSL was a blast and a half.

Offline Bartok

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2006, 08:17:27 am »
Interesting - were there significant differences in the ships used for IDSL vs. RDSL??

I've been playing with/testing the RDSL shiplist for a free form "fun" server I will eventually launch.  I haven't tested all the variations for capping/hit and runs but generally you get the message "at least trying to cap shadow vessels" that you "can't beam to this target".  This is kinda cool, I think it might have to do with the fact that many of the shadow ships don't carry marines, not because of their shields.  Those ships that do have marines on them, I believe can be boarded.  I haven't tried hit and run missions on a shadow/strangelove ship but will do so soon.

I've still got a lot of editing to do before i have the server go live and post shiplist/mods/installer, but I'm still working out not only the ship issues but am thinking about backstory/scenario.  Tentatively, this one will be set in the advanced era to start.  The RDSL shiplist had Alliance Fed/Gorn/Mirak/Hydran hulls merged into the Fed interface and Coalition Klink/Rom/ISC/Lyran ships merged into Klingon interface.  Lyran slot was used for Strangelove ships.  Hydran/Mirak slots used for allies of the Strangelove folks.  Originally I believe the "playable" races were set to only the 3 Alliance(Fed), Coalition(Klink) and First Ones (Lyran).  I think I'm going to keep the sides, but either put some new foes/friends in the available slots or eliminate them - probably a little of each...

I'm on the fence about editing the old strangelove ships.  In the campaign they were a really big threat, but with X era ships available to the Coalition/Alliance flyers it's much more even, perhaps even a little weighted against.  May have to beef up some of the shadow vessels who's BPV's are on the low side.  For example, a SHBC "Shadow BattleCrab" has a BPV of 170.... compare that with any of the other races X-Era CA's and the gap is apparent.  A lot of it is about how u fly them, only using 1 point of energy for cloaking can make up for a lot, forces u to fly a certain way, but that's most of the fun of figuring out a new ship. 

For those of ya who flew on my first "Bartok's Basement" server, I may bring in some of the ships I had there as well (.... BattleStar.......)



Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2006, 08:25:15 am »
IDSL used the stock shiplist that came with the game.

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2006, 08:41:53 am »
Mr Bartok, I am a collector of odd ships and ships lists that I use for my own campaigns.  I recently tried downloading the Sci Fi bash of Chris Jones from the only place I could find it but repeatedly get a CRC error upon extraction.

If you have mod like the RDSL that adds a bunch of ships I would like to get a link to it.  I did want to see the BSG and or SW stuff from Sci Fi bash.

I have flown the RDSL stuff recently with a couple of my players and we do feel the BPV's are not correct for much of the odd ball stuff in there.  The Doctor Stranglove (Vorlon BB) is not correct.  Man that Shadow Planet buster with the 12X Mirv warhead dones ,.. 

Damn that thing is rather tough, It seems to be able to control the total drone launch too,..   It point value does not seem correct especially when you up it to 32 speed drones.

Sure was fun checking out the new stuff though.


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Offline Bartok

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2006, 09:30:52 am »
Mr Bartok, I am a collector of odd ships and ships lists that I use for my own campaigns.  I recently tried downloading the Sci Fi bash of Chris Jones from the only place I could find it but repeatedly get a CRC error upon extraction.

If you have mod like the RDSL that adds a bunch of ships I would like to get a link to it.  I did want to see the BSG and or SW stuff from Sci Fi bash.

I have flown the RDSL stuff recently with a couple of my players and we do feel the BPV's are not correct for much of the odd ball stuff in there.  The Doctor Stranglove (Vorlon BB) is not correct.  Man that Shadow Planet buster with the 12X Mirv warhead dones ,.. 

Damn that thing is rather tough, It seems to be able to control the total drone launch too,..   It point value does not seem correct especially when you up it to 32 speed drones.

Sure was fun checking out the new stuff though.


Greetings Skaren -

I've never tried the SciFi Bash mod by Chris Jones of which you speak.  Sorry you're getting CRC errors, they are..... frustrating.   As far as the RDSL mod goes, I'm using it for a starting point.  I dl'd, installed the client then copied out the shiplist and fighterlist to my server.  I used the link Bonk provided below in the thread.  The server files are available here

Did you and your peeps fly in skirmish mode? TCP/IP host?   There are a number of things to balance out that's for sure.  Raising BPV's on the B5 ships "somehow". perhaps not adding a lot of weapons, but at least upping their armor to compensate for the increased firepower of the other sides X-Era ships.

I'll post links when I'm ready to host the beta version for folks to check out.  Probably another week or so.  I haven't even begun to work on consolidating the mod folders for the ship geometries/models I'll be using.  I'm also working in Milkshape on a Vorlon Transport kitbash which I might include  ;D


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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2006, 06:40:05 am »
I had some great screencaps from RSDL.  I'll try and scrounge them up this weekend, unless I go to hospital.  I broke my wrist Monday, and they are talking surgery.  :( 
If I'm out of commission, I'll look them up when I get better. 

There was this one huge ship with 20 phaser three's, a gazillion medium speed MIRV's, and 27 transporters.  I flew it for a week, and managed to capure somebody and blow up a couple of people with all those MIRV's.  But the beauty of that ship was in base-busting missions.  The Shadow bases were really tough, unless you had my ship. 
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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2006, 08:12:34 am »
I had some great screencaps from RSDL.  I'll try and scrounge them up this weekend, unless I go to hospital.  I broke my wrist Monday, and they are talking surgery.  :( 
If I'm out of commission, I'll look them up when I get better. 

There was this one huge ship with 20 phaser three's, a gazillion medium speed MIRV's, and 27 transporters.  I flew it for a week, and managed to capure somebody and blow up a couple of people with all those MIRV's.  But the beauty of that ship was in base-busting missions.  The Shadow bases were really tough, unless you had my ship. 

Greetings Maz!!!  Great to hear from you though REALLY sorry to hear about your wrist OUCH!  I hope all goes well with that.  When I saw your post I had to reply:)  The ship of which you speak is the A-PBS "Planetary Bombardment Ship" and it is pretty cool.  First time I looked at the loadout I wonder why only phaser 3's?  As you note, excellent for base-busting.  When u say you capped somebody you mean another player?  Didn't know you could cap another players ship.  The model they used for it is kinda cool - the Black Omega/Psi-Corp "flagship"? from B5. 

Still fiddling with the shiplist.  Will be at it for a while i think.  I've got a number of "free" race slots to play with.  I believe in RDSL it looks like the only playable races were the Alliance/Coalition - I'll have to check, but been thinking about adding a whole new race/power for folks to contend with.  I don't want it to be just a complete odd hodge-podge of any/every possible scifi ship.  Think i might have the Tholians as a playable race.  Possibly the "Earth Alliance" from B5 if i can find enough models to fill it out.

Dunno - lot's of possibilities, hoping for a cross between a cheeze-fest/fun server and a steady state one (want to keep it up for a while) so a "campaign" evolves "naturally" ....

I'm definitely open to suggestions and love feedback.  If there's anything "out there" that you'd like to see in a server I'd love to hear.  Bearing in mind that the era I'm going to set things in is 2300's and beyond..


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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2006, 08:29:34 am »

got to go woth FT on this one IDSL was a blast and a half.

Yeah i have to agree also IDSL was a blast  ;D

Concerning RDSL some of those ships were seriously uber, though i do remember in a 3v1 we managed to destroy a human player flying one of those ships, i'll have to try and find the screenshots i took, it took many fighters to take the sucker down. i think Bearslayer was one of the other pilots involved in the battle, though it was a while ago and my memory of the event is a bit hazy.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2006, 08:56:15 am by Grim »

Offline Skaren

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2006, 08:56:37 am »
For my players the new stuff and the unknown stuff is really cool.  I get to be able to hide that new stuff better than you can in Dynaverse world.  Still I think that new stuff ideal is what might have made the RDSL/IDSL game fun for some.  Not having played in either did the IDSL also have the Vorlon/Shadow stuff ?

You do have to be carefull about F'ing up the game with outrageous stuff.  I have damaged a few campaigns in my over enthusiasm for that  :(

I noticed in digging around the Dynaverse downloads there is a campaign called Bartoks revenge or something like that.  Any new ships in there ?


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Offline Bartok

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Re: A Question of the Past
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2006, 10:27:08 am »
It's true - you do have to be careful ;D

I find ShipEdit(and the fat pdf "manual") to be excellent.  While there are some values in the shiplist that are a bit unknown, there's also good info on acceptable ranges etc. 

There is an installer in the downloads section for "Bartoks_Basement" courtesy of Bonk  :thumbsup:

He packaged my shiplist and mods into that handy installer with NSIS.  There are some cheesy ships in there and some nice mod work in general thanX to Atolm, DonKarnage and several others...  (the Fedz have the BattleStar Galactica and viper fighters - ISC have the Cylon Basestar) .  Some beautiful Vulcan models also in both Fed and Rom, can't remember all the others.  Mirak and Lyran weren't playable (I took a shortcut...)

I did have some Shadow vessels in the mod, though I didn't have .brk models.  I configured/armed them differently than on RDSL and I like the latter better.  One "bug" that occurred in one of the shadow ships i remember was a PPD "continual fire" bug.  Seemed to occur because I had 4 on one hardpoint...

We live and learn ;D