OK. I cleared my calendar, got the coffee on and finished, told my wife I was indisposed for the next 3 days, and sat in my command chair.....When I gave the command to depart space dock I recieved the error:
"you do not have the correct test file."
Blinking incredulously, I again gave the order to depart.....only to be met with the same response from my helmsman.
Never being one to overlook a disobeyed order, I promptly shot him in the head, and replaced him. Once the mess was removed from the bridge I had the crew perform a systems check. I discovered that the moorings were indeed locked and could only be unlocked by a code held by a slippery, stinking lizard.
In otherwords....I thought we were supposed to go live today. What gives?
Other question.....anyone got an extra legendary helmsman lying about besides me? lol