Topic: Donation and follow up with Bonk  (Read 1420 times)

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Offline Skaren

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Donation and follow up with Bonk
« on: April 02, 2006, 04:54:27 pm »

A while ago you gave me a link to a mod which had these races I referred incorectly to it as SG 05, (it was the beer effect) I think it was the SFG 04 mod  ?? , here is the shiplist

F- Federation
K- Klingon
R- Romulan
Z- Kzinti
L- Lyran
G- Gorn
H- Hydran
C- LDR (Camboro)
A- Andromedan (Prime)
W- WYN (WyldeFire)
X- Orion (Orion)
Y- Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath)
B- BeastRaiders (Juggernaught, Space Dragon)

S- Syndicate (Non-Player Ftr donor)
T- TigerHeart (Non-Player PF donor)

After rereading the thread it is SFG OP  based on Gmans shiplist  ??

The models show during the game (tholian flew with nice models), just when selecting a specific ship some of the tholian ships had Klingon outlines, others had no outline, just the weapons kinda like floating within a ships missing outer hull line.  Just wondering if this was normal.

I like the mods ship list, recently after seeing an ISC X fleet butcher a Gorn DN fleet with no loses, I have become like many of you - Down on x ships.  The excessive speed seems like Plasma races haven't got a chance in hell and unbalances the game.  That shiplist also gets rid of some odd ball power house ships that I find many of my campaign players repeatedly building. 

Lastly it has Ageis ships,... any info on how that special system translates into this game or is it just in the name of a ship and has no real specail or function in SFC.  I remember in SFB it was pretty nice.

Also Bonk the knowledge and time you take answering my umteenth question have earned a donation to either you,.. for all you efforts or to a group of your choice.  I have seen requests for cash and would like to cut 20.00 to a good cause.  You spend a lot of time on this stuff and equipment, time, etc costs.  Let me know if I should cut it to you (Thanks for your rpeated answers to my questions),... or say the cause.  (I wish I was loaded/wealthy so it could be like 500 $)

Very appreciative of you folks and in particular to Bonk, from the Western Mass crew at


StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline Bonk

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Re: Donation and follow up with Bonk
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 05:30:03 pm »
After rereading the thread it is SFG OP  based on Gmans shiplist  ??

Yup, it is based on GMan's shiplist from 2001 I think it was... I basically added fighther and PF donation, included all original models and readmes and added the Andros (based on Klingon Fanatic's specs) and Tholians based on Brezgonne's specs. Note the mod also disabes warp doubling in the sfc.ini, so should be uninstalled rather than swapped out when you want use another mod. (or just run another copy of OP, or you could also edit the sfc.ini directly if manually swapping mods)

The models show during the game (tholian flew with nice models), just when selecting a specific ship some of the tholian ships had Klingon outlines, others had no outline, just the weapons kinda like floating within a ships missing outer hull line.  Just wondering if this was normal.

Glad to hear you got things working. Yes, that is normal, the ship UIs are in the sprites file which I still have not cracked. Thus existing UIs must be used where appropriate (though I may have missed a few - the blank ones - or they may be bugged out by the weapons config - its been ages since I have looked at SFB-OP)

I like the mods ship list, recently after seeing an ISC X fleet butcher a Gorn DN fleet with no loses, I have become like many of you - Down on x ships.  The excessive speed seems like Plasma races haven't got a chance in hell and unbalances the game.  That shiplist also gets rid of some odd ball power house ships that I find many of my campaign players repeatedly building. 

Check out a gorn carrier group! ;)  :o

Lastly it has Ageis ships,... any info on how that special system translates into this game or is it just in the name of a ship and has no real specail or function in SFC.  I remember in SFB it was pretty nice.

As you expected, its just in the name of the ship. There is no aegis rules implementation in SFC. (nor scouts/special sensors either...)

Also Bonk the knowledge and time you take answering my umteenth question have earned a donation to either you,.. for all you efforts or to a group of your choice.  I have seen requests for cash and would like to cut 20.00 to a good cause.  You spend a lot of time on this stuff and equipment, time, etc costs.  Let me know if I should cut it to you (Thanks for your rpeated answers to my questions),... or say the cause.  (I wish I was loaded/wealthy so it could be like 500 $)

Very appreciative of you folks and in particular to Bonk, from the Western Mass crew at

Glad to have ya here! Always happy to welcome fellow SFB/SFC fans and help out where I can! :)

FA_Frey_XC is our gracious host and has put a lot of work into Dynaverse.Net and continues to do so. I'm just the current technical admin and general SFC fanatic!

Should you wish to donate, our donations page is here:
And this year's fundraiser thread (with mailing info):,163364079.0.html

Dynaverse.Net - It's all about the game!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 05:46:04 pm by Bonk »

Offline Skaren

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Re: Donation and follow up with Bonk
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2006, 05:54:33 pm »
Will donate and thanks again.

Testing SFG 04,..

Just flew the Juggernaught up against a space dragon.  Just what a ref needs to place at a point of interest on a campaign map so,.

A)  The ref gets to have fun flying in a game he runs,..

b)  The players see/find something new,..

At least the dragons wings coulda flapped   >:(   The Juggernaught looked pretty cool, but was surprised it could HET.  A no no from the original if my 20 year memory serves me right.  Damn to be able to mimic the original 100 point rotating shield and armour would have been even cooler !!

It even correctly ran in sector assault with a damage dump,.. a must for a campaign !

Gonna be checking out Chris's sci fi bash next, am curious how the SW Death Star pans out  :)  Players have suggested a team campaign next time,. with just two teams (Empire-Rebels ?  naw).  Speeds up campaign turns if someone can't fly for whatever reason,.. then other team members can fly for them.  Current campaign coming to a close so digging for ideals for the next six months.

StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline Bonk

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Re: Donation and follow up with Bonk
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2006, 06:05:19 pm »

Just flew the Juggernaught up against a space dragon.  Just what a ref needs to place at a point of interest on a campaign map so,.

A)  The ref gets to have fun flying in a game he runs,..

b)  The players see/find something new,..

At least the dragons wings coulda flapped   >:(   The Juggernaught looked pretty cool, but was surprised it could HET.  A no no from the original if my 20 year memory serves me right.  Damn to be able to mimic the original 100 point rotating shield and armour would have been even cooler !!

It even correctly ran in sector assault with a damage dump,.. a must for a campaign !

I think I just used the stock OP intruder (M-INT) for the Juggernaught, the multiplayer "Intruder" scenario is pretty close to the original SFB Juggernaught scenario if I recall correctly and the stock M-INT is pretty much identical to the Juggernaught in all but the model...  The SFB-OP Juggernaught is in the M-INT monster slot so this scenario will work with it. I recall playing it once on SFB-OP with four players in the ships outlined in the SFB scenario, it was a bit tricky but not too hard. The ability to het kind of makes up for the lack of the rotating sheild and generally dumb AI.

Offline Skaren

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Re: Donation and follow up with Bonk
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2006, 07:07:34 pm »
I hate the on line stuff you guys have a mailing address I can cut a check to. ? 


StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System