I don't remember what it was, except some of an idea... But I think it left a nasty taste in my head for a year or two, so much so I have to laugh at myself looking at posts of mine over there which were echos of my cluelessness. *shrug* I look like an idiot. Looking at it now, P81's model, it's not perfect as far as some little tidbits go, but it looks pretty good (and what isn't super-accurate other than the original anyhow?). From my more-recent look on things I'd say it rivals some of the more-recent Constitution-class models. I wouldn't say it back then, unless I did...
By the way... Wasn't some of his last BC-mods (such as his take at the U.S.S. Phobos) ported over to SFC, or was it a kitbash, or what? *shrug* I guess I'll look around, but as far as I remember... The pics of this Constitution-class model DTW linked to reminded me of one or two of P81's BC mods, if I remember right.