Topic: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr  (Read 2326 times)

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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« on: March 06, 2007, 03:08:48 pm »
(One thumbs down for what came out of the box...and a belated thumbs up for what might go back into it...)

Hey!!!!!!!  I might piss someone off here but that never stopped me.  (Keep that in mind :) )

NWN2.  I just got it. last week and started playing it.  Bottom Line:  Not exactly on par with NWN I is my opinion although there are improvements…these improvement (which are considerable in some cases) do NOT translate into a better game.  There seems to be far less content in this game and far less...well...I just seems far less period.   

This is going to be one of the few games where I simply CAN’T wait for the modders to come out with their stuff for it is likely to be better than the main quest…by far.

NWN2 seems so … sparse really.  Not a whole lot to do in these towns or areas.…must of which are just scenery., kinda like the way games were made back in the 80’s and 90’s with Ultima III and IV. Many of the main characters are all standing outside in front of their shops and houses that are really just facades …most of the quests are given exterior to domiciles with the exception of a few.  RIDICULOUS..  Also the combat animation are a huge step BACK to ten years ago;  my PC runs into melee then stops and starts to rock back and forth like someone afflicted with autism waiting for his “turn” uhhh…like Wizardry 8… so that’s TWO STEPS back.

It IS taking me time to get through it…but only because the game seems to move at a much slower pace than NWN1.  If this game was done in NWN1 I doubt it would take half the time to get through it…I really doubt it.  This is a plus certain dungeons…I never liked racing through dungeons like some of the multi-players do.  But MAN that inventory system and its graphics are a HUGE come down…I can barely make out the icons and if it weren’t for the little pop up identifiers this game might be unplayable. 

As for the main plot I am only halfway done  (or maybe less than halfway…I just made Neverwinter where I have been offered a good or evil path and that’s about it…duh).  Well…I HOPE its less than halfway because I have done very little actually.  Anyway if you like playing a cleric this game is for you and should be pretty easy as the plot seems to center so far around undead.  Also plot seems less than “epic”…you just don’t get a sense of “big things” happening…as yet anyway. 

The only thing I can think of is that the new toolset isn’t all that easy to work with so it forced the DEVS to use some old and rather dated techniques to lay out their story.  I sure hope the modders can come up with something better...if I want to play Wizardry or Ultima IV I most certainly can resurrect my old copies.  The use of “area transition” thingy’s reminded me too much of Fable and was [particularly irksome…as did the restricted movement in all the areas or most of them throughout the game…makes the whole thing feel really “linear” and definitely challenges that willing suspension of disbelief.  Somehow a game that doesn't use tilesets seems far more restricted and they pulled that off is a mystery to me.

In summary I think the game has a ton of potential but I think it will be up to the modding community to bring it all out.   In that context I hope the reliance on “voice acting” in this version of NWN…always a pain for a shoe string modder…isn’t something that proves to be an impediment to that end.  I find it odd that the DEVs abandoned so many steps forward on some of the game play option (giving up real time combat, taking away the more realistic towns and cities for better graphics that prove to be nothing but facades) just to net a few gains in graphics and “mood” stuff.  But for my money give me a sparse looking dungeon with ten chests, secret doors, over a dungeon cluttered to the ceiling with non-interactive painted junk and one thing to do other than walk around. 

Is this the game Atari really wanted when they came out with NWN1?  If it is then BioWare needs to apologize for not upholding such a low standard but instead giving the gaming community one of the best games ever made.

(I suspect the lug heads at Obsidian are hoping the talented modders come out with something soon so they can plagiarize as much as possible for their next expansion).
« Last Edit: March 06, 2007, 03:30:06 pm by _Rondo_GE The OutLaw »

Offline Sirgod

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 03:20:49 pm »
I couldn't agree more. I got as far as the Githyanki, and was fed up with the main story.


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Offline Javora

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 03:25:58 pm »
Hey Rondo give this a look...,163371231.0.html

Sorry you didn't get a chance to read this before you bought that game.  I still haven't played NWN 2 since my last post on the subject.  Hopefully some patches or an expansion will make this game playable.  I won't however buy any expansion until after I read a lot of customer reviews, I would advise the same to everyone else.

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 05:34:24 pm »
well thanks guys.

Y'know I'm getting used to these kinds of let downs.  It's like they make a game then ruin it.

So its no longer a choice of "Best Game" but of "Best Letdown".

I've bought enough games to realize that you NEVER buy a game when it first comes out if it has been "passed" to another software house.  I learned that with 14 Points east to Taldren and and with Myth.  It's not speghetti code its "Swamp Code" new name...full of bugs.  I am beginning to think the new generation of coders came out of the Derek Smart school of game breaking...err making.  In the case of Taldren though they worked hard to bring SFC back to SFC1 standards and beyound...with a little help from Firesoul and others.

Anyway i waited and I'm glad I did.  I wanted to be objective.  I've read only a few reviews int he last few months but those were by the usual hacks that miss the point.

But I did screw up a bit as I had been away from NWN for over two years and decided to go to the Hall of Fame and download some mods by those incredibly talented modders...BIG MISTAKE.  I'm almost read to throw it down and finish up Bob Mca's  Sands of Fate series.  I realize that there are about 20 NWN1 modders that Obsidian can't hold a candle to.

But what can these folks be thinking?  It's always a mystery on how they can take a game,,,and completely ignore the hundreds of thousands of downloads the mods section gets and then try fail to properly remake it when they bloody well know what everyone wants. 

Vanity to vanity all is you know why I am the way I am. .. so cynical at times.

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 07:04:58 pm »
Well I'm about done with Act II.

My impressions have changed somewhat.  The plot still seems pretty linear BUT by this time you can waste a whole mess of time running around looking for recruits for the keep and upgrading your parties weapons using the improved crafting functions.  My big goal is to upgrade the dwarf's waraxe to equal my own +5, +2 magic, Admantium Holy Battleaxe...(+5 at level 15???? hahahahaha- in NWN1 it was a struggle to get a +3 weapon at this level).
I have a feeling he'll play a major part soon. 

I'm still a little disconcerted over having to fight goblins, orcs and ogres at this level.  By this time the only ones you meet who can hang should be named dudes with major plot tags attached.  I wonder how many beaties this game actually has?  Haven't met a mummy yet.  Or for that matter a minor Lich.  (Hmmm...maybe I have not sure).

Anyway I just cleaned out the Arvahn Ruins except for the Gem Cave.   When I got there it looked like three factions of Orcs, Ogres and Bugbears were duking it out.  Well I needed just 400 experience points to get everyone to level 15 (and get a few more crafting feats for spefiic people with spells I needed) so I just fought everyone.  Thats turned out pretty good since when I got down there the Ogre was pretty friendly and even rewarded me for kicking but on someone he hated even though I killed half his stinkin

Actually I thought that cut scene was pretty funny. 

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2007, 02:19:58 pm »
I guess I should try it again Rondo. I have to admit, I got a kick out of the Fire Mage gal that almost burnt your uncles tavern down.

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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2007, 03:21:07 am »
I guess I should try it again Rondo. I have to admit, I got a kick out of the Fire Mage gal that almost burnt your uncles tavern down.


Well if you got nuthin better to do.

(SPOILERS somewhat))

Act III has begun to bogged down a bit...plot fatigue the bane of all linear stories.

And its plane to see this thing was rushed pluse there are a few bugs and broken spells ...ressurection is one.  Lots of dead bodies laying around that cant be put back...(of course THEY would have been witnesses to Ember witout all the running around).  Sloppy.

Haste is broken to so dont plan on making any CE Hasted armors or such.  At least the Wizards version of it is.  You cant target anything with it and the spell is really "mass haste".  But they toned the spell down a lot from NWN1.  Strill it moves things along.

Dragons seem almost unkillable.  I've met 3 in two situations...  Put some minor dents in it.  Decided to kill off the other faction which was easy. 

The animation continue to disappoint.  Whether to save frame rate or whatever sometimes the foes just slide around and chase

I dunno...I'll keep playing and see...

Offline J. Carney

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2007, 11:23:54 am »
Yeah, the Githyanki storyline got me, too. I played till I come up agianst the Blade Golem, and my Rouge/Duelist simply couldn't do enough damage to kill it... even with all the other party members participating. IT ticked me off that I couldn't have the character build that I wanted and still finish the game.

Any advice on how to kick that thing's metal arse?
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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2007, 03:06:46 pm »
Yeah, the Githyanki storyline got me, too. I played till I come up against the Blade Golem, and my Rouge/Duelist simply couldn't do enough damage to kill it... even with all the other party members participating. IT ticked me off that I couldn't have the character build that I wanted and still finish the game.

Any advice on how to kick that thing's metal arse?

Golems are a pain.

Difficult to say without knowing your PC's stats...but I didn't kill the Blade Golem either he just ran off. after I (we)attacked him and did some you don't have to take him all the way down.. 

I can't remember the level I was at when I did that part of the game...probable around ten or so but maybe less.  As I recall the end of Chapter I was heavy on melee fighting and particularly on slashing type attacks from both he thieves and the githyanki.  After my first encounter with well armed thieves I started to buff up our armor class and started to research enhancing weapons using recipes.  Swordsman's belts and especially anything that gives damage reduction from slashing is an advantage here. The whole end of Chapter I is about slashing.

Now on the offense by this time you should have Kasavir(magic hammer cant remember what it did)...along with the dwarf who you get from the start (I had him upgraded to +1 dwarven war axe and also he had a flaming halberd).  Since your a Rogue I guess your not taking her (Akeesha)(or maybe not).   But as I recall from NWN1 sneak attacks dont work against Golems anyway.  (I DO take Akeesha whenever I can these days as I got her leveled like a "Devastating Rogue" and she can be lethal in the right circumstances. I think my party was composed of Me (Ranger..melee type sword and shield fighting style AC 27, Bone Phoenix or a +2 or 3 Morning Star).

I think I had my Druid on this one with her magic mostly turned off so I could use her good melee skills.  I got tired of her turning into a silly pig when I really needed her astral blade (sonic) and a better armor class.  They need to install a "polymorph yes or no button" on the character behavior menu  Also all but one PC had damage reduction or slashing reduction throughout most of Act I. and All those AC's were over 23 or 24 (Druid was at 23).

Anyway I didn't do anything special to turn that dude back.  Just waited until he was done with the githyanki and then hit him with melee attacks with all my PC's.  Everyone but the druid has 18+ str so somethin must have gotten through cause he turned tail and ran away (I wont say where).
Note: I'm finding Rangers in this game are very powerful.  Shoot i just got the "Hide in plain site" (It's outdoors only).
« Last Edit: March 19, 2007, 03:47:26 pm by _Rondo_GE The OutLaw »

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: NWN2 Impressions...errrrrrrr
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2007, 10:40:57 am »

Ummm...I just finished one of my first set "Battles" in Act III which will culiminate in the end of the game. 

You will face golems again and in force ,, so your goiong to have to Buff up your fighter/melee types high enough to handle them and perhaps even your rogue...

As for your curent problem I'm thinking Admantium weapons might help.