Topic: The Fall & Rise of Plasma Torpedoes  (Read 4900 times)

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Re: The Fall & Rise of Plasma Torpedoes
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2003, 09:03:02 pm »
I have heard many complaints of pilots pertaining to the accuracy of the plasma torpedo; whereto I am unfortunate (or fortunate given that I am a Romulan player) to be unable to see their supposed inaccuracy. Any typical Romulan will attempt to launch an offensive within a short range, therefore they will have an 89 to 95% chance of hitting, and this is without a tactical officer multipler.

In the development of Romulan tactics, originally it felt that they were infact inaccurate, but patience paid off and after gaining a feel for the way Romulan ships are designed to be piloted, I now feel they are very strong and reliable vessels. It is my opinion that the Raptor BattleCruiser outfitted properly (and to maximum effect) is actually the best class in the game capable of destroying almost any other class including those which are above it (dependant on the pilot).  


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Re: The Fall and the Rise of Plasma Torpedoes
« Reply #21 on: March 10, 2003, 02:34:06 am »
GAH! That is SO  true!

And you are very evil for remembering that. I swear, for a long time, that was the thread that ate the forum alive...

Alidar Jarok

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Re: The Fall and the Rise of Plasma Torpedoes
« Reply #22 on: March 10, 2003, 09:50:58 am »

GAH! That is SO  true!

And you are very evil for remembering that. I swear, for a long time, that was the thread that ate the forum alive...  

But its all better now (except for all those who play for an inferior race)


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Re: The Fall & Rise of Plasma Torpedoes
« Reply #23 on: March 10, 2003, 11:00:03 am »

For my part, the SFC3 plasma is the FIRST thing I remove from my ships, they take the time to arm of real plasmas, but they dont hit for crap.

As for the beta patch, I am already beta testing the game, I dont feel like beta'ing the patches too, I will wait for the "offical" patch, rofl.

Have a nice day!  

Sorry but thats damn stupid, Heavy Plasmas used with cloak are possibly the most effective weapon in the game. If you removed them from your Rom ships beta release, no wonder they didnt pick up on there low accuracy tut tut