Topic: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest  (Read 5133 times)

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2006, 01:51:47 pm »
Any of the escort ships with PhG's were deployed on the Rom front, they wouldn't be available
for any Western front Ops.

Where'd you get that from? Totally not true. You're thinking of the DER and stuff. All Fed escorts have gats.
I'm sure I remember reading it somewhere, 'sides who are you going to believe- me or you?

And again- a NCD or CAD can run the same mission times *depending* on what the mission AI draws are.
It all depends on what the mission draws are, if a DF draws something with 3 or 4 AMD racks it's going to be slowing down as well.

Well duh, that's the point. NCD's draw war and heavy cruisers (and can't HET), CADs draw almost exclusively heavies. DF's draw frigates, and if you're dragging him behind you at speed 31, you don't care if he has AMD.

All this theorizing about heavy droners being equivalent on paper is crap. Get in a DF and run five missions. 3 or 4 of those will be one-pass kills. Get in a CAD and try the same thing, and you''ll be lucky if you get any one-pass kills.

Don't think I ever said they were eqaul, but I do think the difference in mission time can be marginalized.

Anyway- I've realized that some of the ideas I want to try will have to be used in a slightly larger set up anyway, my original plan was to use them in a 2 race server
then see if it could be expanded.
I've come to the conclusion while writing the setup that of course they'll work with only two races, but can everything work with multiple races.

Main combatants are going to be Kzin vs Fed
Need one ally for each... was thinking Kzin/Hydran vs Fed/Lyran for something new.
Any other sugestions? (aside from the boring old- same sides as always)
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2006, 04:12:07 pm »
Main combatants are going to be Kzin vs Fed
Need one ally for each... was thinking Kzin/Hydran vs Fed/Lyran for something new."

Hmmm, now the dead pirate Hexx works on a way to be able to slip out of a fed ship into a lyran...stay tuned for further developments. (Likely about how he can land in that Lyran dred he's always running on about) :o
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2006, 04:54:10 pm »
Main combatants are going to be Kzin vs Fed
Need one ally for each... was thinking Kzin/Hydran vs Fed/Lyran for something new."

Hmmm, now the dead pirate Hexx works on a way to be able to slip out of a fed ship into a lyran...stay tuned for further developments. (Likely about how he can land in that Lyran dred he's always running on about) :o

Any reports of a BCPP with photons or F-14's appearing on Lyran carriers is possibly almost completely sure to be false.
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2006, 05:12:40 pm »
This a a bad idea.   Most people simply hate flying Fed so you aren't going to get close to a balanced sides.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2006, 05:31:16 pm »
This a a bad idea.   Most people simply hate flying Fed so you aren't going to get close to a balanced sides.

It's a great idea.
Some will fly Feds, hordes upon hordes will rejoice at their chance to fly Lyran for once in their misbegotten lives.
Kzin will be represented fairly well, and a few of the cheese mongers will go Hydran as always.

sides -if I put the Feds in people say "No one will fly Fed, not balanced'
If I put the Klinks in I get "to many people will fly Klink, not balanced"

Only other races are those deviant plasma chuckers.
And they frighten me.
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2006, 05:48:13 pm »
This a a bad idea.   Most people simply hate flying Fed so you aren't going to get close to a balanced sides.

It's a great idea.
Some will fly Feds, hordes upon hordes will rejoice at their chance to fly Lyran for once in their misbegotten lives.
Kzin will be represented fairly well, and a few of the cheese mongers will go Hydran as always.

sides -if I put the Feds in people say "No one will fly Fed, not balanced'
If I put the Klinks in I get "to many people will fly Klink, not balanced"

Only other races are those deviant plasma chuckers.
And they frighten me.

If the 9th fleet were to turn out well, then the Feds would have a good chance.
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2006, 07:12:54 pm »
I'd fly as a Fed.

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2006, 08:39:28 pm »
 I'll fly FED.

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2006, 10:57:39 pm »
Not really very interested, might make a guest appearance if I got bored that depending on the timing the shiplist, etc.  I really dislike flying Kzin in mid era unless it is against the Klingons,or Hydrans. and doubt I could see myself flying against them, although I have done it before.  :flame:  The Kzin carriers aren't bad during mid at all, but I've never been a carrier jock. 

So put in in the 10-20% likely to fly non-nutter hours and 80% unlikely to fly category.  As for sides unknown as I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

One note: If you include fast cruisers (I reccomend you don't) you need to seriously rework the Kzin one. 

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2006, 02:42:00 pm »
I w/ chuut no interest.

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2006, 02:48:17 pm »
Umm after thinking about it for awhile. Decided that as stated above. Not really interested. When about 7 out of 10 missions are against Escorts= not fun

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