Topic: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest  (Read 5134 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« on: March 26, 2006, 01:40:10 pm »
OK Before I actually start outting this together and have to start begging tech guys for favours
I'd like to gauge actual interest. Had a few people concerned that everyone will fly Kzin intead of fed
I'm personally more concerned about no one showing up.
Therefore- if I could ask a favour of you- if you'd like to fly on the server described (or a server basically like it) please put your name down and what race you'd fly.
If you have no interest in it please put that down as well.
This simply gives me some numbers, other than getting 20 people to sign up and assuming the rest want to play, when in fact no one does.

The Server
Planned for about 10 days (Yes I've learned my lesson)
Should launch on a Friday night, run until Sunday night of the following wekend.
If there's interest and a point, it will have the ability to run for another week after this.

Feds Vs Kzin
These years should be fairly well balanced, both sides are out of early, have many of their front line warships available, but ends before the super ships arrive.

VP's will be awarded for Holding major objectives, minor objectives, capital ship
destruction ratio, as well as some "raid" targets.
raid targets will be hexes/combination of hexes than can only be hit by DS (if you cna hit them normally you've already won the war so..), must be hit in a certain order, but don't have to be held- the raid is considered accomplished once the hexes are flipped the first time.

Major VP hexes will be on hte map and marked, minor VP hexes will be assigned by the owning side and are secret. A new "secret" objective hex will be revealed for each side on a predetermined basis, a side will then have X amount of time to take it out for bonus VP, of course it can always be capped normally for regular VP.

-Shiplist willbe centered around the Heavy Cruiser/ Heavy Command Cruiser
(if they're out, don't remember the dates offhand)
Some specialty ships will be available for general purchase, some of the "uber" ones will be assigned to accounts beforehand & will not be replacable.

~ and of course, any or all of this is subject to change as people find problems I may have missed.

So again- please put down which side you'd like to fly, or if you're not going to fly at all.

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2006, 02:38:56 pm »
Depends on the rules and setup.

Fed are a better PvP race, Kzin are a better flipping race. There's a fairly big disparity for both I think.

That's what you're going to have to try to balance.

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2006, 03:20:22 pm »
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2006, 03:35:43 pm »
Depends on the rules and setup.

Fed are a better PvP race, Kzin are a better flipping race. There's a fairly big disparity for both I think.

That's what you're going to have to try to balance.

Well nothing can really be done about the DF, again map VP setup would consist of enough hexes that both hex flippers nad fleets have a role to play.

As for PvP- is it that big a difference? I'll be the first to admit that I've never really flown Kzin ships, but on paper the  CCH seems to match up well enough to the CB
and the MCC+ seems close to the CLC. Kzin NCC seems better than Fed NCC ... carriers are about a draw, Fighters are perhaps slightly in favour f the Kzin, HAAS is marginally better than the F-18, while of course being inferior to the F-14's
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2006, 03:36:32 pm »

Isn't it going to be embarrassing having me smack you around while flying Fed?
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2006, 03:40:50 pm »
The more you spread out VC's, the easier it will be for the flipper. If Bonk's DV thing works then fine, otherwise you will have use VC's to create choke points for PvP to have any effect.

The MCC+ is good, but not as good as the CLC. The CCH is not nearly as good as the CB.

Carriers should be close, except for those Feds which can field gatling fighters.

Maybe the CVS+ will be the balancing factor, since the Feds don't have an equivalent.

Also don't forget, the BCG is out in 77.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2006, 05:27:09 pm »
Therefore- if I could ask a favour of you- if you'd like to fly on the server described (or a server basically like it) please put your name down and what race you'd fly.

Your Kidding Right? ;D

Feddy Fingers. The Other Other White Meat ;D

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Offline Hexx

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2006, 06:39:51 pm »
.... uhmm I was going to savagely Dax in a verbal smackdown for making false claims about my PVP skillz
but his post is gone..

How odd..
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2006, 03:54:19 am »
i woul dhave no inteest

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2006, 05:10:02 am »
.... uhmm I was going to savagely Dax in a verbal smackdown for making false claims about my PVP skillz
but his post is gone..

How odd..

All those screenshots of you dying must be wrong.

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2006, 07:30:09 am »
If I can fly it will be Fed

(I think I can... just not 100% sure when I'm getting home anymore, bleh)
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2006, 07:34:01 am »
The more you spread out VC's, the easier it will be for the flipper. If Bonk's DV thing works then fine, otherwise you will have use VC's to create choke points for PvP to have any effect.

It won't be ready for this one. Work on it has been shelved for the moment till we get the MySQL stability issue sorted out, we're getting close. But I do intend to return to PvP DV shifts and get them working reliably.

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2006, 07:38:54 am »
Also don't forget, the BCG is out in 77.

T00L you bastard! That was supposed to be a secret! ;)

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2006, 08:33:56 am »
What kind of shiplist are we talking here...

Remember, the Fed drone boats (CAD, NCD, their "escorts" for the Western front with 4+ dual-use G-racks and lots-'o-Gatlings, etc.) can flip hexes just as effectively as the Kzin DFs etc.

So, if we're talking a "more-or-less" stock shiplist with all these fancy ships, the hex-flipping issue will be equal.  Therefore, it'll come down to PvP ability (remember, Kzin vs. 4xAMD "drone boats" isn't the greatest thing), which the Feds will have more of (using the anti-Klingon ships).

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2006, 08:53:15 am »
Remember, the Fed drone boats (CAD, NCD, their "escorts" for the Western front with 4+ dual-use G-racks and lots-'o-Gatlings, etc.) can flip hexes just as effectively as the Kzin DFs etc.

So, if we're talking a "more-or-less" stock shiplist with all these fancy ships, the hex-flipping issue will be equal.  Therefore, it'll come down to PvP ability (remember, Kzin vs. 4xAMD "drone boats" isn't the greatest thing), which the Feds will have more of (using the anti-Klingon ships).

Julin that is absolutely NOT true. Run 5 missions in a DF and 5 missions in an NCD or CAD. They are nowhere near equal.

P.S., The escorts were nerfed in DH's list.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2006, 09:10:28 am »
Remember, the Fed drone boats (CAD, NCD, their "escorts" for the Western front with 4+ dual-use G-racks and lots-'o-Gatlings, etc.) can flip hexes just as effectively as the Kzin DFs etc.

So, if we're talking a "more-or-less" stock shiplist with all these fancy ships, the hex-flipping issue will be equal.  Therefore, it'll come down to PvP ability (remember, Kzin vs. 4xAMD "drone boats" isn't the greatest thing), which the Feds will have more of (using the anti-Klingon ships).

Julin that is absolutely NOT true. Run 5 missions in a DF and 5 missions in an NCD or CAD. They are nowhere near equal.

P.S., The escorts were nerfed in DH's list.

Then I was thinking Gatling-escorts.  I recall one server where I got an NAE or something like that (4xdrone, 4xGat, 2xPhot), and wiping ships in one pass, maybe needing a second gat shot or scatter to top off the bigger boats.  That, to me, is approx. the same speed DFs get.

And on the DH-itized escorts, hence my question as to what shiplist we're using...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2006, 09:42:44 am »

What the hell - I sucked at Klingon but had fun on KCW anyway, I'm game to try (and suck at) Fed  ;)
(Time flown would probably be similar to KCW - a couple of days per week)


Offline Hexx

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2006, 12:48:43 pm »
Any of the escort ships with PhG's were deployed on the Rom front, they wouldn't be available
for any Western front Ops. You'd have to be insane to fly them in PVP anyway so..

And again- a NCD or CAD can run the same mission times *depending* on what the mission AI draws are.
It all depends on what the mission draws are, if a DF draws something with 3 or 4 AMD racks it's going to be slowing down as well.

AS for the shiplist- Yeah it'll be DH's, at least I think it will, everyone seems to ask him and I've just always assumed I can use it.. who know maybe DH has got J'inn on his way North as we speak..
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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2006, 12:58:08 pm »
Any of the escort ships with PhG's were deployed on the Rom front, they wouldn't be available
for any Western front Ops.

Where'd you get that from? Totally not true. You're thinking of the DER and stuff. All Fed escorts have gats.

And again- a NCD or CAD can run the same mission times *depending* on what the mission AI draws are.
It all depends on what the mission draws are, if a DF draws something with 3 or 4 AMD racks it's going to be slowing down as well.

Well duh, that's the point. NCD's draw war and heavy cruisers (and can't HET), CADs draw almost exclusively heavies. DF's draw frigates, and if you're dragging him behind you at speed 31, you don't care if he has AMD.

All this theorizing about heavy droners being equivalent on paper is crap. Get in a DF and run five missions. 3 or 4 of those will be one-pass kills. Get in a CAD and try the same thing, and you''ll be lucky if you get any one-pass kills.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Fed-Kzin Wars Info & Interest
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2006, 01:46:15 pm »
I have to go with T00L on this one. The mission draws in an NCA or NCE are way different from what you get in a Z-DF. It's a  simple question of mission time. A DF can end a mission in about a minute, while a Fed escort needs longer, due to the fact it draws bigger, and better ships.

On the other hand, you can't make it PvP-centric because that favors Fed ships.

It's a tricky equation, either way.

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