Topic: Chris Jones Mod ideas, events, progress, future..  (Read 2357 times)

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Offline Chris Jones

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Chris Jones Mod ideas, events, progress, future..
« on: April 23, 2006, 06:23:37 pm »
 I'd like to offer up details on what I'm up to these days. My main focus is still on Universe At War for OP. As you know there is a dynaverse running as I write this, and I hope as you read this. Very popular, approaching 90 registered players. I'm working on a shiplist update to it. Thanks to Vic for mentioning it in a recent Argus Array podcast. You may know there is more than one version of UAW floating around. Work is proceeding on a balanced 'CUGS Match' version of UAW. At the moment, UAW is utterly fantastic in single player mode, and in multiplayer. We are still balancing all 16 races and plan to eliminate Engine Doubling in the '2nd Official Patch' for UAW. You may have heard of William Schramm's campaign for OP. Read about it here: It will incorporate UAW as well, in the advanced era, using a special shiplist. So, lots going on with UAW.

Other mods? At some point in my life I'd like to update older mods, like the TNG Mod for EAW, balancing it out a bit and making a few more missions. Time is the factor on this one, as I also run an Internet radio station here: - and run a home-based business as well. I'm an active member of CUGS

I'd like to play with Bridge Commander but I need a clone, I spose.
SFC3? Not a lot of time for that either, unfortunately. Need 2 clones - Not bounty hunters, either.

Be looking for updates and more news here Thanks to Vic for coming up with a template for my site. I had an e107 for a long time, but after a nice hack job, a decison was made to keep it simpler - although I have 2 other portal sites linked from there. Keep on gaming..
..Because the game does not have to, and will not, remain the same..

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Re: Chris Jones Mod ideas, events, progress, future..
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 11:02:05 pm »
Glad to hear you plan to keep active at modding.  :thumbsup:

How about an Andromeda Mod for OP? (probably not enough ships tho). I have an Andromeda Model, a World ship model...

Or maybe a Naval mod for OP? Complete with eras... Age of Sail, American civil war, WW1, WW2, Modern... ;) hehe...
edit: we'd need to recruit some modelers for that one...
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 11:26:22 pm by Bonk »