Blackadder RULZ!!!!!
Mrs. Miggins: Bonjour, Monsiuer
Blackadder: Excuse me.
Mrs. Miggins: It's French.
Blackadder: So is eating frogs, cruelty to geese and urinating on the streets.
Lieutenant George: Oh, sir, if we should happen to tread on a mine, what do we do?
Captain Blackadder: Well, normal procedure, Lieutenant, is to jump up 200 feet into the air and scatter yourself over a wide area.
Lord Flasheart: [about planes] Always treat your kite like you treat your woman.
Lieutenant George: You mean take her to tea with you to meet your mother and father?
Lord Flasheart: No! I mean get inside her five times a day and take her to heaven and back!
Captain Blackadder: I can see why the suffragette movement are wanting the vote.
Lord Flasheart: Hey, hey! Any girl who wants to chain herself to my railings and suffer a jet movement gets my vote!
Captain Blackadder: So in the name of security, sir, everyone who enters the room has to have his bottom fondled by this drooling pervert?
Captain Darling: I'm only doing my job, Blackadder.
Captain Blackadder: Well, how lucky you are then that your job is also your hobby
Captain Blackadder: That is the worst idea in the history of entertainment since Abraham Lincoln said, "I'm sick of kicking around the house all day, let's go take in a show."