New server idea . . .
In all seriousness, Lyran versus Mirak works out fine as long as BCHs ae treated the same as DNs as far as OOB is concered.
Let's not get all crazy now.. have you read the SFB history stuff?
The BCPP is a "battlecruiser" much like the D7 is a "battlecruiser", it's not a "Heavy Battle Cruiser"
If you read the ship history it's bascially a light cruiser with a few additions added to it.
in fact if you read the write up about it I believe it's described as not being a Dreadnaught but actually a "very big" cruiser.
Sides it should be fair, the Mirak have the Best Frigate (DF) , we have the Best "big" cruiser.
Sure they'd be expensive (thinking 9k or so) but really no reason to restricit them