Topic: Wars that Should Have Been..  (Read 12397 times)

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Wars that Should Have Been..
« on: March 23, 2006, 05:26:02 pm »
Yes it's true.
Not having had anything to have a hissy fit about online for a few months I thought I'd try and throw another few campaigns together
( & of course the fact that the guys i was going to play D&D online with bailed after I bought it...grrr)

Civil Wars bore me at the moment, plasma has always bored me.
Traditional multi race setups have become predictable, as (to a degree) have the "classic" war setups.
So something (sort of) new.

Wars that weren't, but should have been

~ Federation vs Kzin
~ Federation vs Hydran
~ Federation vs Kzin vs Hydran
~ Kzin vs Hydran

The fact that all of these involve fighter-using races in no way should be seen as advocating that fighters
are cooler than PF's.
The fact that it will likely involve someone beating on the Feds should in no way be taken as amusing.

Any interest?

EDIT- blind VP system- (just needed to write this here cuz Ill forget)-
Other notes-
- probably 1 week, maybe 2 depending on start year (yes I've learned my lesson about tech progression + multi week servers)
- Most likely would be Kzin vs Fed- think it's the easiest to balance and set up (damn cheesy Hydrans), although a three way would be cool...
- Years to be detrmined, but sometime after semi-decent fighters available to both, really would like to see it before BCH fest (77+) though
   so dunno...
- Shiplists would be SFB accuratish, no CJ/Unique unit, Fed fleets (in any scenario) would be the " Western" ships
  (ie no plasma /PhG boats- dunno if anyone uses them anyway)
- Map would be my oft suggested never used idea of a few heavily defended high value hexes for those that only feel alive when commanding huge
  fleets of multiple DN's <cought00lcough>, plus a number of smaller more numerous targets for the individual pilots to shine
- Rules would be kept to a minimum (don't die, take territory, kill ships) ~there would be rules for Cap ships though (ie if you're in a CVA, one of your
  escorts has to be an escort)
- Hexes would be a combo of high DV around important areas, low DV (like 5) around most areas.
- there would definitely be a slot area
- VP hexes would likely be a combo of obvious (Major planet/ shipyard at xx,yy) & hidden- (side a places a research outpost in hex x1,y1)
  hidden VP hexes would be submitted to admin & revealed at server end
  Some of these "secret" vp installations would be revealed during the course of  the server , with a time limt (say 1hour after posting) for
  VP's to be awarded for their destruction.
- would absolutely love to incorporate Bonk's DV shift system if it's ready for prime time (or hell, even if it's not)
- there would likely be some kind of Vp system for PVP- but based on overall shiploss for the entire run rather than concentrating points on
  individual ships/ship types.
- likely would have a bp system for the heaviest metal, nothing complicated, really simply there to represent if a big ship goes down there shouldn't
  be another available 30 seconds later. No real interest in extending it to the "specialty ships" etc. Too much work.
- action points.. hmm I could set something up so each side gets a number of points, they could either be used to build crap  (ie the Fed & Kzin ships)
  or for intel- ie spend a point find out where a enemy hidden VP is, spend a number of them and get a shot at a specific enemy ship... now this is why I have
  such a rep as  genius around here, I really think I like this idea, which of course means thte lot of you will hate it... bastards.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 07:10:08 pm by The Dread Pirate Hexx »
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 06:06:59 pm »
sounds cool. I can still kill feds and thats what counts. Plus i get to fly hydran and Mirak two of my favorite races.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 06:18:18 pm »
sounds cool. I can still kill feds and thats what counts. Plus i get to fly hydran and Mirak two of my favorite races.

soo Hydarn,Mirak, Klink... just how many favourite races do you have?  :P
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 06:44:34 pm »
hm...I've been thinking along similar lines. I've even started working out some server settings for something. :)

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 06:50:35 pm »
hm...I've been thinking along similar lines. I've even started working out some server settings for something. :)

Server setting are good, I have to usually get DH to do it, and the things he makes me say leave me feeling so unclean...
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 08:24:45 pm »
"The fact that it will likely involve someone beating on the Feds should in no way be taken as amusing."

I'm not going to bother to be a Fed target for all the coalition members plus the devotees of whatever race you assign to throw at whatevers left of the feds that have actually been showing up in the last year or so.  I would suggest you make short one to two week servers like hydran vs mirak, or rom versus gorn, which might still translate into a coalition base versus an alliance base.

There simply aren't enough Feds putting in enough time for whatever reasons, to bother with this. I've nuttered enough to know.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 08:45:21 pm by FPF-Tobin Dax »
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 08:59:32 pm »

There simply aren't enough Feds putting in enough time for whatever reasons, to bother with this. I've nuttered enough to know.

The game just ain't the same without the Blue Plague to push around. :D

STO Chars:
Justleroy@justleroy  - Lt. Commander, Grade 1, Starfleet, Commander U.S.S. Icarus
Krakato'a@justleroy - Sergent, Grade 2, Imperial Klingon Defense Force, Commander I.K.S. Mevt-V'a

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 09:26:10 pm »
"The fact that it will likely involve someone beating on the Feds should in no way be taken as amusing."

I'm not going to bother to be a Fed target for all the coalition members plus the devotees of whatever race you assign to throw at whatevers left of the feds that have actually been showing up in the last year or so.  I would suggest you make short one to two week servers like hydran vs mirak, or rom versus gorn, which might still translate into a coalition base versus an alliance base.

There simply aren't enough Feds putting in enough time for whatever reasons, to bother with this. I've nuttered enough to know.

There's not enough left of anyone to do anything really interesting.. (have I mentioned by odd ideas for an Andro Invasion?)
I think with Kzin/Fed server you should have a decent balance of peeps flying Kzin and peeps that would fly Fed.
Some people don't like flying Fed, some don't like flying Kzin.
Hopefully they'll be amused flying one of the two.
(I'll fly either, maybe both..)
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2006, 09:40:02 pm »
"There's not enough left of anyone to do anything really interesting" 

That's a copout. As Kreug pointed out a few months ago, the alliance signs up and the coalition shows up. Whatever you do and I appreciate that you actually want to do something, you need to give some serious thought to what the numbers might be under your scenarios. Creating servers that you know going in are likely to be blowouts, won't help maintain an active player base.

I don't think many great songs get sung about conquering AI...
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 09:53:28 pm by FPF-Tobin Dax »
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2006, 10:03:05 pm »
"There's not enough left of anyone to do anything really interesting" 

That's a copout. As Kreug pointed out a few months ago, the alliance signs up and the coalition shows up. Whatever you do and I appreciate that you actually want to do something, you need to give some serious thought to what the numbers might be under your scenarios. Creating servers that you know going in are likely to be blowouts, won't help maintain an active player base.

I doubt think many great songs get sung about conquering AI...

I'm far to terribly amused by the Leafs getting blown out tonight to take offence to this (hehe Hockey fans read some of the stories being written by TO media
"Well 47 years ago the Toronto Maple Leafs managed a late season surge to get into the playoffs.. so there's a history there for this team making it.." <sigh> literally too funny for words.
47 years ago..history..Ahhh amusing, (hehe ) anyway where was I...

Ah yes

Play. don't play. If I get the server up all are welcome, if you feel you can't possibly have fun on a server that doesn't (or might not) have a large Fed contingent show up then wait for the next one. (Or actually the one's before it i suppose.. think Burt & Jeff are both planning launches )

My numbers should be fairly solid, for everyone who doesn't want to fly Fed there's a person who doesn't like the Kzin interface.
Neither are coaltion races, neither races ships handle or fly like any coaltion race. I assume the Klinks will (may) largely fly Kzin
I assume the Hydrans will largely fly Fed, I assume the Lyrans will split, I asume the other 5 or 6 plyers will split up also.

In any event I can only try, (and trick DH into hosting another )
If anyone feels it's a waste of their time they really don't have to play.
(All the more CVA's for me..)

<snicker> 47 years.. oh my..
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2006, 10:31:57 pm »
we had 47 people show up for the first night of KCW.  we can still drum up players for a big event, keeping their interest in a server after the initial kickoff is what eludes me.

That said, I think we need a little more variety in the next seriosu campaing than a 2 races server.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2006, 10:38:19 pm »
As long as I don't have to fly Klingon.

P.S. Make it a 2v2 Server, like Four Powers War or K L vs F Z or K L vs F H.

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2006, 10:49:05 pm »
"There's not enough left of anyone to do anything really interesting" 

That's a copout. As Kreug pointed out a few months ago, the alliance signs up and the coalition shows up. Whatever you do and I appreciate that you actually want to do something, you need to give some serious thought to what the numbers might be under your scenarios. Creating servers that you know going in are likely to be blowouts, won't help maintain an active player base.

I doubt think many great songs get sung about conquering AI...

I'm far to terribly amused by the Leafs getting blown out tonight to take offence to this (hehe Hockey fans read some of the stories being written by TO media
"Well 47 years ago the Toronto Maple Leafs managed a late season surge to get into the playoffs.. so there's a history there for this team making it.." <sigh> literally too funny for words.
47 years ago..history..Ahhh amusing, (hehe ) anyway where was I...

Ah yes

Play. don't play. If I get the server up all are welcome, if you feel you can't possibly have fun on a server that doesn't (or might not) have a large Fed contingent show up then wait for the next one. (Or actually the one's before it i suppose.. think Burt & Jeff are both planning launches )

My numbers should be fairly solid, for everyone who doesn't want to fly Fed there's a person who doesn't like the Kzin interface.
Neither are coaltion races, neither races ships handle or fly like any coaltion race. I assume the Klinks will (may) largely fly Kzin
I assume the Hydrans will largely fly Fed, I assume the Lyrans will split, I asume the other 5 or 6 plyers will split up also.

In any event I can only try, (and trick DH into hosting another )
If anyone feels it's a waste of their time they really don't have to play.
(All the more CVA's for me..)

<snicker> 47 years.. oh my..

What's to take offence about?  I'm passing on observations I have made, being the Fed nutter of late.  Not including your last server, as I realise you had RL issues, you haven't shown your face hardly on an actual server in a long enough to say otherwise. Play. don't play. Yep that's fair. It's your baby. You also haven't been online when the other side starts asking why they don't have a decent supply of victims. Actually the only time that I have seen you put much time in actually playing on a server in recent history, was your first. Get offended when the Leafs win and you actually have been online enough to have some valid perspective to counter mine.
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2006, 10:50:04 pm »
As long as I don't have to fly Klingon.

P.S. Make it a 2v2 Server, like Four Powers War or K L vs F Z or K L vs F H.

This sounds better. :thumbsup:
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2006, 06:16:18 am »
we had 47 people show up for the first night of KCW.  we can still drum up players for a big event, keeping their interest in a server after the initial kickoff is what eludes me.

That said, I think we need a little more variety in the next seriosu campaing than a 2 races server.

i agree   especially as my favourite race is not included in any of those senarios.......I WANT MY ESG'S  :p

PS   LOL @ toronto

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2006, 06:20:48 am »
"There's not enough left of anyone to do anything really interesting" 

That's a copout. As Kreug pointed out a few months ago, the alliance signs up and the coalition shows up. Whatever you do and I appreciate that you actually want to do something, you need to give some serious thought to what the numbers might be under your scenarios. Creating servers that you know going in are likely to be blowouts, won't help maintain an active player base.

I doubt think many great songs get sung about conquering AI...

I'm far to terribly amused by the Leafs getting blown out tonight to take offence to this (hehe Hockey fans read some of the stories being written by TO media
"Well 47 years ago the Toronto Maple Leafs managed a late season surge to get into the playoffs.. so there's a history there for this team making it.." <sigh> literally too funny for words.
47 years ago..history..Ahhh amusing, (hehe ) anyway where was I...

Ah yes

Play. don't play. If I get the server up all are welcome, if you feel you can't possibly have fun on a server that doesn't (or might not) have a large Fed contingent show up then wait for the next one. (Or actually the one's before it i suppose.. think Burt & Jeff are both planning launches )

My numbers should be fairly solid, for everyone who doesn't want to fly Fed there's a person who doesn't like the Kzin interface.
Neither are coaltion races, neither races ships handle or fly like any coaltion race. I assume the Klinks will (may) largely fly Kzin
I assume the Hydrans will largely fly Fed, I assume the Lyrans will split, I asume the other 5 or 6 plyers will split up also.

In any event I can only try, (and trick DH into hosting another )
If anyone feels it's a waste of their time they really don't have to play.
(All the more CVA's for me..)

<snicker> 47 years.. oh my..

What's to take offence about?  I'm passing on observations I have made, being the Fed nutter of late.  Not including your last server, as I realise you had RL issues, you haven't shown your face hardly on an actual server in a long enough to say otherwise. Play. don't play. Yep that's fair. It's your baby. You also haven't been online when the other side starts asking why they don't have a decent supply of victims. Actually the only time that I have seen you put much time in actually playing on a server in recent history, was your first. Get offended when the Leafs win and you actually have been online enough to have some valid perspective to counter mine.

I'm always offended when anyonce challenges my ideas.. don't be silly.

And I know the Feds have had issues getting peeps out lately, in fact the only race that doesn't tend to have issues is the Klingons, and well the Lyrans aren't bad either I'd say.
That being said- and stated above by you, I fail to see how a server involving Klinks would work out better ..

Is the idea that
1) Kzin and Fed won't work because everyone would fly against Feds
2) Klinks & Lyrans vs Feds & someone would work better because all those coaltion players that were going to fly
    againts the Feds under idea one will now fly..against the Feds..??

The above isn't meant to be sarcastic  I do want to know how othre players see this, I can't really understand what's the difference
between the two, other than you take away the seemingly most popular option(s) (Klinks, and arguably Lyrans)
To me- a 4 powers war would worsen the gap between player numbers that you're concerned with.

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2006, 07:05:18 am »
~ Kzin vs Hydran

Only if you have a big map, no disengagement rule, and unlimited choice of ships allowed to fleet three ships.


Just to see how fast we can make t00l have a total mental breakdown  :flame:

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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2006, 07:47:41 am »
"PS   LOL @ toronto"

Ottawa must be breathing a sigh of relief. Not having to deal with the Leafs upsetting them once again in the playoffs. Maybe a new team that has been dominated by the Sens in the regular season will kick their butts in place of the Leafs.  ;D
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2006, 07:52:20 am »
OK, seeing as there's no one in the store, I have a minute here...

~ I am more than happy to create some crazy scenario with any of the Western power
   races involved. (Those scum sucking eastern powers can get their own advocates)

~ I know player balance numbers are a concern, hence the idea that if we remove all the coaltion  
   powers , numbers might balance out better. (Oh that's right, Hexx is much smarter than all of you)
   (put together, even if you use external brain packs..)
~ Four Powers doesn't achieve that, any "normal" Alliiance vs Coaltion fight doesn't achieve that
~ Anything I do run will have some sort of rule prohibiting flying capital ships with other races ships
   It will also have individual race VP conditions, Anything using "side/alliance" VP conditions is dumb

~ It will have fighters (fighters r cool )

~ it will hae.. hmm actually just had another brainstorm, more later. (I know you'll be waiting breathlessly)
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Re: Wars that Should Have Been..
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2006, 07:53:03 am »
"PS   LOL @ toronto"

Ottawa must be breathing a sigh of relief. Not having to deal with the Leafs upsetting them once again in the playoffs. Maybe a new team that has been dominated by the Sens in the regular season will kick their butts in place of the Leafs.  ;D

I am actually concerned frickin Boston might somehow possibly squeak in...  :o
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