
Topic: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware  (Read 4757 times)

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Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« on: March 22, 2006, 08:19:16 pm »

Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

MIAMI — Dell Inc. (DELL), the world's largest computer maker, said Wednesday it would buy Alienware Corp., whose high-ends PCs are widely acclaimed by video gamers for their fast performance and sleek, UFO-themed looks.

Dell, based in Round Rock, Texas, didn't announce terms of the deal.

Dell said Alienware "will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary following completion of the transaction and will maintain its own product development, product marketing, sales, technical support and other operations as well as brand.

"The management and founders of Alienware will continue to operate the company as a standalone unit of Dell," Dell said.

Miami-based Alienware was founded in 1996 by Nelson Gonzalez and Alex Aguila, two childhood friends. It is on track to hit $225 million in sales this year, up from $172 million in 2005, according to recent projections by Gonzalez, the privately held company's CEO. Aguila is president.

I don't care if they will remain "independent." It will most likely end up badly for the consumer.
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Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 08:47:45 pm »
Who cares? Alienware machines are horribly overpriced anyways. I can put together an identical system, perhaps minus the fancy case, for hundreds or thousands less.

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Offline Javora

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 04:52:09 am »
Who cares? Alienware machines are horribly overpriced anyways. I can put together an identical system, perhaps minus the fancy case, for hundreds or thousands less.

Absolutely, there is simply no reason to buy something like that when you can build it yourself.  And I swear they have made PC building so easy a trained monkey can do it...  which explains some things about Dell.   ;D

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 01:18:12 pm »
I have said before and will say it again.

No one buys a pre-built computer because of the computer they get.  They buy it because of the support expectation.  The average user COULD build it cheaper, but like oil changes they can't/don't want to support it.

That is why I tell friends to go ahead and buy a dell or an HP... they get pretty good support.  Better than me having to go fix their damn computer all the time.


Offline Javora

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 02:17:58 pm »
I have said before and will say it again.

No one buys a pre-built computer because of the computer they get.  They buy it because of the support expectation.  The average user COULD build it cheaper, but like oil changes they can't/don't want to support it.

That is why I tell friends to go ahead and buy a dell or an HP... they get pretty good support.  Better than me having to go fix their damn computer all the time.


I've been in Dell He||, it's not a very nice place to be.  I've had to call tech support the very first week I took that Dell out of the box.  I hate to think what it is like now with call centers in India and 30 tech support, that is unless you want to pay an extra $100~$150USD on a extended warranty.  On the other hand, the machine I built has been running for almost 3 years now and not so much as a hiccup.  What it comes down to is doing a little bit of homework and pick the parts that perform well.  That way you can save yourself some time, money, and aggravation.

What gets me is that most individual parts has anywhere from three to five year warranties on them with tech support available.  That is better then most pre-built warranties no a days.  Sure you may have to keep more than one number on hand, but is the ability to call just one number worth $100~$150USD ??!?  I can't see how and like I said before with a little research you should never have to worry about tech support anyway.

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 02:32:49 pm »
Sure Javora... if you have the know how to diagnose which part is the problem.  I am a network admin, have built every machine I have ever owned... and I am a million times happier with us buying HPs and just getting the three year warranty on them. 

Sure I do it for my computer, but I have no illusions about the "everyday Joe" swapping out their vid card to see if it is bad.


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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 05:30:53 pm »
To a point I agree with Raven.  That point is who the "Joe Averages" should buy from.  Dell and at least some of the big name companies have the problem of non standard components which can cause trouble when you try to get an upgrade that the big company doesn't wish to sell you (not to mention sometimes obscene prices for those upgrades they do sell).  I don't build computers for my family or friends.  I do however recommend certain local retailers who will custom build with standard components and provide local support.  A quality local "Mom and Pop" computer store is better for a "Joe Average" who wants quality to deal with than the "big boys".  Places that I would buy from if I chose not to build my own.  A clueless "Joe Average" on the other hand is better off with the Dell, at least then he knows he is at fault :).
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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 10:58:10 pm »
I'd post something relevant and informative, but I have to climb back up my tree to scratch my back and head.  :D  8)

Who cares? Alienware machines are horribly overpriced anyways. I can put together an identical system, perhaps minus the fancy case, for hundreds or thousands less.

Absolutely, there is simply no reason to buy something like that when you can build it yourself.  And I swear they have made PC building so easy a trained monkey can do it...  which explains some things about Dell.   ;D

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2006, 05:39:51 am »
You know, I have more problems with HP, gateway, dell machines with propritary hardware than with standard components I can purchase from any frys electronics. More often than not, the hard drives are slower, the motherboard chipset is older, and it's non-standard.

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2006, 05:43:41 am »
{Edited because we're not entirely sure what the heck you're talking about, but it doesn't sound good}
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 01:02:32 pm by Dracho »

Offline Just plain old Punisher

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2006, 05:48:36 am »
Because he was handling bacon before he counts his money?

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2006, 07:32:54 am »
You know, I have more problems with HP, gateway, dell machines with propritary hardware than with standard components I can purchase from any frys electronics. More often than not, the hard drives are slower, the motherboard chipset is older, and it's non-standard.
Me too.  I'm basically the tech support guy for the people in my dorm, and just about every one of them that has come to me with a computer problem uses an HP computer.  Not only are the parts proprietary and in some cases substandard, but they're also usually put together in a way that makes it a pain in the ass to work with.  It's obvious that the hardware is specifically designed to prevent and discourage people from messing with it.  Also, they tend to come loaded with useless software that's supposed to "enhance your computing experience  ::)"  This is especially the case for HP.  My roommate doesn't mind all of that junk on his computer, but it annoys the hell outta me whenever I work on it for him.

As far as support goes, I wouldn't even bother with the big name brand computers.  Sure, Dell has an excellent reputation and I've heard several people say that they've had really good experiences with their tech support, but If you or someone else (like a friend or a small local computer shop) custom-built your computer, then you (or whoever built it) has a more intimate knowlege of your particular system.  In my opinion and experience, this helps tremendously in being able to service your computer yourself.  If another human being that you know built your computer, they're going to be a whole lot easier to get help from than "brand X tech support".  I am much more effective at diagnosing and fixing my own computer problems because I know my hardware configuration inside and out and I can run up to the local Best Buy or Office Depot and replace any part that fails within a couple of hours.  However, I have some friends that have bought HPs from Best Buy who have had to take their computers back to Best Buy and leave them there for a few days, pay them good money to fix them, and then when they finally get their HPs back, the same problem starts happening again.  I have never been in a situation where I have thought to myself "I really wish I had tech support right now".

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2006, 09:50:11 am »
Odd my entire campus is HP.  We have had one nagging issue with the power button on one model coming unsnapped and having to open the front panel to lock it back down.  Other than that I can say our failure rate is INCREDIBLY low.  Of course that comes from an extremely large sample, the computers receiving a hand built image, AND the users not being administrators on their own machines.

But the Hardware ain't the problem, I can't speak to the software, as we nuke it before these things ever boot.  I repeat every piece I see (in a mass buy, which means they were cheap) is brand name (Intel board and processor, Samsung memory, ATI Vid card, etc) and pretty decent quality for the money.

Would I buy it as my PC... hell no, but 99% of users aren't like me.

I am just saying that in general I find gamers have a lot of "home built" computer elitism... But I will also note that I see a heck of a lot of "stumped" gamers when their $300 vid card is still crapping out (Normally due to their $40 power supply). 

Store bought is not = to Junk.

Anymore than hand built is = no problems.

To me it is like the "motorhead" that scoffs at the person who prefers to buy a new car with a good waranty and let someone else take care of all the problems that may arise.  Sure most people could learn how to keep a 1972 GTO running in cherry condition, but not everyone WANTS to.


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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2006, 10:02:53 am »
The key to all of this is research ;) which is why i hate my laptop.  The academy bought the laptops for us (we payed for them) but they never ask the cadets what we need.  Instead they usually put the order in a year in advance thus giving us computers that are already 6 months (at least) out of date out of the box.  I don't know if its possible but i would love to see some clause where as new hardware came out the computer order could be updated up to a certain date....  of course i think the guys who do the ordering would be to lazy to actually do this... o well....

At least i have my rig which  has never failed me ;)

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2006, 01:04:18 pm »
The key to all of this is research ;) which is why i hate my laptop.  The academy bought the laptops for us (we payed for them) but they never ask the cadets what we need.  Instead they usually put the order in a year in advance thus giving us computers that are already 6 months (at least) out of date out of the box.  I don't know if its possible but i would love to see some clause where as new hardware came out the computer order could be updated up to a certain date....  of course i think the guys who do the ordering would be to lazy to actually do this... o well....

At least i have my rig which  has never failed me ;)

LOL.. from an entity associated with putting people in space shuttles with the computing power of a stopwatch?


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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2006, 02:40:24 pm »
wish they would put me in charge of picking out the laptops... all that software they get... gone.... who needs software outside of an os ;)... of course i would probably bankrupt someone as i don't go cheep on performance ;)

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2006, 05:43:49 pm »
(Normally due to their $40 power supply). 


One of the flaws I have found with big name computers.  "Expandable machines" whose power supply is 3 watts more than required by the default configuration.  Upgrade the RAM and you have to buy a new power supply. 

Dell (used to anyhow) use an ATX power supply that appears totally standard.  Use a standard power supply and blow it, the motherboard and everything else in the system as the Dell version of the standard is (or was) wired in reverse.

Non standard memory modules.  One of my friends once had a computers RAM upgraded.  After the upgrade it reported different amounts of memory every time it was booted.  Turned out the modules were IBM only.  They fit the standard socket but were in fact non standard variants for IBM.  His machine required the "real" standard.

Once upon a time if you wanted to upgrade your Compaqs HD you could buy a 2nd one from Compaq for triple the normal price or you could buy a standard drive and scrap the Compaq drive that was in the system.  Some proprietary nonsense wouldn't allow standard drives and Compaq drives to coexist even though the controllers could handle either one.

Back to power supplies.  That is one thing I always say don't scrimp on.  Buy quality and buy more power than you expect to need.  You wouldn't use parrafin or kerosene in your car so why put low quality power in your computer?
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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2006, 06:15:16 pm »
Nemesis just nailed my complaint about the big name machines, proprietary parts. While Alienware machines were horribly overpriced they were repairable and/or upgradeable using off the shelf parts.
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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2006, 06:20:26 pm »
Even their CASES are of proprietary design!!  I once saw a fairly nice looking, albeit old style IBM PC case I wanted to save, after saving the fans, and hard drive (the mobo and CPU were totally obsolete).  I just threw it away; the inside was designed for only those custom components the used.  The spacings and shapes of various areas for the motherboard, add on cards, etc. were totally different from that of a standard case.

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Re: Dell to Buy High-End PC Maker Alienware
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2006, 08:47:25 pm »
Nemesis just nailed my complaint about the big name machines, proprietary parts. While Alienware machines were horribly overpriced they were repairable and/or upgradeable using off the shelf parts.

Ya I mean don't get me wrong, for the money you're buying the absolute best of current technology. Dual SLI video cards, top of the line motherboard, processor, the best memory (none of that valueram crap)

It's just that I know how to put together my own system, so I don't need to buy and alienware machine.

I like being able to control exactly what goes into my machine. Find the best motherboard out there for the price, same with ram, video card and sound (alot of HP's use onboard sound and video, which sucks because they're crappy cards)

"Sex is a lot like pizza.  If you're not careful you can blister your tongue". -Dracho

