Thanks, Sandman! I really appreciate you making the attempt.
Unfortunately, these are the only pics I could find for this (and my other reqested) ship(s). Looking at the ship in its entirety, though, you should notice that the only TMP aspect of the ship is the nav deflector, all other sections, including the secondary hull proportions and construction, is pure TOS. The class' own design history has these ships as being converted neutronium fuel carriers, so they are new construction as of a couple of years after The Four Years War (so the ships are probably completed in 2254 and the 2264 date given is a typo). The external superstructure remains the same until the class is decommissioned, with only the Nav Deflector being upgraded in 2263-65.
This is because in 'The Ships of the Star Fleet' from which this ship is an addition to, the new 'embedded'-style Nav Deflector was introduced around 2265 in the Achernar sub-class of the Constitution line. The Achernar herself (as completed in 2263) has a TOS deflector dish, but the subsequent ships (from 2265 onwards) have this new deflector. However, 'The Ships of the Star Fleet' timeline is rather out of sync with the rest of Canon Trek, as they have the "Vejur" crisis in 2267.
As for a rear shot, I'm sorry. Like I said, these are the only pics I have of her, but on close examination the rear or the dorsal neck looks to be vertical with an overhanging impulse engine, or possibly with an acutely-angled flying buttress coming from that vertical neck to support the underside of the impulse deck. As you can see, the rear of the secondary hull is quite wide for the shuttlebays.
Hope this helps and informs some.