BTW, I should mention that most people find me kind of intimidating!. I am 6;5" tall and weigh 340 pounds. Most people assume I weight about 240 because I go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. I work out with 240 pounds (5x10reps) on the bench press and 280 (5x25reps)on the squat machine. (I prefer reps over large weights!) All of the trainers at my gym know me on a first name basis, since I like to throw the cute females into the air. My record is 12 to 14 feet...... LOL!
I think that rep is totally inaccurate! I can't help it if people are fun to throw up in the air like volleyballs!
Ahh hell Bro, I wrestle Bulls for breakfast.

Just ask Mush about Sirgodhand.

Hey I'll Pm you my phone number again, And your welcome to call me collect.
As for the Hight thingie, I worry more about Smaller people when Faced with that situation. To be honest, I'd rather face a goup then one on one, as It's more demoralizing to hem, when you ake out one or two. Graned, I go for the smaller people, I just sems easyier.
But man If I where 6'5, ['d own the world and be selling parts to Punisher.
as an aside, I'm about ready to run up on Dracho, and try and catch that black snake he's go in his Wall. 7' is something. OK So I've been watching too mch NGC ,so sue me.
Stephen the one who wrestled with a Corral, and made a friend because of it.
Damn dyslexic Color blind Bastards that I am.