Topic: IndyShark, another Snake question...  (Read 9479 times)

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2006, 12:09:31 am »
What not to do with your pet snake

Witnesses reported seeing Courtland Page Johnson, 30, of East Naples, driving erratically before he crashed his PT Cruiser into several barricades at about 9 p.m. Tuesday. He got out of his car, wrestled with the snake and then drove off, reports said.
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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2006, 11:17:34 am »
I never thought of taking my snake for a drive. Personally, I don't blame the snake. It probably didn't like the cool air and did the only thing it could to stop the car.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2006, 11:51:13 am »
Many moons ago, When I was about 13. I had a close family friend, Named Kenny Savage. Anywho, he had a python that was about 9' long. We went out one day to sonic, and he always took his snake with him.

There was a new waitress there, and Kenny always had his Defrost going, as The Python, loved to sit on his dashboard. So this young girl comes along and notices his ( Dashboar art thingie.) So she sticks her head in the window to get a good look.

Now picture this, A nice looking young lady on roller skates, backpedeling as a Snake rases It's head out of curiosity or Perfume, I know not. Needless to say, two strawberry shakes where left on the parkway, and I laughed so darn hard, that I embaressed myself by doing the same thing the Waitress did.

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2006, 04:58:24 pm »
Many moons ago, When I was about 13. I had a close family friend, Named Kenny Savage. Anywho, he had a python that was about 9' long. We went out one day to sonic, and he always took his snake with him.

There was a new waitress there, and Kenny always had his Defrost going, as The Python, loved to sit on his dashboard. So this young girl comes along and notices his ( Dashboar art thingie.) So she sticks her head in the window to get a good look.

Now picture this, A nice looking young lady on roller skates, backpedeling as a Snake rases It's head out of curiosity or Perfume, I know not. Needless to say, two strawberry shakes where left on the parkway, and I laughed so darn hard, that I embaressed myself by doing the same thing the Waitress did.


That's too funny!

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2006, 05:30:47 pm »
I tell ya Indy, I'm about ready to Buy you a ticket down here. Your on the short list of People I have either met, or at least talked to on the phone. Given our love of Snakes, I figure we would get along in person just great.

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Offline IndyShark

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2006, 05:31:58 pm »
Stephen, it would be my pleasure! I am sure we'd have a blast!  You are my kind of people!

Offline Sirgod

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2006, 06:09:16 pm »
BTW, I should mention that most people find me kind of intimidating!. I am 6;5" tall and weigh 340 pounds. Most people assume I weight about 240 because I go to the gym 2 or 3 times a week. I work out with 240 pounds (5x10reps) on the bench press and 280 (5x25reps)on the squat machine. (I prefer reps over large weights!) All of the trainers at my gym know me on a first name basis, since I like to throw the cute females into the air. My record is 12 to 14 feet...... LOL!

I think that rep is totally inaccurate! I can't help it if people are fun to throw up in the air like volleyballs!

Ahh hell Bro, I wrestle Bulls for breakfast.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Just ask Mush about Sirgodhand.  :P

Hey I'll Pm you my phone number again, And your welcome to call me collect.

As for the Hight thingie, I worry more about Smaller people when Faced with that situation. To be honest, I'd rather face a goup then one on one, as It's more demoralizing to hem, when you ake out one or two. Graned, I go for the smaller people, I just sems easyier.

But man If I where 6'5,  ['d own the world and be selling parts to Punisher.

as an aside, I'm about ready to run up on Dracho, and try and catch that black snake he's go in his Wall. 7' is something. OK So I've been watching too mch NGC ,so sue me.

Stephen the one who wrestled with a Corral, and made a friend because of it.

Damn dyslexic Color blind Bastards that I am.
"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline IndyShark

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2006, 06:15:31 pm »
Stephen, if you catch that 7" snake, I want pictures! What is it, an indigo?

Offline Sirgod

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2006, 07:42:48 pm »
I'm not sure too be honest. Dracho mentioned It too me. I tell ya, I've never seen a Garden snake that big.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline Dracho

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2006, 10:35:34 am »
I'm not sure too be honest. Dracho mentioned It too me. I tell ya, I've never seen a Garden snake that big.


There's a whole family of them.  We call them "Black Snakes".  The short one is 6' long.  I think it is one of these:
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Offline IndyShark

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #30 on: April 03, 2006, 05:56:27 pm »
I'm not sure too be honest. Dracho mentioned It too me. I tell ya, I've never seen a Garden snake that big.


There's a whole family of them.  We call them "Black Snakes".  The short one is 6' long.  I think it is one of these:

Damn! some people have all the luck. I wish I had those snakes around. I'll bet you don't have a problem with mice! LOL

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2006, 09:14:36 am »
I don't mind those, but in my retaining wall, I have a light gray snake that is about 2-3' long, and has the classic flat-head and eye ridges of a pit viper.  I've only seen him twice, but I know of no grey pit viper in North America, and it has me perplexed.

I supposed it could be a gray rat snake, but I'm just sure he has the facial pits, and I am therefore not about to pull him out for inspection.
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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2006, 09:28:48 am »
My Favoirte snake in our area is the Milk snake.

The red ones can scare the bejeebus out of people because they think "red" = poison.

They you get the Bull snake a hissing constrictor (I was amazed at age 10 when I discovered that we had "constrictors" in Wisconsin) that often gets confused for our most feared snake resident:

Yes the Timber rattler (as it is called in these parts) is pretty much harmless as over half the bites in the last 20 years come from drunks playing with em.


Offline Sirgod

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2006, 10:15:38 am »
I don't mind those, but in my retaining wall, I have a light gray snake that is about 2-3' long, and has the classic flat-head and eye ridges of a pit viper.  I've only seen him twice, but I know of no grey pit viper in North America, and it has me perplexed.

I supposed it could be a gray rat snake, but I'm just sure he has the facial pits, and I am therefore not about to pull him out for inspection.

Well shoot , after last year, I'm so shot up with anti-Venom, that I'll make a trip up there. I don't know if you remember, But Indy and I became close friends, over this stupid Corral Snake I had when I was a young lad. I honestly thought it was a king snake, and when I brought my "pet", into college, the proffesser told me , how dangerous it was. Now I draped this Reptile around my neck, Heck I even kissed It on it's head, and the snake was just fine.

Little did I know, that the Snake would easily kill me in a heartbeat. Anywho, IF there's any chance that your snake is a pit viper, then we need to take care of that Really fast. I'd be upset, IF Something happened to you or your wife, Because of a snake in your wall.

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2006, 10:27:23 am »
Actually, a coral snake does not have fangs, so it would have to get you in an area where it could inject venom through a regular toothed bite, such as the flesh between your fingers, an earlobe, etc.

Most can't bite you on the leg or foot and get enough venom into the wound to seriously harm you.  Still doesn't mean you want to grab one though.

Remember:  Red on black, venom lack.
                  Red on yellow, kill a fellow.

I got the biggest kick out of a king snake out at our place.  I found him fighting with a frog.  He'd grabbed the frog by the nose in an attempt to eat him, but the leopard frog had puffed himself up too large for the snake to swallow him, so there they sat for 15 minutes.  Finally the snake said screw it and left.  The frog had a ring around his nose.   ;D
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2006, 10:41:39 am »
Your right, also Corrals do this NErve toxin thingie, and basicly Rotate there head back and forth while Gnawing on ya. IT reminds me of those old Indian burns.

I tell ya, I got so tickled with Sethan last year, he had came up here for my birthday, and Brought as a gift, Two snake bite kits, and a box of 12 gauge Shotgun shells.

 The latter has seen a lot of use.  ;D

Seriously, If your concerned about a possible Viper, I'll be more then happy to come up there and remove it. IF It is a viper, we could Probably donate it to the Tulsa Zoo. BTW, is that Rattler at the zoo, still next to the rabbit?

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2006, 11:11:40 am »
No, I think the rabbit filed a hostile work environment suit against the city and the union arbitrator made them move his office.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline IndyShark

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2006, 08:31:18 pm »
Dracho, where do you live? I'll research snakes in the area for you. I think you are right thought. It sounds like a member of the viper or crotalid family. If you tell me where you live, I bet I can narrow the list down.

Dracho, a coral does have fangs, it is "rear fanged" and very deadly. The fangs tend to be very small and they may have many of them, rather than two like the rattlesnakes. The coral snake does not tend to be very aggressive unless you step on it or harrass it. That's what saved Stephen. He was nice to it and even fed it out of his hand. You would not want to try that with any of the snakes in the Viperid family. They have nasty dispositions (and make poor pets) and are very aggressvie. These snakes include the rattlesnakes and vipers. The crotalids include copperheards and these also make poor pets (LOL!)

If you have a rattlesnake or copperhead, you need to get rid of it quickly. With springtime around the corner, it will be very hungry and come our looking for food. It will bit WARM things that will inlcude you, your wife and children.

I would suggest you get a snake stick.

Check out this website and happy hunting!
(I suggest the tongs, not the hook!)

Offline Sirgod

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2006, 10:14:37 pm »
Indy, Dracho lives not too far from me here in Oklahoma, and of course, I'll be up there in a heartbeat for him and His.

The only snake  I worry about is Copperheads, and of course Rattlesnakes.  But Then again, If It's  a problem at a homestead, I'll be there.
Stephen still watching his friends back when it comes to a toxic snake.
"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

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Re: IndyShark, another Snake question...
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2006, 09:08:35 am »
I live 8 miles west of Tulsa, OK in the Osage Hills (very rocky).  I know we have:  Missouri Copperheads, Osage Copperheads, Prarie Rattlers, King Snakes, Black Rat Snakes, and Water Snakes (the non-poisonous kind).  I live on 3 acres where I grow rocks, so the snakes generally don't get up close to the house, but I've killed Missouri Copperheads in my garage, and the one king snake tried to come into the house.

The black snakes have burrowed under the slab.

I'm selling the place on 6-28 though, and moving over near Lake Keystone in Cleveland, OK. The bigger nuisance at my house are the scorpions and brown recluses (and occasional black widow).  We also have tarantulas, but they don't bother me.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz