I'm working on a personal mode of mine which is very similar to 4.0 and SFB. Right now, my fighters in my mod have weapons loadouts similar to SFB and there speeds vary from 6 to 15 (depending on generation). I've notice that 4.0 fighter Squadron numbers have usually less fighters then what SFB has for there Fighter Squadrons. For example, an SFB Carrier will usually have a standard number of Fighters per squadron at about 12, while 4.0 Fighter Squadrons will usually have about 2/3 of that number (in this case, about 8 ).
I was wonder if the reason why the numbers in 4.0 are 2/3 of that in SFB is because you are limited to only 2/3 numbers for Interceptors/PF's aswell. OP will only allow 4 PF's Maximum per PFT, while SFB has usually 6 PF's per PFT. Is this part of the reason why Fighters are reduced in numbers in 4.0? I have Fighters at the same levels at SFB squadrons and wondering if reducing them by 2/3 (much like Interceptors/PF's are reduced to 2/2) as a better way to get balace out of your mode.