Hey all,
I was wondering if anyone could help me by telling me which textures (fx0, fx1, etc.) go with what weapons, and if there is some kind of cache file that you need to delete after you edit some textures, to get the new textures to show in the game.
Reason I'm asking is I want to re-texture some of the weapons (obviously

) so I tried editing the "poloron torpedo". So I edited the "poloron-torpedo.bmp" ( just mearly changed the color) but it didn't change in the game, still the same as it was before I edited the .bmp file.
Also, I was wondering, is it possible make new weapons and add them to the game, if so what files need to be modified. For example, on the show, the Romulans have a pulse-style disruptor similar to the Klingon Pusle-style disruptor, but not in the game, as you all know, they only have beam-style disruptors, I would like to add a pusle-style disruptor for the Romulans. (That can be selected and upgraded in the single player campaign and conquest)
And also some other weapons modifications, but anyway, is any of this possible?? Even if it's not, I still want to edit some of the weapons textures but they dont seem to show in the game, that is, of course unless I'm editing the wrong texture files.
One final question, what is the name of the texture file that has the shield bars in it. (the ones that appear around your ship on 3D sceen) I would really like to get rid of them since you already have a shield strength reading on the UI overlay.