Whew!!! Took me a couple of days to remember how to map and apply textures...let alone do the textures, lol.
Here's a shot of what I have for the neck so far...starting to come backto me but if you have a suggestion, PLEASE send me a message explaining how to do it...I've forgotten alot...took me an hour to figure out how to map the dang thing...kept getting the wrong texture applied.
Anyway, here's a look at where I'm at...hard to believe that a year ago I could have had it done in a couple of days, rather than taking that long to do one little thing...but at least I'm trying to finish her, and I hope y'all wont be too hard on me...this is my therapy and if I get too much bs I'll probably chuck it all, lol.
Seriously though, if you have a suggestion, I would really like a pm telling me how to do it...if your not a modeler or texturer, please feel free to make suggestions, but realize I might not take the advice...individual art interpretation and all that.