Topic: ? about extra races in SFC OP  (Read 1678 times)

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? about extra races in SFC OP
« on: March 14, 2006, 12:22:10 pm »
I wanted to get some feedback on which are the best mods to load that add extra races into the Orion Cartel slots.  I am only looking to use these in multiplayer style combat and am not concerned with scenarios or the like.

Rather than have to play test a bunch I was hoping you long time experienced folks could help out.

-Galaxies At War, I hear it adds Tholian, Andro, and others,...

-Chris Jones TNG, did that add races, which ones ?

-Others I have not heard of ?

-I am familiar with UAW, so do not include that one in this thread.

I would like to keep using the OP 4+ shiplist with just extra races added into the Orion slots, will these mods overwrite the other races like Fed with a new shiplist, or will it retain firesouls shiplist ?

Are there any issues I need to be aware of, are all stable and do not cause crashes ?

Thanks for any and all detailed input


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Offline Skaren

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2006, 12:35:58 pm »
I just noticed the TNG mod is not for OP. 

And Galaxies at war is only for SFC III  ???

Besides UAW there has to be something for OP right ?

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2006, 06:04:33 pm »
SFB-OP!  ;)

F- Federation
K- Klingon
R- Romulan
Z- Kzinti
L- Lyran
G- Gorn
H- Hydran
C- LDR (Camboro)
A- Andromedan (Prime)
W- WYN (WyldeFire)
X- Orion (Orion)
Y- Tholian/Neo-Tholian (Korgath)
B- BeastRaiders (Juggernaught, Space Dragon)

S- Syndicate (Non-Player Ftr donor)
T- TigerHeart (Non-Player PF donor) (full mod) (shiplist only)

Uses donated PFs and Fighters for all races, donated by the Tigerheart and Syndicate Cartels, warp doubling is disabled.

Historical threads:,163148069.0.html,163273785.0.html,163348147.0.html

I also started an Orion Enclave mod once but havent looked at it in ages:,163349591.msg1122486577.html#msg1122486577

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2006, 08:15:42 am »
Thank you much Bonk,..

I am guessing this is the only one out there?

I just wish someone had the Borg and or Dominion included,..

I like UAW but for campaign purposes the super heavy powered ships seem to unbalence things, at least in my play testing.
Maybe I can try early era UAW and play test that.

Again thanks

Bonk one more ?  Does this mod change the OP 4.0 ship lineup in regular races at all, like Klingon ?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2006, 10:07:02 am by skaren »

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2006, 12:27:06 pm »
Bonk one more ?  Does this mod change the OP 4.0 ship lineup in regular races at all, like Klingon ?

Yes it does, it is not the same as OP+ for the regular empire slots, though is probably pretty similar. The shiplist it is based on (Gman's SFB-OP) predates OP+ and the ships are in general truer to SFB than OP+.

The OP+ mandate:
"Let's add what's missing from SFB. .. but let's do it as if we were Taldren so that we can preserve the good feel of the game. Its style must match Taldren's, as if it was an extension and continuation of their work."

SFB-OP does not place this restriction on itself, though is not as complete as OP+ and has not received as much debugging attention.

There are some other pretty complete mods out there, I know Rod ONeal was working on one in the past...

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2006, 03:01:04 pm »
Hey Bonk I installed the mod below that you linked to and suggested for new races,..... but am thinking that is the stock OP 4.0 mod you linked me to,... (full mod)  ......See your previous message below,..

Nothing happened and everything was the same.

Isn't the mod you were talking about the SGO5  ?  I think you may have linked me to the the regular OP 4.0+ mod no ?

I will try again, with the SGO5 that I downloaded today..  PS the downloads site here is pretty cool, lots to explore and F up my computer with  :) 

Thanks for the continued advice

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Offline Bonk

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2006, 03:27:41 pm »
Hey Bonk I installed the mod below that you linked to and suggested for new races,..... but am thinking that is the stock OP 4.0 mod you linked me to,... (full mod)  ......See your previous message below,..

Nothing happened and everything was the same.

Isn't the mod you were talking about the SGO5  ?  I think you may have linked me to the the regular OP 4.0+ mod no ?

I will try again, with the SGO5 that I downloaded today..  PS the downloads site here is pretty cool, lots to explore and F up my computer with  :) 

Thanks for the continued advice

That should not be... That is SFB_OP linked not OP+4... where did you install it to? Did you accept the default installation folder which is your detected OP installation or did you change it? Are you running multiple installs of OP?

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2006, 03:35:54 pm »
Yes I have multiple folders and installed into the folder of choosing that had a stock SFB OP 4.0.   I used the .exe in that folder to start the game.  I will try it on another machine with just one install/folder of the game.

I fired up the game and nothing had changed.

I noticed the link you gave me is 45 MB  is that the correct size for that mod,.. the name also looked similar to magnums 4.0

Like I say I will try it again.

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Offline Bonk

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Re: ? about extra races in SFC OP
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2006, 03:51:49 pm »
45 MB is the correct size. Sounds like you got your install folders crossed somehow. Its simplest to let it install to the OP folder it detects and run OP from there. It will back up your current shiplists and files, so just uninstall it when done playing it and it will restore them.