8.00 Morning sauna
- Drinking beer and random grunting.
- Shortly going through the weeks cursewords.
9.00 Morning workout
- A short walk in the woods without shoes.
- Pissing around in the wilderness
- Armwrestling and vodka
- Throwing stones at things.
- Driving around pointlessly.
10.00 Conjuration of spirit
- More vodka
- Boasting 101
- Wrestling behind the sauna
11.00 Workout
- Creative destruction of public property.
11.30 Lunch
- Sausages, peasoup and beer.
- Some vegetables so that you can fling them at your friends.
- Schnaps
12.00 "Siesta"
- Fall asleep somewhere with your boots on
- Boasting about your military career
- Listening to old war marches
- Shouting racist remarks and/or coming up with new ones
- Wank and sleep
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who ignores all above and goes for a drink behind the corner.
12.45 Working time
- Plough a stone somewhere
- Drinking beer
- Boasting about how hard we work
- Plough the stone back
- Vodka
13.30 Hobbyism
- Sharpening of the sticks you'll fry your sausages on for the evening,
because the knives will be taken away at 17.00.
- Finetuning of your wooden clubs and/or slingshots.
14.30 Activity
- Wander around the town while scaring the townsfolk.
15.00 Activity II
- Screaming at your wives and/or girlfriends
15.30 Activity III
- Trying to get some from random chicks.
- Return to the camp without getting any
- Pondering wether that chick with the big tits would have actually given some,
had Mackie not shown her his sausage.
- Screaming at your wives and/or girlfriends
- Lie about your experiences with girls that your friends have lied to you about. Repeat.
17.00 Dinner
- Sausages and peasoup.
- Mustard
- Beer and vodka
18.00 Evening Activity
- Blow up something
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who again is somewhere drinking something he propably shouldnt.
18.30 Warming up the sauna
- Everyone takes a turn at telling how to get the best steams and then fight about it
- Vodka and running around naked and/or swimming.
- Secretly take peeks at everyone to see how has the longest schlong.
- Beer and vodka
19.00 Pubbing time
- Everyone tries to pick a fight with anyone.
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who passed out earlier and now is locked and sleeping in the trunk.
20.00 Bonfire setup
- vodka
- Screaming at your wives and/or girlfriends
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who has been forgotten in the trunk.
21.00 Sausage time
- Drag Mackie out of the trunk to sober up a bit.
- Fry sausages.
- Boasting about who fried the best sausage
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who at this point is so drunk that he barely can keep from burning himself up.
22.00 Evening activity II and singing
- Finnish warmarches.
- German warmarches.
- Go get some from your wives and/or girlfriends and apologize for the earlier
- Except ofcourse Mackie, who is puking behind the corner.
23.30 Last deeds
- Pissing down the fire
- Everyone are everyones best buddies
- Crawling back to camps.
- Fall asleep somewhere halfway home with your boots on
- Well... Except ofcourse Mackie, who is nowhere to be seen but thought to be somewhere in the neighborhood... along with the rest of the alcy.
Yes. Im Bored