Greetings to the Modelling Community at large! I am Jaeih, and I have a request to make of you able-bodied (computered?) ship-builders.
Despite MP's data in a different thread (thanks, MP), I've been unable to track down the ships I'd like, so I'm putting out the call again for anyone who has these ships or who would build them for me. Now, as you look at the schematics, I know you'll think,
"there's one already like that", or
"why don't you just use this
one." Forgive me for being a perfectionist, but
these are the ones I want, exactly as they are. Everyone loves doing minor variations on
Constitutions, so please humour me. *smile*
If you could find the time within your hectic lives, could someone please build me this ship:
Daran-class Fast Frigate (NCD):
Let me know here if you can do this, and if you have WIPs feel free to post them here. I am most eager to see any you might make. Thanks in advance for any effort you make on my behalf.