Topic: Could Someone Build Me This Ship, Please? - Two  (Read 3478 times)

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Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Could Someone Build Me This Ship, Please? - Two
« on: March 11, 2006, 05:12:10 pm »
Despite MP's data in a different thread (thanks, MP), I've been unable to track down the ships I'd like, so I'm putting out the call again for anyone who has these ships or who would build them for me. Now, as you look at the schematics, I know you'll think, "there's one already like that", or "why don't you just use this one." Forgive me for being a perfectionist, but these are the ones I want, exactly as they are. Everyone loves doing minor variations on Constitutions, so please humour me. *smile*

I would like someone to build me this ship:

Amerind-class Long-Range Scout (SC):

Since this ship doesn't have a name or registry, I'd like to request you make her the USS Iroquois NCC-2167.

Let me know here if you can do this, and if you have WIPs feel free to post them here. I am most eager to see any you might make.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2006, 02:50:13 pm by Jaeih t`Radaik »
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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2006, 05:30:41 pm »
I like it.

We'll think of it as the forerunner to the Centaur.
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Offline Starforce2

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2006, 07:11:21 pm »
bussards look dumb but the rest looks cool. Someone build this lol

Offline Major A Payne

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2006, 03:09:28 am »
Do you know something. Despite my re-reading both these threads I can't for the life of me find the words "please" and/or "thankyou" anywhere. Now forgive me if I may be blind but IIRC those who "want" never get what their after. I would suggest you learn to do it yourself or make the request primarily with the word "please".

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2006, 06:16:36 am »
Well, I for one am happy he posted the designs, (as a request or otherwise) we've got 2 ships here, made from connie parts, that aint been done yet (or in multiples of 10). You wont find me being an ungrateful chum. To hell with the grammar police.

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2006, 08:39:15 am »
I actually see where Major Payne is coming from, but I will not get into detail about that, since this is not the place for such discussions. 

As to this ship and the other ship posted.  I certainly would like for these ships to be made, and personally, I feel that at least this particular ship in this thread shouldn't be bashed from other ships, at least not completely.  In the case of this ship, perhaps the engines should be made from scratch, as well as the pylons and pretty much everything except the saucer.  That's just me. 

If I could mesh worth a damn, I'd build her already, and if I hadn't lost my muse for bashing Connies, I would have bashed the other one already too. 

And as I look at the design for these engines, I think to myself more and more that if these engines had been available long time ago, they would have either become the engines for my Resurrection or maybe even become the engines for my Anubis.  Maybe if these engines are built, and with very accurate detail, maybe I can use these engines for a Mirror Universe Anubis I've been thinking about doing. 
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Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2006, 11:11:04 am »
Major Payne:

Please forgive the rather abrupt nature of the post (and the subsequent snarky nature of this one), but if you'd actually read any of my half-dozen or so (I forget just how many times I've asked) earlier posts regarding a request for these exact same ships, I "pretty please"-d and "with cherries on top"-ped them to death.

I still got no response other than links to search sites and people to contact, which I gratefully received and searched and contacted. Many searches and no replies later, here I am again.

As I told Starforce2 in my request for the Youngblood post, I have put out the call many times for these ships, and ModelsPlease has been able to supply some good links to sites I've grabbed other ships I liked from. I still haven't found the ones I'd like to have.

So forgive me if my usually-impeccable manners have slipped slightly, the repetitions must have numbed me a bit. As for the tone of these posts themselves, it's not like I was demanding your first-born if I didn't get what I "wanted".

And since you couldn't find the words "please" or "thank-you" anywhere, I suggest that you try just one more re-read, please.

Or, just in case you don't, I'll point it out to you. "Thank you", I'll grant,  even though it is in there. Since I've been searching so long (over a year) with no results, I'll say that when I finally see a model. Though, if you check my earlier posts about this, I've said thank you numerous times, in hopeful expectation of seeing what I want.

Despite MP's data in a different thread (thanks, MP), I've been unable to track down the ships I'd like...

Everyone loves doing minor variations on Constitutions, so please humour me.

If you feel the need, just search my name for posts on this Models thread, and you'll see how many and when I've already asked nicely. I'd again like to point out that I didn't ask rudely here, either.

Edit: On second thoughts I'll give you proof so you don't have to go loking for it. Here's the re-post that I did from a week or so ago:,163364687.msg1122683252.html#msg1122683252

If your sense of semantical justice has been done, Major Payne, I'll thank you to please consider my request.

Now for everyone else who didn't get their panties in a bunch, how goes the battle? I have to say I'm not keen on the Bussard Collectors on these nacelles myself, and would prefer to have them as standard Miranda-style nacelles too.

Let me know how you get on.

I am, as ever,
« Last Edit: March 12, 2006, 11:30:39 am by Jaeih t`Radaik »
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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2006, 11:18:05 am »
As I said before, I like the nacelles.  They should be made, and I'm hoping someone does make them, and not just simply bash or tweak existing Refit Connie engines, since in my opinions certain things can most obviously be identified as a bash.  Again, my opinion.

And the engines used on the Miranda class are the same engines used on the Constitution Refit. 
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Offline Major A Payne

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2006, 02:00:38 am »
Well if you did already make requests for these ships previously then I've not seen them. However, I still stand by my previous statement. Why not learn to model and try to do them yourself?? That way you know they'll be EXACTLY as you want them, and not as another modeller would envisage them. Also what if another modeller were to make a close approximation of one of these designs, that wasn't 100% exact?? How exactly would you react (knowing that said modeller would have taken their own personal time and patience to create such ship/ships)??

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2006, 08:50:35 am »
Payne, I did try modelling myself. That self-same ModelsPlease (what a guy!) directed me to Milkshape and Wings with startup instructions. I DLed them, tried my hand at them and, after many frustrating and fruitless hours, decided that my admiration for the model-builders had just increased by orders of magnitude. I can't seem to get the hang of it and right now I don't have the time in my hectic life to be getting on with my RL activities, writing, researching that writing, and devoting my time to learning a new trade such as 3D-modelling. I rarely play the game anymore except for screenshots of the ships I have in my stories.

This is, of course, my own choice of placing my own priorities, but I had thought that this forum was a place where I could come and make a request for a new ship. I made many such requests, but this time I just wasn't giving up after lack of interest. The post you declaimed was a third-generation copy-and-paste with only the salient technical points of the originals contained within. Had I wrote an entirely new post my usual courtesy would have been in evidence, as you can no doubt see from the link to my 2nd-generation cut-and-paste post.

Now, as for another modeller's "close approximation" of this ship that they "envisage"-d, what part of my request was unclear? These pictures are not an abtract image like Data's picture of that Klingon battle he did for Worf's birthday. These are schematics! I requested that whatever modeller generously gives of their time to try this for me that they do it as it is there. Seeing the detail level on the 'In The Mirror, Darkly' USS Defiant on Battleclinic, an absolutely stunning model which I now have and treasure, something like this should be a similar investment. Any modeller who takes pride in their work, as I do with my writing, wouldn't release something shoddy.

Knowing what it is to have something of quality requested of me, the research, time and effort put into one of these items, if someone actually does build any of the ships I request, I am not going to have a screaming hissy-fit and throw it back in their faces. If the ship is not exactly as I requested it, I will praise the builder for going even that far for me, and respectfully request of them if it wouldn't be too much trouble to tweak this or that aspect of the model. I would name a character on my next story after them if they wanted and have the website I'm on link to whatever site they have up. I may even dedicate my next story to them.

You seem to have created a rather unfavourable impression of me on very little data, Payne, seemingly from the fact I used "want" in the post's subject heading. Come visit the Fan Fic Forum and see me in my natural habitat. You'll see I'm no shrew.
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Offline Major A Payne

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2006, 11:44:11 am »
....and the saying that "you should be thankful for what you get" springs straight to mind. So you say you have RL issues which take priority. Don't we all?? I work nights, have a family etc.etc. and I still take the time to learn these things, so I can do them myself. Do you realise the amount of people who have made these sorts of requests before and when its been suggested that they try their hand, they have, and while the early results haven't been overly brilliant, it takes time and patience to learn these things. If your not willing to take the time to try it, then why should someone else do this (considering that there are hundreds, if not thousands of other people who made requests well in advance of your own (and thats not a directed question).

Also please don't make me out to be stupid. I'm fully aware of your posting content, and as such if I were to build one of these, I would be inclined to do it MY way, and not how you "want it". If you didn't like it then whilst thats your perogative its also mine to simply say "to bad". Get what I'm trying to say now??

Unfavourable impression?? Seems like I never once mentioned that or even suggested it in any way, shape or form. As for your "fan forum". Theres something that would put me of this straight away. I've seen to many designs "aquired" without little thought for the original creator of the work (no matter how nice the person who made the original request has seemed).

My bottom line for my original post may seem that I was looking to "pick a fight" so to speak, but its more to point out that when you make a request you need to be more diplomatic about it. Although you've posted previously and gotten no response surely that would have told you that you weren't likely to get anywhere at the time, and looking over the current set of posts you've made your reply results have been basically the same.

On a final note, and as a suggestion, have you tried making a personal PM to one or two of the actual modellers, or open up some sort of personal dialogue via other means?? Maybe try other forums instead of just this one (AFC, BCU, SFM etc.etc)??

Still, as an afterthought, its your choice to post what you will.

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2006, 01:05:48 pm »
I actually see where Major Payne is coming from, but I will not get into detail about that, since this is not the place for such discussions. 

As to this ship and the other ship posted.  I certainly would like for these ships to be made, and personally, I feel that at least this particular ship in this thread shouldn't be bashed from other ships, at least not completely.  In the case of this ship, perhaps the engines should be made from scratch, as well as the pylons and pretty much everything except the saucer.  That's just me. 

If I could mesh worth a damn, I'd build her already, and if I hadn't lost my muse for bashing Connies, I would have bashed the other one already too. 

And as I look at the design for these engines, I think to myself more and more that if these engines had been available long time ago, they would have either become the engines for my Resurrection or maybe even become the engines for my Anubis.  Maybe if these engines are built, and with very accurate detail, maybe I can use these engines for a Mirror Universe Anubis I've been thinking about doing. 

Accurate detail ? There's a box over the bussard intake area (mesh term lol). I have the parts to do are fairly close bash to that pic. I'm just burnt out on bashing right now.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

Offline Major A Payne

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2006, 02:08:53 pm »
MP. I think you should use a new nickname "Mr Bash" springs to ming, lol.

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2006, 02:37:29 pm »

 I'm just burnt out on bashing right now.

LMAO as well you should be  with what, 40 some odd bashes in the past 3 months lol

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2006, 02:41:25 pm »
Admittedly, Payne, we all have our priorities. As I said, mine is writing, yours is modelling, and we fit it in around RL as best we can. Since I've decided I'm not modelling these myself, I do have to accept that others will (or may not, their choice) have to make this for me. As such, I am pretty much resigned to standing to until either someone else decides they want to try these models, or I decide to put a lot of effort into learning modelling myself. Though, your comment about how you'd build them the way you wanted to means you wouldn't be doing it for me, but for yourself.

I do take and completely agree with your original point about being polite to the people you are making a request of. Like you said, it's only nice and courtesy costs nothing. I just think you took the wrong impression from my post, though I admit I could have reiterated my Ps and Qs.

I did take from your bottom line that you were looking to pick a fight, which is why we're having one. *grin* Now that we've marked our relative positions in the sand, I think we're done here.

As I said earlier, I did try and PM the people MP suggested to me, but I don't know too many modellers myself and only tried a few. Maybe I'll try a few more. I don't know of any other modelling forums, so could you tell me what/where "AFC, BCU, SFM" are?

This (the Dynaverse) is the only forum I hang out in, and I ony rarely move outside of the Fan Fic Forum where I post my stories. If I could get these models from someone else, any help given to reach them would be gratefully received.

Also, you seem to have taken the wrong meaning of my "fan forum". It;s not mine, it has nothing to do with modelling. It is the Dynaverse's very own Starfleet Command Fan Fiction Forum. We write stories there. It has nothingto do with ripping off honest modellers from the credit they richly deserve for creating these ships. I thoroughly appreciate the builders of all the models I use in my screen shots, as they are enriching my own gameplaying/story-telling experiences. We even have a credit to them in the Disclaimer on our site. When I say "our site", I am referring to, which is a site hosted by my friend for all sorts of trek-related stories and data. It his nothing to do with hosting models, uncredited or otherwise.

Anyway, as I said, any help in getting these models professionally created for me by people who love doing what they're doing would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: I Want This Ship - Two
« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2006, 01:15:15 am »
I actually see where Major Payne is coming from, but I will not get into detail about that, since this is not the place for such discussions. 

As to this ship and the other ship posted.  I certainly would like for these ships to be made, and personally, I feel that at least this particular ship in this thread shouldn't be bashed from other ships, at least not completely.  In the case of this ship, perhaps the engines should be made from scratch, as well as the pylons and pretty much everything except the saucer.  That's just me. 

If I could mesh worth a damn, I'd build her already, and if I hadn't lost my muse for bashing Connies, I would have bashed the other one already too. 

And as I look at the design for these engines, I think to myself more and more that if these engines had been available long time ago, they would have either become the engines for my Resurrection or maybe even become the engines for my Anubis.  Maybe if these engines are built, and with very accurate detail, maybe I can use these engines for a Mirror Universe Anubis I've been thinking about doing. 

Accurate detail ? There's a box over the bussard intake area (mesh term lol). I have the parts to do are fairly close bash to that pic. I'm just burnt out on bashing right now.

Bashing parts has never been a very good way of reproducing something, unless it's a simple bash.  In the case of these warp nacelles, I personally feel that no matter how good of a basher you are, the end result will be far below par.  That's why I felt these engines should be built from scratch, made from scratch.
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Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: Could Someone Build Me This Ship, Please? - Two
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2006, 08:56:39 am »
Bump for Kinghippo.

King, I'd love to see this ship in my game, as well as a few others which I'll bump for you.
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Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Could Someone Build Me This Ship, Please? - Two
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2006, 03:34:50 pm »
i might give the mesh a try... :D

Always had a soft spot for the centaur :D
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.

Offline Jaeih t`Radaik

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Re: Could Someone Build Me This Ship, Please? - Two
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2006, 04:23:41 pm »
Thanks, Omega! I'd love to see this ship in game. Gives me 3D pics for my stories. Feel free to post any WIPs in this thread, and I look forward to seeing whatever you come up with.
"I'm just observing. You know, making observations."
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Paris and Rory, from "The Gilmore Girls."

Offline F9th0mega

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Re: Could Someone Build Me This Ship, Please? - Two
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2006, 09:27:07 pm »
Working on it right now, just working on the weapons/sensor probe pod :D

[edit] eek its more like the centaur than it should be 0_0 :lol: wait... other way around :lol:
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.