I've decided to finally leave this wonderful game, and this great community.
I'm not coming back. It's over. I've uninstalled the game, and am moving to other activities for my recreation. I've been playing this game since Fall of 1999, and I still am amazed that the ride was as long as it was.
Some special thanks:
To my comrades in the Klingon Black Fleet: Brothers, I am honored to have known each and every one of you. Your skill, bravery, comradeship, and determination are legendary. I am honored and fortunate to have been associated with a fleet such as this. Through countless Campaigns, we were always contenders, and a mighty force in this game. Hail, and well met to you all!
To my comrades in the Klingon House of Hy'Kull: Brothers, thank you fror welcoming me into your house for play on GamerZ. I enjoyed those matches more than any other OP event, and your tactics and teamwork took my playing skill to another level. I learned much from you, and enjoyed your passion for this game. You are my OTHER Klingon Brothers.
To my SETI Pals: I enjoyed the weekly updates, and had a blast getting my array to near the top of the standings in our group.
To all the people I flew with: Thanks for the fun.
To all the people I flew against: Thank you for being worthy opponents. I always enjoyed a good battle! I especially enjoyed the "Sink the Mazeppa" effort one long night when I was flying ISC.
Special To the SSCF: I always admired your leadership for your organization, passion, skill, and web sites. I was honored to know the SSCF since the old days on HEAT playing Starfleet Academy, and was happy to see a class act make the jump to the SFC universe.
For my Starlance Buddies: What fun that was! Through all the whining about camping and other silly stuff, there were some really intense battles there. A special shout-out to my former fleetmates from the House of Zakath and the Ministry of Kahless.
To the proponents of the Magic Photon:

To all those who sent me good wishes in 2003 when I had cancer: Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I was at stage 3, almost stage 4, and my doctors kept giving me bleak survival rates. I drew much strength from your support. This game, and this community kept me sane when times were bleak. Today, I am at the three year cancer-free mark, and it looks very much like I'm cured.
This has been a good game, and a good community. Thanks so much to all who labor to run the servers, the message boards, and most of all, the players, who make the Dynaverse a great experience.