Topic: USS Northampton Released!!!  (Read 1609 times)

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USS Northampton Released!!!
« on: March 13, 2003, 02:09:07 am »
Ok, she's done and available for download at my site. Thanks to P81 for allowing me to butcher his work.




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Re: USS Northampton Released!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2003, 02:35:18 am »
WOO-HOOO!!! YAY!!! Splendid work!!


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Re: USS Northampton Released!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2003, 08:11:14 am »
Woo Hoo!



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Re: USS Northampton Released!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2003, 05:54:29 pm »
WOO!! HOO!!..... this seems to be the way to respond.....

Your retexture is stunning...... I only have one small complaint...... It's a 45meg model, WAY to big for my humble system so hopefully you wont mind if I reduce the colour depth down to 256 colour (you dont lose anything) and possibly resample the textures down to 512x512, though I will thoroughly test it in game with the big textures...... Hope thats ok with you...

Keep up the good work......  


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Re: USS Northampton Released!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2003, 07:15:26 pm »
Looks good dude. Glad to see you turning out ships again.  


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Re: USS Northampton Released!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2003, 12:37:00 pm »

WOO!! HOO!!..... this seems to be the way to respond.....

Your retexture is stunning...... I only have one small complaint...... It's a 45meg model, WAY to big for my humble system so hopefully you wont mind if I reduce the colour depth down to 256 colour (you dont lose anything) and possibly resample the textures down to 512x512, though I will thoroughly test it in game with the big textures...... Hope thats ok with you...

Keep up the good work......    

Sorry about that.
You may make any modification you like for you own use. You may also make any modification you like to any of my work and release it. The latter permission is obviously with the caveat that you contact the other authors listed in the readme.txt.
Maybe I should publish a blanket "OK" for modding my stuff on my site somewhere.

The way I look at is this: How can I get upset about someone messing with my stuff when anything I've done is really me messing with someone else's work. lol
If Atrahasis, P81, Moon and Knox weren't cool enough to let me mess with their work, I wouldn't be able to make any contribution to the community at all. Hell, the only "original" work on my site is the Daedalus........wait a minute.....Nope I just did the textures on that. Sandman (Mr. Sanders) did the mesh.
See what I mean? I'm sort of a leech sucking on the excellent work of other's.

As for the LOD stuff, I thought about making one with the same mesh since it's only 1600 or so polys. It would have 256x256 textures with a reduced color depth. This particular model got out of hand because I remapped a bunch of stuff and added new textures. This was so I could have different textures on the top and bottom of various parts of the model. You'll notice these differences if you do a point by point comparison of my new textures and P81's original textures. I admit I got a bit carried away with the whole project. But it was fun.

Anybody know the max number of textures that a model can have (including all the LOD's) and still work in the SFC:EAW SFC:OP game engine? I was worried that if I put all the extra textures in for the LOD that I'd go over the limit.

Hope everyone is enjoying this. My apologies for the slow download. The Nightsoft server can be a bit funny at times, but it's a place to call home. Raven has been most cool by hosting me and a multitude of others.




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Re: USS Northampton Released!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2003, 01:17:22 pm »

Leech away!

If it wasn't for Newton, Einstein, Bohr, where would Heisenberg and Schroedinger be?

Y'ain't so bad y'self.