Ack! not redhat! Anything but redhat!

Its as bad as windows in my opinion. I predict IBM cancelling redhat contracts in the future...

Edit: redhat is not even Linux... it is something different altogether.
In general, the more popular an OS becomes the more it tries to satisfy everyone with one click installs and driver compatibilities for half-arsed cheapy hardware... this leads to bloat and eventual self-destruction.
If your hardware is not on the FreeBSD hardware compatibility list, then stop being so darn cheap and by some real gear! redhat user: typical consumer goes out and buys cheapest machine that supposedly meets the stats of current standards (neglecting to be aware of chip caches and the like - software modems are a classsic example) User wants an OS that will run on said cheapy hardware. User is limited to Windows and Redhat which make concessions to this cheap and nasty hardware... that ultimately degrade the stability and performance of the OS...

If the machine won't run FreeBSD or QNX I wont buy it. If the retailer or distributer cannot tell me that it will, I will not but it. Thus I build all my own machines with real brand-name hardware components. Thus I can run real OSs.
sigh... you'd think IBM would know better...