SFC: F&E will be a turn based game where the battles will be fought using GSA or TCP/IP.
If you are interested in playing, here are some details as to what will be going on....
Initially we will have 2 playable sides, the Alliance and the Coalition.
The Alliance will consist of the Federation, the Kzinti Empire, the Gorn Confederation, and the Hydran Kingdom.
The Coalition will have the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Empire, and the Lyran Empire.
The game will start with F&E fleets and run on a modified F&E ruleset.
Both sides will have an overall supreme commander and a commander for each race. These positions will be elected and filled by the consent of their team.
The race commanders will be responsible for filing ship movement & economic reports (how detail the economics will get hasn't been decided yet)
Tenatively, I am planning on getting 3 turns done per 2 months.
But a lot of that will be determined by YOU, the players, getting the admins the information needed to process the next turn.
This means getting the turn reports to the admin and getting any battles resolved as quickly as possible.
At most, 5 pilots per side will be needed for any one battle. (that assumes really long odds)
Also if we do get a good amount of pilots, I insist that a 'rotation' list of some sort is made up and used by the supreme commanders so everyone gets a chance to fly.
So if you are interested in a game where EVERY battle counts and EVERY ship loss truly hurts your race, this just may be the game for you!
Please sign up & mark which side you will be on, and let the battles begin! (well, ok, let the battles begin after we hash out the rules!
