I am not sure that will work.
Either there needs to be no AI ship ever in the game
Or we need to teach the AI to record its power level 
I vote option A. 
get ready for some very long waits to get enough players from each side on at the same time to get all the battles done...
and get ready for some very long nights trying to get all the battles done becuase of the above....
Get rteady for people to drop off the face of the earth because of the above...
Get ready for a shortage of racial pilots to get all the battles done becuase of the above...
and get ready for the bickering to start over battle results because ships werent flown by racial specialists, because of the above...
or that no one want to fights certain battles when it becomes clear it will be an uneven route...
Having played through a couple of these (at least to the point where everyone quits in disgust)....I swear there there will be a time just a few empire moves into the game...when almost a hundred battles will need to be resolved (when you factor in breaking down a battle to eliminate AI)...and some of these battles might last an hour even...
Breaking down a fleet for a starbase battle wont simulate the fire power of the massed fleet...or allow multiple massed human defenders....etc..
Then....some one needs to document all this stuff in some type of readable manner....and either post a ton of info..or work on the PBEM map for an hour...or both...
And...IIRC..there is no way to enter a GSA battle with partial damage to specific systems to keep previous battle damage effects meaningful...
NTDN came up with a script to do just that, and produce a log....but it was for SFC1 IIRC....the DV2 really negated a need for Shadow to finnish SFCC....
Everyone needs to be aware....
This type of campaign doesnt mesh well with DV style of play....
There will be a
lot of waiting around....
waiting for empire moves.....waiting for reaction movement....waiting to pick a night to battle.....waiting around for someone to fight....waiting for other battles to get done....waiting for results to be posted.......
And that's just one turn...
What we really need is a way to automate all of this stuff.....a way to click one hex in a DV/Cyberboard style map, enter the battle with the appropriate ships ...and a way to launch that mission,get the map to recognize what portion of the battle is being played.....lock out those ship tiles on the map....and await the battle results and update the map...
And do this all on some kind of server.....
We toy'd with the idea of just running a DV campiagn with free movement,players with all the cash they need(PP has no meaning in this game)....and run an account for each battle group....3 accounts would be 3 players with 9 ships....
When a battle is to be played....players log in and use the ship designations as a sign in....the admin can then edit the accounts if need be...
This lets the server track and apply battle damage....supplys a chat interface....allows for game launch....but doesnt display ship tiles
In my case I would beep a cyberboard stuff on my laptop and use that for my reference map....
All the players would really need to do in log in ...hook up and play the battles....and only be allowed to repair a ship if it has been done on cyberboard...
The best way though would be to come up with a new type of server , a marraige of Cyberboard and an SQL server me thinks...