Topic: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2  (Read 5313 times)

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SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« on: March 07, 2006, 07:46:47 am »

What do we want to use?

Firesoul's (pretty much standard) OP+?

DH's modified shiplist with SFB fighters?

DH's modified shiplist with PF's & Fighters for everyone? (Well, not for the Hydrans ::))

Or some mix of the above? (PF's and fighters for all, but SFC fighters only)
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Offline Skaren

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 08:03:13 am »
I would suggest just OP 4 +

I am not familiar with the other lists and anyone in my position will at a disadvantage if they do not know the in's and out's those lists.  I am sure there are particularly effective items on those lists and not being able to play test everything before the campaign kicks off you will give an edge, no matter how small, to those players who know those lists inside out.

Keep it simple.

I also run my own campaign right now and prefer to keep the ship lists standard on my PC's.  If I am out voted though I would be glad to try the nifty ideal of copying the Taldren folder for this campaign.

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 08:26:03 am »
DH's modified shiplist with SFB fighters.
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 10:03:17 am »
DH's PF and fighter mod. Use the Third Way for the Hydrans.

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 10:22:05 am »
Not having used those ship/ftr lists could you explain why you want them used?

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2006, 11:03:17 am »
fighters are more sfb true
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2006, 12:32:09 pm »
Sounds good, what is the reference to the Hydrans "the third way" mean?

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2006, 12:37:11 pm »
The "Third Way" means use heavy fighters instead of PF's. Even though heavy fighters individually are not as powerful, this works well for the Hydrans for 2 big reasons:

1) Even with the mod, no ship can carry both fighters and PF's. Using heavy fighters means the Hydran can keep his original fighter complement.
2) Hydran PF's suck (mostly because they launch cold).

I would also suggest allowing the Feds to use PF's.

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2006, 01:09:58 pm »
I believe SGO5 used DH's mod.
Manual installation zip files for SGO5:

You might wanna play around with it to see what you think about the DH's work.
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2006, 01:20:26 pm »
I am surprised to see the models are even changed and ship list.

More ships or less ships than OP4 ?

It is hard to go against the pull of experienced players who are suggesting it.

My worry is just that having no skill with it will weaken my ability to outfit a ship with the best fighters or Psuedo ftrs.  Unless I open up the spec list and start looking over the monstrosity of colums of sh*t for each fighter, how am I to know what the heck the name of the fighter means as far a weapons load. 

Hey maybe the crew of people that join this campaign will all be very experienced with years of being on this message board.  My newness, I guess should not change a huge group of gamers.  I am unsure how many newcomers will join vrs you old goats.  That is meant respectfully btw

I will check this stuff out this weekend and

I will adapt  :)


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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2006, 03:58:50 pm »
Gee, which one do you think I'll choose?
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2006, 04:23:47 pm »
I'd say DH's PF & Fighter stuff- definitely
Fed PF's?? Not so sure..
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2006, 04:33:36 pm »

What do we want to use?

Firesoul's (pretty much standard) OP+?

DH's modified shiplist with SFB fighters?

DH's modified shiplist with PF's & Fighters for everyone? (Well, not for the Hydrans ::))

Or some mix of the above? (PF's and fighters for all, but SFC fighters only)

*deposits 2 cents*
I prefer DH's Modified shiplist with the fighters. I like the idea of all races having carriers and fighters like the old SFB style.
I don't even mind the P/Fs for all.
Fighter CnC is a MUST if DH's fighters are used.  ;)
I actually like the CnC rule for all ships, but, that's just me... ;D
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2006, 04:36:38 pm »
I wonder if the LDR built a CJ BCV... now where did I put those books
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2006, 04:43:50 pm »
PF's and Fighters would have a strict CnC per SFB.

Sorry, should have added that originally.

And the PBR rules will be the CnC rule for ships with the command ratings & (command costs) helping to make most fleets 9 ships or smaller.  (can't really imagine someone with a C8 wanting 12 F5's escorting their DN, it would be a nightmare)

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2006, 06:36:34 pm »
I would recommend that no matter what the command rating, no TF can have more than 9 ships(due to gaming issues).

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2006, 06:48:31 pm »
I would recommend that no matter what the command rating, no TF can have more than 9 ships(due to gaming issues).

Pretty much why all fleets will be divided into squads.  That way, 18 ship battles will be broken down into smaller segments but also leave the advantage of bringing a bigger fleet to the battle by using 1 or more additional ships as AI.

Remember, this is simulating a war. And not all is fair in war.... sometimes, you will be outnumbered and may want to retreat.

Of course, sometimes, you may have to fight to preserve an important installation also.
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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2006, 11:26:02 pm »
I am not sure that you can have a complete shiplist discussion without discussing the Order of Battle to be used in the campaign as well as any ship production rules.  I'd be inclined to suggest a fairly simple and restricted OOB and production schedule hopefully making issues of what ships, fighters, or PFs will be available and in what numbers fairly straightforward.    I am not sure we want to go strictly with F&E OOB and production schedules and having never played this game that I actually own I can't really comment on how difficult it will be for the race leaders to make any of the necessary production decisions. 

However, it is my suspicion that the more crafty we allow the race leaders to be in the selection and outfitting of ships. the more we are indulging in the strategic aspects of the campaign and not the simple rewarding gameplay of SFC.  We should take whet we can from what already exists in F&E and other campaigns to make things easier on us and leave out what those systems may have in them that may make things more complicated that we would like.

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2006, 11:45:11 pm »
F&E should be the baseline but it will have to be scaled down by a LOT.

Something like 25% of the F&E schedule or thereabouts.

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Re: SFC: F&E Rule debate #2
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2006, 07:13:31 am »
Aye, so far, if we go with the intial F&E set up we are talking hundreds, if not over a thousand, ships to keep track of and move PER TURN.

Since I don't expect the commanders to throw away ships in battle, I think the numbers will rise from there....

So reducing the amount of ships that can be made will be done just to save my sanity.

On that note, I am also thinking of drasticly reducing or outright eliminating the 'reserve' fleets.
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